Chapter 1150 Egg Burrito
"No, we want to return home quickly..." Huang Xing said, "As long as we get on the boat, we can find our companions."

"Okay, I'll go prepare..." Old Man Xia left in a hurry after finishing speaking.

Huang Xing's plan is to take the waterway. When returning to China, it is actually quite convenient to take the waterway. There is an important waterway on the Indochina Peninsula, called the Meigong River, and on the Huaxia side, it is called the Lancang River.

This river is in the northeast of the country of Mira, and it has a long section. It is the boundary river between the country of Mira and the country of Banner.Moreover, there are many tributaries of this river, as long as you find any one, you can go down to the Meigong River, and then go up against the current, you can go back.

Sha Boxin's forces might block the river, so Huang Xing never planned to take the waterway, but now that Nangong Yueyue has malaria, he must go back as soon as possible, so he can only take the waterway.At worst, if there is a big fight in the Myanmar country, there will be troubles. Anyway, it is the Nangong family who are saving people. Even if it causes a bad international impact, let the Nangong family deal with it.


The so-called carriage is not a luxury four-wheeled carriage with a big head.It is impossible to have horses, there are only relatives of horses - mules.The car was a wooden car, and it seemed that it was usually used to pull goods. Fortunately, the wheels had some shock-absorbing facilities, so it would not be too bumpy when driving on dirt roads.

Huang Xing laid thick mats on the car, then got some branches, tied up a pergola, and covered it with a large piece of gauze, it was like a shed.

After finishing the preparations, he stayed at Old Man Xia's house for another night, allowing Nangong Yueyue to regain some strength. The next day, Huang Xing drove a mule cart with Nangong Yueyue towards the pier thirty miles away. advance.

Nangong Yueyue was still very weak, she could only lean on the side of the carriage, half lying down.She looked at the newly built car shed, and couldn't help but smile sweetly, "Xing Xing, you are really good, you can do everything."

Huang Xing shook his head, "Some things, I still can't, only you women can."

Nangong Yueyue blushed, "I hate it! You are the worst!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Men are not bad and women don't love them."

"That..." Nangong Yueyue whispered, "I'll play for a few years first, and then help you do the things you can't do, okay?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Anyway, I'm still young, so don't worry, let's see when you are interested."

"Oh..." Nangong Yueyue looked at the surrounding dense forest, and said quietly, "It's amazing to think about it. Just a moment ago, I was still in Likun, Huacheng, and then I arrived in Mirao Kingdom in a daze, and fell into the hands of the warlord. I died, but the man I loved the most rescued me again, and then ran away with him... This experience is enough for me to relive for a lifetime."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Look, you lost half your life, what's there to remember."

"It's nothing to lose half your life, it's mainly because you're here, everything is worth it..." Nangong Yueyue moved towards Huang Xing with difficulty, "Huang Xing, you big liar, you started He also said that you are a plumber! Is there a plumber like you?"

"I do know how to repair water and electricity." Huang Xing said seriously, "I didn't lie to you!"

"Liar, you are a liar, liar, liar..." Nangong Yueyue made a grimace and kept talking. Although she called Huang Chen a "liar" on her lips, there was no disgust in her eyes. deep love.

For her, even though she was frightened and seriously ill, her lover came to save her. She felt that she was the princess in distress, and Huang Xing was the prince. The story of the prince rescuing the princess was so romantic. !Nangong Yueyue even wanted to write a romance novel about these things.

Thinking about what was there and what was not, Nangong Yueyue fell asleep in the shaking of the mule cart, while Huang Xing drove the mule, trying to find a smooth road to move forward. The road of more than 30 miles is not long, but with Nangong Yueyue who is seriously ill, Huang Xing drove the mule cart very slowly, and only arrived near the pier at night.

Looking at the dark sky, Huang Xing couldn't help smacking his lips, it's not bad this weather, with no stars and no moon, it's pitch black, it's the most suitable for murder, arson and stealing.

Nangong Yueyue had been sleeping soundly for a long time, and couldn't wake up even if she screamed twice, so Huang Xing rolled up a blanket with Nangong Yueyue, wrapped Nangong Yueyue inside tightly, tied it with a rope, and carried it behind her back.Nangong Yueyue finally woke up, and asked confusedly: "Am I paralyzed, why can't I move?"

Huang Xing was so teased that he really wanted to bully this silly girl right away, he smiled and said: "You are paralyzed, I will take care of you in the future, you can't resist whatever I want to do to you."

"Ah?" Nangong Yueyue was taken aback for a moment, then she understood what was going on, she pouted and said, "Damn it, you lied to me again! Big liar, why did you roll me up? It's like an egg burrito."

"It's convenient to carry you behind your back, don't talk, the pier is ahead, I want to steal the boat."

"Oh...then I'll sleep, it's quite comfortable, hee hee."


After Nangong Yueyue finished speaking, she soon fell asleep again.

Huang Chen secretly sighed, being so lethargic is not a good thing, this shows that Nangong Yueyue's physical condition is very poor, it seems that she needs to return to the country quickly, her body needs to be recuperated.

Don't worry about the mule cart, Huang Chen, old man Xia said that the mule would come back by itself.So he carried Nangong Yueyue on his back and walked to the last section of the pier.

Navigation lights were on on the pier. Under the lights, a silver-white metal wide-body ship was very conspicuous. The wide portholes and neat superstructure all indicated that this was a high-end product. The gray steamboats beside it looked like Like rotten wood.

Tsk tsk tsk... Huang Xing couldn't help but smack his lips, he's lucky, this boat is a yacht, and it's quite new, so it just happened to be cheap for him.The conditions on the boat should be good, suitable for Nangong Yueyue to rest.

He entered the pier quietly, only to see that there was no one on the trestle, not even a night watchman.Huang Xing rolled his eyes, instead of going to the pier, he turned to the lit rooms on the pier.

There are two secret whistles around the room, but the quality is not very good. Both of them fell asleep on the whistle, and one of them was still snoring.

However, this kind of unprofessional spirit allowed them to temporarily save their lives. Huang Xing didn't bother to kill them, so he just took out a silver needle and pricked them on their necks a few times, making them sleep more deeply. They didn't wake up for three days and three nights. Come.

There are two houses on the pier, one of which is a warehouse. After smelling it next to it, Huang Xing knew that there were opium in it, and it should be goods to be transported away.

There were quite a lot of people in the other room, five men sat around a table and yelled and played cards.

After hearing this for a few times, Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. The Chasaijiang that old man Xia said was also there, and he bought that boat newly, so why not give it to my brother and me first.

(End of this chapter)

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