The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1261 Laser Guided Missile

Chapter 1261 Laser Guided Missile

Although they were caught off guard, the quality of these mercenaries is still passable.After the panic at the beginning, they quickly understood, so they all searched for cover to hide, and at the same time used the light weapons in their hands to shoot in the direction of the helicopter.

For these rebels, Huang Xing is not polite, as long as there is a shooting fire, a rocket will immediately pass by.

This kind of feeling that you see me unhappy, but you have nothing to do with me is really cool!

After clearing several targets, no one dared to shoot at the plane again.

"That's cool!" Huang Xing laughed a few times, but quickly frowned, the infrared detector was really bad, facing the raging fire, the detector couldn't find out where the enemy was at all.Like Osborne and Angela before, he could only shoot at suspicious places.

Suddenly, a red light in the cabin flashed, and an alarm sounded from the speakers.

"Warning! Be locked!"

"Warning! Be locked!"

"Warning! Be locked!"

"Damn it! There are missiles!" Huang Xing cursed, and quickly drove the plane to the side, while speeding up.And threw a bunch of infrared jamming bombs.

However, the siren still didn't stop, and the red light flashed more urgently.

Infrared jamming bombs are effective for missiles that lock targets with infrared, but the missiles that lock this aircraft are not infrared-guided individual missiles, but laser-guided missiles.Laser-guided missiles require one person to launch the missile and another person to illuminate the target with the laser.Since it is manually locked, the infrared jamming bomb is useless.

Just behind a burning house, Osborne was carrying a missile and urged: "Angeola, be steady! Don't let him run away! Are your hands weak?"

"What are you talking about? The radiation intensity of this broken laser is not enough, I have been locking it! He can't run away!" Angela said with a frown.

These two people were also fateful, before Huang Xing opened fire, they had finished their good work, got dressed and were ready to go out to check the progress of pumping water.

They were the first to find out that someone had stolen the helicopter, so they quickly took out the shoulder-fired missiles and found a place that was easy to target.

Angela spent a lot of effort, finally locked the helicopter completely, and shouted: "Launch, quick!"

Osborn grinned grimly, "Here we come!"

A missile escaped, with an orange tail, and shot at the helicopter in the air.

The moment the missile was just launched, Huang Xing saw the flash of light in his peripheral vision, and without thinking, he immediately controlled the plane to lower the altitude, and when the missile was approaching, he kicked open the cockpit door of the helicopter , jumped towards the dark canopy.

The helicopter continued to fly forward for a few meters, and the missile hit the tail of the aircraft.

Amidst the loud noise, a ball of fire exploded from the tail of the helicopter in the air, and the plane immediately lost control, spinning by inertia, and rushed forward tens of meters.

With a bang, the helicopter crashed into the dense forest, igniting a large area of ​​trees.The huge propeller was broken by the blast, and continued to fly forward tens of meters, and landed in the forest with a bang, sweeping away an unknown number of trees.

Huang Xing jumped to the ground along the canopy of the tree, looked at the fire ignited by the helicopter not far away, and sighed secretly, the toy is gone!But fortunately, he has eliminated many mercenaries, and the rest will be called one by one!


The fire ignited by the explosion of the helicopter continued, and gradually spread towards Huang Xing. Huang Xing checked Browning on his body, smiled, and the chicken eating began!



"It should be around here, I saw him jump off..."

In the jungle, five mercenaries armed with live ammunition advanced in a search formation, with Osborne leading the way. He was holding a light machine gun and his strong body was loaded with ammunition.

Angela followed him. She carried an M16 assault rifle. Perhaps because she was too exhausted in the barracks before, when she walked, her legs were always weak and her breathing was more rapid.

Behind the two, a tall and thin soldier was holding a Glock in his hand and a sniper rifle on his back. This soldier was called Clifford, and he was a sniper.Beside him was a shorter soldier, Bartress, Clifford's assistant.

The last soldier walking was the most flexible. He was holding an MP5 submachine gun and several grenades in his waist. He looked around while walking. His name was Ello, and he was an excellent scout.

These five people were the only remaining armed forces in the camp after being bombed by helicopters. The other armed personnel were killed, wounded, and all lost their combat effectiveness.

In this mission, Osborne brought all elite mercenaries, but he never thought that [-]% to [-]% would be reimbursed by a single bombing. Tell your boss.

What he hates the most now is naturally the one who caused him a huge loss. He really hates him so much that he doesn't feel relieved even if he rips his flesh!

He faintly saw someone jumping out of the plane just now, and immediately assembled a team to search. If it was alive, he would torture the bastard to death, and if he was dead, he would flog the corpse!

Huang Xing had already moved behind a tree, he leaned leisurely on the trunk, observing the few people who were walking slowly.

Looking at Browning, Huang Xing put it back again, and then took a round scale from his pocket, which was pried off from the mutant anaconda.The scales are very hard, and the size and weight are very suitable for darts, so Huang Xing collected some.Now that his Browning is running out of bullets, he can try the effect of these scales.

The five enemies still maintained a complete battle formation. At this time of attack, especially a frontal attack, they might face a salvo from five people. They had a light machine gun, and Huang Xing didn't want to ask for trouble.So, under the cover of the trees, he slowly moved to the side, avoiding the five people searching the front.

"Where is this bastard?" Osborne was a little annoyed, aimlessly shooting towards the dark woods.

The bullet hit the tree trunk with a crisp crackling sound, and the small tree with the thick mouth of the bowl broke directly, while the thicker tree would leave a big hole at the place where the bullet was shot.

Huang Xing, who was more than ten meters away, heard the sound of bullets flying over his head, curled his lips, and muttered to himself, "It's a shame to waste bullets without a target! Show off how many bullets you have, don't you?"

"Bastard! Where are you? Come out! Come out! I'm going to kill you!" Osborn roared while shooting, becoming more and more irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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