The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1262 There is something wrong with this sentence

Chapter 1262 There is something wrong with this sentence
Seeing that Osborn was losing control, Angela quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, he probably fell to his death after jumping from such a high place. Even if he can't die for a while, he probably only has one breath left. There's no threat left, sure to be found."

"Well...then search in a scattered way!" Osborn nodded and said, "If you killed so many people, even if he is already dead, I will chop him up and feed him to the dogs! Scattered search, let people die To see the corpse!"

Huang Xing was not far away, and when he heard Osborn's order, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!This is your own death!Then don't blame me for being rude!

Suddenly, Huang Xing's expression was strange, and he felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, it didn't matter whether he was going to heaven or hell, he would just hang up!For the living, there is no difference!Who made this up?It is similar to "A good dog does not block the way"!The so-called good dog does not block the way, that is, it is a good dog who blocks the way, and it is not a good dog if it does not block the way. In short, they are all dogs, only good or bad...

He squinted his eyes, thinking about these nonsensical logics, while looking for his first target.

Tsk tsk, that's him, the guy with the submachine gun is moving so fast, and he's so far away from the other four, he obviously wants to take a step ahead, especially since that guy's nose is too pointed, he doesn't look like a guy Good people, send you to hell.

Huang Xing took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, he bent his body, and quietly sneaked towards the scout named Ello.

Sneaking quietly, like a cat, Huang Xing adjusted his position.

Arrow, who was slashing in the grass with a gun in his hand, didn't know that the fatal attack was coming.He had just finished searching a bush and was wondering if he should change the direction when he suddenly noticed some strange sounds in his ears.

He suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then something seemed to spurt violently from his neck.

That's his blood!

The hard scales were used by Huang Xing as a deadly hidden weapon, easily cutting open Elro's carotid artery and trachea.

He squinted his eyes and opened his mouth, wanting to warn, but his throat was opened wide, and he couldn't make any sound other than blood bubbles constantly bubbling out of his mouth.

As consciousness receded, Arrow collapsed.

Huang Xing had already come to his side, supported his corpse, put him down carefully, picked up the scales that fell on the ground, and smiled slightly, this thing is really useful, so save it for future use.

He put the scales back on, and picked up Arrow's gun and grenade, and an individual tactical dagger.

Huang Chen smiled with satisfaction, put a grenade under Elro's body, hung the insurance on his belt, made a booby trap, then swayed and disappeared into the darkness.

It was Clifford the sniper who first noticed that Arrow was missing, "Erro! Where are you bastard?"

Clifford walked and shouted, and suddenly stopped, sniffing, the bloody smell in the air aroused his vigilance.

He immediately became vigilant and shouted: "There is a situation!"

"What's the matter, Clifford? What have you found?" asked Osborn.

"Elro is gone. There's a smell of blood here. Be careful! Oh...fuck!" Having said this, Clifford suddenly groaned and fell into the grass.

The three of them thought that Clifford had been attacked, and immediately squatted down, pointing their guns at the direction where he fell. Osborn shouted loudly: "Clifford! What's the situation? You damn quick answer."

"I tripped over something under my feet and fell..."

Osborne and the others had just breathed a sigh of relief when Clifford's exclamation suddenly came from the grass, "Oh my's Arrow...he's dead!"

"What?" Osborne signaled the people in the other two directions to be vigilant, and he himself ran to Clifford's side quickly and saw Arrow's body.

"It's hurt here, my God! How did it happen? A dagger?" Osborne pointed to the big gash in Elro's throat, and said with a gloomy expression, "The enemy has such great strength, the trachea and esophagus are completely destroyed. Cut off, and the shot was very fast, Elro didn't respond! It seems that this guy is not seriously injured at all...don't touch him!"

Seeing that Clifford was going to turn over Arrow's body for inspection, Osborne hurriedly stopped him, but it was too late, they had already heard the vibration of the spring when the safety of the grenade was pulled, and the round grenade had already flown from Arrow. Rolled out.

"Lie down!" Osborn yelled reflexively, and then pressed Arrow's body on the grenade again, and then pulled Clifford to the side.

There was a dull explosion, and Arrow's body blocked almost all the shrapnel. Although it had been bombed badly, it protected the people next to it. Apart from being drenched in blood rain, Osborne and Clifford Outside, unscathed.

Not far away, Angela and Bartres also subconsciously lay on the ground.

After the explosion, the two raised their heads, and Angela shouted, "Osborn, what's going on?"

Osborne wiped the blood from his face and replied: "This bastard made a booby trap, be careful! This guy is not easy to deal with! He was not injured at all! Damn it, jumping from such a high place, unexpectedly No injuries!"

The four continued to search, but they were a lot more careful, checking each other's location from time to time.

Bartres searched in a direction far away from the fire scene, so he put on night vision goggles for a better view.

Although this kind of thing can see farther in a dark environment, the price is that the viewing angle is narrowed, and after wearing this thing, people look weird, like an alien, so he will inevitably become an alien. Huang Xing's next goal was determined.

Who made him the ugliest!

When he passed a big tree, Huang Xing quickly slid down the tree trunk, with his head down, his body tightly pressed against the bark, and quietly reached above Bartres' head.Huang Xing turned his hand over and covered Bartres' mouth. At the same time, he held the dagger in his other hand and stabbed it precisely through the soft flesh between Bartres' jaw and throat cartilage.

A sharp dagger pierced his mouth, cut off his tongue, and went all the way backward, from the mouth to the brainstem.

The severe pain made Bartres writhe uncontrollably, but he was also tough. At that moment, he knew that he was doomed, so he simply didn't struggle, but pulled the trigger with his last strength.

When the gunshot rang out, the dagger just pierced into his brain. Although he died, the gunshot also revealed Huang Xing's position.

(End of this chapter)

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