The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1263 The Acting Is Too Fake

Chapter 1263 The Acting Is Too Fake

Chapter 1264 Acting Too Fake
Huang Xing couldn't help cursing secretly, it's really bad luck, could it be that brother has been relying too much on his innate qi, have these primitive skills regressed?
He immediately let go of Bartrace's body, and ran towards the nearest grass as fast as he could.

chug chug chug...

Osborn opened fire with the light machine gun, and the bullet hit the ground behind Xing Huang, but because Xing Huang was too fast, Osborn's bullet could only chase Chen Xing.

Clifford's sniper rifle fired. Although this shot was predicted, Huang Xing's position changed very quickly, and the bullet missed half a meter away, so it couldn't threaten Huang Xing at all.

When Angela wanted to fire, Huang Xing had already hid in the bushes, and she could no longer find the enemy.

"Bastard, why is this guy so fast? You all come here! Come closer to me!" Osborn stared at the place where Huang Xing disappeared, and also put on night vision goggles. The green background clearly showed the scene ahead, the bushes , bushes... As for the enemy, they don't know where they are hiding.

The three of them got together and walked carefully to Bartrace's body. Osborn and Clifford stood guard while Angela squatted down to check.

"It's fatal, piercing the back of the head from the lower jaw..." Angela said in a deep voice, "The attack came from above. The enemy should be on the tree just now."

"Hmm..." Osborne said with a sullen face, "This bastard is a master, the three of us should not be separated! He should have Elro's weapon in his hand, so be extra careful."

The three of them formed another combat team, and slowly searched for the location where Huang Chen disappeared.

The forest was very quiet, except for the occasional crackling sound when the flames were burning. Suddenly, the grass under the three of them made a light ding.

The voice was very faint, and neither Angela nor Clifford noticed it, but Osborne, a veteran who did not know how many bullets he had experienced, could faintly hear it.

This is the sound of the safety of the grenade being pulled. The hidden enemy actually used the grenade to make a simple trip mine. This is the method of those veteran mercenaries!He didn't care about thinking too much, and immediately pulled Angela and Clifford to lie down.

With a loud bang, the explosion happened not far from the feet of the three of them, and the dust fell on the heads and faces of the three of them.

Clifford was about to get up, but was held down by Osborn. Osborn made a silent gesture, pointed to Clifford's sniper rifle, and then pointed to a nearby bush.

Clifford understood, and slowly crawled into the bushes to hide himself.

Osborn made a few more gestures to Angela, Angela nodded and cursed: "Asshole! My leg! My leg is numb!"

"Stop shouting!" whispered Osborne. "How are you, Clifford? Clifford?"

After screaming a few times, Angela suddenly exclaimed, "Stop screaming, Clifford seems to be dead! Damn...I'm going to kill that bastard! My leg...God..."

"Stop barking!" Osborn said in a deep voice, "The enemy is clearly visible and we are secretly in the dark, so we can't stay here for long! Let's go back to the camp."

"You help me up!"

"Fool! Are you getting up and looking for death?" Osborne scolded.

The two stopped talking immediately, and slowly crawled towards the camp.Osborne made a gesture to Clifford behind him as he climbed.

The corner of Clifford's mouth twitched, revealing a sinister smile, and raised his sniper rifle.

Osborne and Angela climbed less than 20 meters, and Angela suddenly shouted: "No! I can't climb anymore, I have to treat the wound, otherwise I will lose too much blood and die!"

Angela leaned against a nearby tree as she spoke, pretending to be weak.Osborne, on the other hand, squatted down and pretended to check her injured leg.

At this moment, in the bushes diagonally above them, Huang Xing looked at the two below with a sarcasm, and curled his lips secretly. This deliberately acting is too fake, it can only deceive children!

Check the wound, your attention is not on the wounded man's leg at all, your eyes are looking around, you are clearly alerting the surroundings.And the wounded is even more fake!He didn't even pay attention to his injured leg at all, but turned his head to both sides, obviously looking around.

It's so fake!
That sniper must be waiting for my brother not far away.

Huang Xing looked around, the corner of his mouth twitched, tsk tsk, over there, I still want to be a hunter, but in front of my brother, you only have to be the prey.

Huang Chen squinted his eyes, took out a scale, looked at it, and put it back again. Although this thing is useful, it comes from an extinct creature. It will be gone when it is used up. It is not weak to keep it as a souvenir. Well, at least it can be given away, at least let that girl Xu Wanying study the efficacy of this thing.

Therefore, Huang Xing replaced the scales with daggers. This kind of thing produced by a large industry is worthless.

Shaking hands.

call out!
Clifford was looking for the enemy when he suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger. Elite snipers all had this almost intuitive feeling, and this ability usually allowed them to survive the enemy's guns.

But unfortunately, he was facing Huang Xing, and his intuition couldn't save his life.

Clifford heard only a gust of wind blowing from the side.

Clifford raised his hand in horror, touched the dagger that had penetrated his neck, opened his mouth, a large amount of blood bubbles spewed out from his mouth, he wanted to pull out the dagger, but his strength was rapidly disappearing.

With a black eye, Clifford fell to the ground and died.

Hearing the sound of a human body falling to the ground, Osborne and Angela were startled at the same time.

Osborn called in a low voice in the direction of Clifford:
"Clifford! How's it going? Clifford, call me back!"

"Go and have a look..." Angela whispered.

"Wait!" Osborne grabbed her and said, "Let's go together, don't separate, lest that bastard breaks down one by one!"

Back to back, the two slowly came to Clifford's side, and when they saw Clifford's death, they showed horrified expressions at the same time.

"It's fatal!" Osborn carefully pulled the dagger out of Clifford's neck, and said, "Piercing wound, this was stabbed at close range, he is nearby, be careful! If you find something wrong, shoot immediately!"

Angela nodded. The dagger pierced Clifford's neck, which must have been a close-range injury.This shows that the enemy is a hidden master, and he sneaked up to Clifford, but he didn't even notice it.

However, they really underestimated Huang Xing. Although Huang Xing was a master of stealth, but for Clifford's fatal injury, Huang Xing did it with a throwing knife, and there was no need for melee attacks at all.

At this time, Huang Xing was still sitting on the tree, holding Browning in his hand, the crosshairs were changing on Angela and Oss himself, wondering which one should be hit first...

Recommend a cool article "The First Heavy Equipment", which belongs to the war of mechs.

(End of this chapter)

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