The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1272 The air composition is a bit strange

Chapter 1272 The air composition is a bit strange

Sa Beijiang replied: "The line has been cleaned up, and the engineering team is preparing to open the latch with a spray gun. They estimate that it should be able to open at night."

"Then close the door at night..."

"Don't open the door at night!" Huang Xing interrupted Nangong Muxue, "After opening it, don't move anything, and open the door tomorrow morning."

Sa Beijiang looked at Nangong Muxue.

Nangong Muxue was silent for a moment, "Listen to Huang Xing."

After Sa Beijiang left, Nangong Muxue bowed her head and started sewing the sachet again.

Huang Xing smiled, "I didn't expect you to be quite cooperative."

"You're right..." Nangong Muxue said, "It's really not suitable to open the maze at night because of the heavy cloudiness. Also... I found that sewing this sachet is good for me."

"Oh? You feel it so soon? Tell me, I just listened to my master for this method. Everyone's feeling is different. How do you feel?"

"My heart... relaxed a little..." Nangong Muxue said, "How about you? How do you feel when you are dispelling your anger?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "I'm not bragging, I can directly use internal strength to get rid of hostility."

" is it possible?" Nangong Muxue asked in surprise, "You can't get rid of hostility."

Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, I can really get rid of it, but I don't know what's going on. Others use my method, but it doesn't work. And it's useless for me to get rid of hostility for others."

Nangong Muxue was silent for a moment, "It seems that you are really special."

"Who says it's not..." Huang Xing looked at the time, then put the sachets sewn by Nangong Muxue and Mochida Asuka in front of him, took out a hollow silver needle, sucked out a little bit from the bag containing snake venom, Then he tapped on the sachet and said, "Leave it overnight, and it will be ready for use tomorrow morning. Those who go down should each bring one. I hope it will be useful."

Nangong Muxue took a sachet dotted with venom and looked at it, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't see any effect. As for the effect, she only knew that the medicine in the sachet should be able to poison people to death, and with the addition of snake venom, the toxicity Stronger, absolutely not in the stomach.

"This thing is used to ward off evil spirits..." Huang Chen smiled, "You can't feel anything here, you can feel it later, in fact, I hope you don't need this thing. Mu Xue, your stitches are really tight enough, I I'm looking forward to your embroidery! How about you send me a work when you have time?"

"I'll send you the little yellow duck when I have time." Nangong Muxue said casually, "However, I can't say when."

"Little yellow duck?" Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, isn't this thing too childish?He glanced at Nangong Muxue, and suddenly felt that it would be interesting for such a cold beauty to embroider a little yellow duck, so he smiled, "Okay, then I'll wait slowly, and hope to receive it during the Chinese New Year." arrive."

Nangong Muxue said "hmm" and did not speak.


At around ten o'clock in the evening, the engineering team reported that a gap had been opened at the lock in the middle of the gate, and the gate could be moved slightly.It's just that there was no order, and no one went to open the gate.

Nangong Muxue has already sewn the sachet, under Huang Xing's suggestion, first arrange for someone to temporarily block the gate from the outside, and then send someone to watch the night outside the passage.


One night passed, and nothing unclean came out of it as Huang Xing was worried about.

But the real test is the unknown that will be faced after entering the gate.

According to Huang Chen's request, at breakfast, the ten-member advance team who were going down drank snake soup, and then each hung a sachet on their waist. Everyone was a little puzzled, but seeing that the commander Nangong Muxue did this , and no one questioned it.

"The incense on the waist...cough, the medicine bag must be worn all the time and cannot be taken off!" Nangong Muxue said.


Ten people responded simultaneously.

"Open the door!" Nangong Muxue said.

The engineering team immediately dragged out the heavy object blocking the door, and then used a steel wire rope to cover the iron ring welded to the door, and the winch worked to pull the wire.

Ka Ka Ka!
In the sound of teeth grinding, the huge iron door slowly opened to both sides, revealing a dark, bottomless corridor, as if leading to the depths of hell.

An engineer immediately took out the air testing equipment, threw the probe in, and looked at the reading with nervousness.A portable Bluetooth system beamed data on the composition of the air deep down the corridor.

"Nitrogen is 70.00% seven, oxygen is 20.00%, carbon dioxide is [-]%, rare gases are [-]%, water vapor is [-]%, dust and impurities are [-]%." The engineer said doubtfully, "This The composition of the air is a bit strange, the nitrogen and oxygen are one percentage point lower than the air, the carbon dioxide concentration is relatively high, reaching the level that makes people feel uncomfortable, and the water vapor and dust impurities are also relatively high. It’s really strange.”

Nangong Muxue nodded. The composition of the air is indeed a bit strange. After all, in the ground, the water vapor content is high, which is easy to understand. Why are oxygen and nitrogen lower than in the air?

However, there is no harmful gas. It seems that there is no need to wear a gas mask, as long as you wear a mask to block the dust.

Huang Xing pulled Nangong Muxue to his side, and said, "Don't go in now, use a blower to blow air in, and then go in tomorrow."

"There is no harmful gas in the air." Nangong Muxue said, "You can go in."

Huang Chen shook his head, "Is there any monitoring equipment, the kind of sound and light, put a few at the door, and keep others away from the entrance to monitor."

"What's going on?" Nangong Muxue asked, "What did you find?"

"Judging from the composition of the air, there are living things in it!" Huang Xing said, "Besides, your detector can only detect such a high content of impurities and dust in conventional ones. Can you detect what's in it specifically?"

"This... needs to be sampled and sent to the laboratory for testing."

"That's right, sampling, testing, today is over!" Huang Xing said, "Give me an order, I'll go in and have a look alone."

"What? You go in and see alone?" Nangong Muxue shook his head immediately, "No! It's too dangerous!"

"I won't go deep, just look at the door." Huang Xing said, "Don't follow any of you!"

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the entrance. Nangong Muxue frowned, and wanted to stop him, and even send someone to follow him, but after thinking about what Huang Xing said just now, he decided to be cautious, arrange blowers, and protect the people in the corridor. The air is further sampled for testing.

Huang Xing walked down the corridor for a few meters alone, looked at the surrounding environment, did not go deep, then turned and came back.

Nangong Muxue rushed to meet her, "What did you find?"

"It's not too good!" Huang Xing said.

(End of this chapter)

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