The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1273 Entering the Underground Warehouse

Chapter 1273 Entering the Underground Warehouse
"Not so good?" Nangong Muxue asked, "What did you find?"

"The walls and ground of the corridor are very dry, without any water seepage. Where did you say such a high concentration of water vapor came from?"

"Could it be that there is water inside the warehouse?"

"That's right..." Huang Chen smacked his lips, "If it's flooded, it's the best situation. In another situation, it's very dry and there won't be any trouble. But now, There is still water inside, this is the most troublesome situation..."

Hearing what Lu Xun said was serious, Nangong Muxue couldn't help asking: "Lu Xing, you've been talking for a long time, what's in it?"

"I don't know either..." Huang Xing said, "Let's take a breath first, and you'll know when you go down tomorrow."


At noon, the engineer in charge of studying the air composition ran to Nangong Muxue dripping with sweat to report that they found highly toxic cyanide in the impurity dust, which would be fatal if inhaled.

Nangong Muxue couldn't help being afraid for a while, even if she was wearing a gas mask, the thing would be poisoned if it came into direct contact with the skin!But Huang Chen...he went in directly!

Holding the analysis materials, Nangong Muxue hurried to Huang Xing's side and said, "Lu Xing, you must receive treatment immediately!"

Huang Xing looked at the materials and waved his hands, "This poison is not effective for me..."

"Are... are you really okay?"

"It's okay..." Huang Xing said, "Cyanide... Maybe some biochemical material has leaked. When you go down, put on the biochemical suit. Put the sachet outside the biochemical suit!"

Nangong Muxue nodded, there were only seven sets of biochemical suits, and even fewer people could go down.But... just to be on the safe side, that's the only way to go.


The next morning, the information engineer in charge of sound and light monitoring found Nangong Muxue with the data analysis results. Seeing his strange expression, Nangong Muxue asked, "What? What did you find?"

"The photoelectric monitoring didn't find anything. In terms of sound, it was fine in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night..." the engineer lowered his voice, "There are a lot of signals in the ultrasonic spectrum. Look... we did a preliminary analysis and found some regular signals. , but I don't know what it means. You see, this waveform is repeated four times, with the same interval each time. This complex waveform is repeated six times, and it is the same each time... And this... This is the modulation The result after that is a mixed frequency signal with very complex spectral components. And this... This signal repeats the most, but the interval time is different."

Nangong Muxue looked at the printed waveform chart, pondered for a while, and said, "Can it be modulated to the range that the human ear can hear?"

Okay, I've already done it, listen to it, it's very interesting.

The engineer turned on an audio device while talking, and after a while, the sound came.

Some sounds are like birds chirping, some are like the bursting of bubbles in water, but the most peculiar sound is a sound like a train whistle.

"Can you determine the source of these sounds?" Nangong Muxue asked, "Could it be the airflow of the blower?"

"I have removed the sound component of the blower." The engineer said, "According to my analysis, these sounds are very similar to some kind of animals. I passed the audio data in the primitive jungle, and the spectrum analysis results are somewhat similar to this."

"You mean there is life in the warehouse?"

"It's just a possibility, or it may be the sound of the airflow passing through the complicated terrain inside. I'm still not sure."

Nangong Muxue nodded, "It seems that not only do you need to wear biochemical suits, but you also need to bring more weapons and ammunition."

When it was time to set off, including Nangong Muxue and Huang Xing, seven strange-looking people in biochemical suits stood at the entrance of the gate.

Actually, Huang Xing didn't really want to wear this thing, but he didn't want to act too special in front of so many people.

The biochemical suit has batteries and provides wireless communication, which can ensure one-to-one and one-to-many communication between seven people.

On the public channel, all I heard was complaints about the bio-suit.

"This thing is too heavy!"

"Is it really necessary?"

"Are gas masks enough?"

"To prevent panic, I haven't told everyone about the test results of the air composition yesterday," Nangong Muxue said in a cold voice, "the air inside contains a small amount of cyanide. Although it has been ventilated, I don't know if it has been replaced. , Moreover, the cyanide may come from the leakage of biochemical items, and it is not known whether there are other leaked things, if anyone finds the biochemical suit inconvenient, you can take it off now, stay on it, and replace it with another person!"

Now, no one spoke, and everyone quickly shut up, expressing that "the heavy difficulties of the biochemical suit will definitely be overcome."

Huang Chen couldn't help being funny when he heard it, it seems that the girl Nangong Muxue is still very prestigious in [-].


Following Nangong Muxue's order, seven robot-like people walked slowly into the passage under the warehouse.

Huang Xing walked in the front, followed by Nangong Muxue, and the other five soldiers followed one by one.Everyone is armed, it can be said that they are fully armed.In order to facilitate communication, after going down, everyone's nickname is the communication channel number.Huang Xing is number zero, Nangong Muxue is number one, followed by numbers two to seven.

After walking along a step for more than ten meters, there was a turning. Yesterday, Huang Xing came here and turned back.Mochida Asuka's map does not show such a corridor. The maze shown on the map has four entrances and exits. I don't know which entrance and exit this corridor corresponds to.

According to Huang Xing's judgment, the underground warehouse may not only have one floor of the maze, but several floors.

After turning a corner, the road became darker and darker. No. [-] threw a fluorescent stick into it to illuminate the road ahead. There was a sign in front, pointing out that there was an elevator and a staircase.

Huang Xing smiled, "There is even an elevator, it seems that the project in this place is not small."

Everyone advanced to the elevator door, No. [-] inspected it for a while, and said: "It's an old-fashioned elevator, it should be used to transport goods, but there is no electricity now. I suspect there should be a generator below."

"Let's take the stairs." Nangong Muxue waved his hand, and the group opened the door of the next staircase.

The so-called stairs are the kind of spiral metal stairs. They have been exposed to this high-humidity air for decades and have not been maintained. They have been corroded badly. The frame can also bear weight.

No. [-] threw a fluorescent stick down the stairs, and amidst the sound of tinkling and colliding, the fluorescent stick got stuck a dozen meters below.

(End of this chapter)

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