The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1279 Mutant Creatures

Chapter 1279 Mutant Creatures
From the establishment of this warehouse to the present, it has only been a few decades. No matter how corroded and weathered, those corpses cannot completely disappear, but now, there are no traces of corpses in those broken bottles, and there is no trace of corpses on the floor of the room. Traces of corpses.

Nangong Muxue looked at Huang Xing and asked, "Do you want to continue looking down?"

"Are you afraid?"

"It's not because I'm afraid..." Nangong Muxue said, "The threat in the future may exceed my imagination."

Huang Xing smiled, "Maybe you can see some life that has never appeared before... Have you seen it? You have been on a mission in Europe, there should be some unusual things there."

Nangong Muxue sighed, "I've seen it before, but it's not a new life, but... a human being who returned to his ancestors."

"Oh?" Huang Xing smiled, "In that damn place, some stupid x families absolutely do not intermarry with the outside world for the sake of the so-called purity of blood. Their descendants have a very serious phenomenon of atavism, and even some very cruel monsters appear. , did you come across it?"

Nangong Muxue nodded, "Yes, dozens of creatures like wolves or humans, or orangutans, almost killed me, but they couldn't see the sun, so I escaped. The environment of this place and that The old castle is very similar, if there is that kind of life..."

"There shouldn't be that kind of life..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "people in the east won't be so stupid and want to inbreed. There won't be that kind of beast here... However, this is a biochemical laboratory, some strange things Viruses may give birth to some mutated lives. In addition to the unjust souls really have to be cautious. Otherwise, you go back first, and I will check."

"It's too dangerous for you to be alone, I'll follow you!" Nangong Muxue said.

Huang Xing shrugged, "If you want to satisfy your curiosity, just say so, I won't refuse, let's go."

"..." Nangong Muxue didn't know how to answer, so she could only follow Huang Xing silently.

The road on the left ended in a dead end, and the two found two operating rooms and a warehouse where various diseased organ specimens were placed.Most of the organ specimens were also gone, only some broken containers.

After reading one side of the intersection, the two of them chose the road on the right.

This road is very long, and there are not many rooms. Each room has a large area, and the functions of the rooms are the same. They are all prisons, with steel cages inside.

In every room, the sachet on Nangong Muxue's body would smoke violently.

In the last room, Nangong Muxue's sachet stopped responding.

"The wronged soul you mentioned is gone?" Nangong Muxue asked.

Huang Chen shook his head, took Nangong Muxue's hand, and said, "It's not that there are too many, there are not enough sachets. Get closer to me."

Although she was wearing a biochemical suit, Nangong Muxue was still not used to being held by someone. The gloves of the biochemical suit were made of rubber, not thick, and she could even feel the temperature of Huang Xing's palm.Nangong Muxue's face was slightly hot, "Why don't you go back first. It looks like I can't find those two people."

Just as Huang Xing was about to speak, his expression changed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice: "Turn your head to the right slowly, on the ground about ten meters away, see what it is, move slowly."

Nangong Muxue turned her head slowly, she couldn't help being surprised.

Just ten meters away, three unnamed creatures turned their heads to this side.

The body of this creature is more than half a meter long, a bit like a snake, but it is the same thickness from head to tail, only the tail converges into a cone, and there are four lizard-like growths on its body.And their heads have no eyes, only a crack in the shape of "Y".

Variation life!

What Huang Xing had always suspected showed up!
The three mutant creatures seemed to be observing Nangong Muxue and Huang Chen, they moved forward slowly.

Suddenly, a mutated creature raised its head, and the "ya"-shaped slit in the center of the head opened like a petal, revealing the teeth that were like files inside.In the middle of the mouthparts, a blood-red core slowly swings.

"Didn't you receive some ultrasonic signals? I guess it's from these things..." Huang Xing said, "Do you still remember the earthworm we saw before? It might be the larva of this thing."

"What should we do now? They seem to be attacking." Nangong Muxue said while picking up the Type [-] automatic rifle and aiming at the three mutated creatures.

"It's best not to shoot..." Huang Xing said, "The sound of gunfire may attract more."

"Then let's retreat?"

"I have to kill one and bring it up." Huang Xing said, "I suspect that those two unlucky guys met this thing. Let me come, grab one and analyze it."

While Huang Xing was speaking, he already had an extra dagger in his hand, and walked towards the three mutant creatures.

The three mutated creatures were immediately attracted by Huang Chen, held their heads up, and moved towards Huang Chen.

Suddenly, a mutated creature stomped on all fours, and rushed towards Huang Xing like a cannonball. Its unique mouthparts opened, and the core inside kept swaying.

Huang Chen narrowed his eyes, shook his hands, and the dagger flew out with a "hoo", piercing the mouthparts of the mutant creature.

After the teeth were sour, like the sound of metal colliding, there was the sound of sharp knives piercing flesh.

The dagger collided with the mutant creature's teeth, and faint sparks burst out.

Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips, damn it, this guy's teeth are quite hard.

The dagger pierced the creature's mouth all the way into its stomach. Under the huge impact, the mutated creature fell to the ground, struggling violently, its body constantly twisting, and brown liquid kept flowing from its mouth. It sprayed out and landed on the concrete floor, making a hissing sound and emitting yellow smoke.

"Stand back a little!" Huang Xing waved his hand at Nangong Muxue, "This guy's body fluid is highly corrosive, don't get it on him."

At this time, the mutated creature that had been stabbed didn't move, it should be dead.

The other two stopped at the same time, with their heads held high, as if they were looking at Chen Chen.

Suddenly, two mutated creatures rushed over at the same time, one attacked Huang Xing, and the other jumped towards Nangong Muxue.

"Quite smart!" Huang Xing smiled slightly, turned his hand over, took out another dagger, and shook his hand.

puff!The dagger pierced the waist of the mutated creature that rushed towards Nangong Muxue, took it out in the air, and nailed it to the wall.

Huang Xing stretched out his other hand, and accurately clasped the mutant creature's neck.

The mutated creature's head desperately rushed towards Huang Xing's face, trying to open his hand.

A mouthful of brown liquid suddenly sprayed out from the mutant creature's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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