The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1280 Analysis Results

Chapter 1280 Analysis Results
The sticky liquid fell on the glass mask of the biochemical suit, flowed down slowly, and landed on the ground, whistling with white smoke.

The mask of the biochemical suit is made of high-strength anti-corrosion glass, even the most corrosive hydrofluoric acid is useless. No matter how corrosive the body fluids of these guys are, they are not powerful under this high-tech protection.

Huang Xing shook the hand holding the mutant creature vigorously.

Ka Ka Ka!
Amidst the sound of toothache, the mutated creature's body softened, except for the slight movement of its limbs, its body was like a lifeless rope.

Seeing Nangong Muxue's surprised face, Huang Xing smiled and said: "This kind of thing is no different from a snake. If you shake its bones apart, it won't be able to move. Give me a bottle, the biggest one, to prevent corrosion." ?”

"Well, it's anti-corrosion..." Nangong Muxue handed over the largest sampling bottle she was carrying to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing unceremoniously stuffed the mutated creature into it, and then capped the bottle.

"Look, Lu Xing..." Nangong Muxue suddenly pointed to the mutant creature nailed to the wall.

At this time, there was only a corroded and disfigured dagger on the wall, and there was a body of a mutant creature in the corner, with only the head and neck, and the cut was where the dagger pierced.

Geckos can cut off their tails to survive, but this mutant creature actually cuts off its head to survive.

Huang Xing picked up the mutated creature's head and looked at it, and said: "It's certain that his nerve center is not on the head, the head is just an organ for eating... tsk tsk... and this thing has some wisdom, if it knows it can't be beaten, it will run away .”

Nangong Muxue looked at the mutated worm in Huang Xing's hand, showing a worried expression, "The situation is unexpected, I have to ask the higher authorities for instructions."

Huang Chen shrugged, and said: "Please ask for instructions first, let's go up first and analyze this thing, it's the first time I've seen this thing."


The two exited the third floor, closed the bolt tightly on the door, and then returned to the ground.

Because they came into contact with some unknown things, the two first entered the biochemical decontamination room and thoroughly cleaned the surface of the biochemical suit before taking the two mutated creatures to the laboratory.

Seeing this strange creature, the technician's eyes straightened, "You said, it was caught from below?"

Huang Xing nodded, "Well, pay attention, they are highly aggressive, their body fluids are highly corrosive, and there are some dangerous viruses and bacteria on the surface of the body, when you are testing... Forget it, hand over the laboratory Give it to me, and I'll test it."

"You?" The technician looked suspicious.

Huang Xing didn't say much, and took a look at Nangong Muxue, "You will be my assistant and keep others away from the laboratory."

After going through several crises, Nangong Muxue has already trusted Huang Xing very much. Considering the aggressiveness of this mutant creature, it is really inappropriate for ordinary technicians to test it, so she said in a deep voice: "Listen to you, I'll arrange it."


Within 50 meters of the laboratory, there were only Huang Xing and Nangong Muxue. After closing the door of the sterile room, Huang Xing suddenly smiled, "Lonely and widowed, I like this feeling very much."

Nangong Muxue frowned, "This joke is not funny at all!"

"It's not a joke."

"Then what is this?"

"This is playing tricks."

"..." Nangong Muxue was silent for a moment, "Boring!"

"I don't think..." Huang Xing smiled, "You handle that head, and I'll handle this."

Nangong Muxue was stunned, and pointed at the various instruments in the laboratory with some embarrassment, "I'm not very good at it."

"Uh..." Huang Xing smiled, "Forget it, you can be my assistant."

"it is good!"


Afterwards, Huang Xing began to conduct an all-round test on this mutant creature.

Seeing Huang Xing who was proficient in using various experimental instruments, Nangong Muxue couldn't help but said in surprise: "I really didn't expect that you would know this."

"I've been working in the P4 biochemical laboratory in North America for a month." Huang Xing said, "It's all worked out."

"What are you doing there?" Nangong Muxue asked.

"There is news that that laboratory is researching a virus that can wipe out human beings..." Huang Xing said, "I'll go and see if it's true."

"Oh? What about the result?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "It turned out that it was a matter of bragging. Although the virus is dangerous, it is not to the extent that it can wipe out human beings."

"You...didn't bring any information?" Nangong Muxue asked.

"Bring it out to whom?" Huang Xing smiled, "To [-]? Doesn't Huaxia also have a biochemical laboratory of this level? How can I make this thing?"

"That's true..." Nangong Muxue sighed, "But North America has the most P4-level biochemical laboratories."

"The Stars and Stripes Kingdom is full of food." Huang Xing said, "What kind of cunning rabbits and three caves are you doing with this kind of thing? Don't you want to die! This kind of thing should be managed centrally! They don't know how many times they have leaked it." It's an accident, that is to say, the Stars and Stripes has very strict control over this kind of news, and the outside world doesn't know much about it."

"Well, what you said makes sense. I said why only build a P4 level biochemical laboratory." Nangong Muxue said.

"When will you report the situation?" Huang Xing asked.

"Wait for the sample analysis results, this one is more convincing." Nangong Muxue said.

"Well...then I'll move faster. You bring me the test tube over there."


Three hours later, the mutant creature's head and neck had been cut into dozens of pieces, and the living mutant creature was thoroughly dissected by Huang Chen, studying all internal organs, nerves, blood vessels and bones over again.

Finally, Huang Xing said: "In terms of body structure, this thing should be a close relative of a lizard, but its internal organs and nervous system have the characteristics of an earthworm. The brain, or the nerve center, is in his chest, which is one-third of his body. One position. The body fluid contains a high concentration of sulfuric acid, the hardness of the teeth is similar to that of glass, but much tougher than glass, and..."

Nangong Muxue's expression became uglier the more she heard it, especially when she heard that this thing was carrying several dangerous viruses, her brows almost twisted into Sichuan characters.

She doesn't want to know how these weird creatures were bred now, she just wants to wipe them all out.

After throwing the mutant creature's remains into the incinerator and burning them to ashes, Nangong Muxue immediately established contact with the higher-ups and reported the situation to them.

While Nangong Muxue was reporting, Huang Xing began to study the map of Asuka Mochida again, thinking to himself, the third floor doesn't look like there is a maze entrance, does this maze exist?
At this time, a bulge gradually protruded from the ground in the corner of the warehouse where the gold was originally stored, and the bulge was getting bigger and bigger...

 Brothers and sisters, don't wait, that's all for today, Lao Lang is a little tired and needs to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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