The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1282 Black Technology Equipment Arrives

Chapter 1282 Black Technology Equipment Arrives
Huang Xing guarded the entrance of the cave for three days. During this period, he threw a steel ball into the cave. However, although the cave looked vertically downward, there was an angle about ten meters below. Something like glue stuck to the side wall, and it didn't fall to the bottom at all.

Huang Xing was even a little curious, and wanted to go down to have a look, but the jelly-like substance on the side wall exuded a stale smell, and Huang Xing felt a little sick, so he didn't go down by himself.


Finally, a transport plane arrived with the order to Nangong Muxue and some equipment.

There are not only scout robots, but also a terahertz scanning radar.This radar is a very advanced radar, a see-through radar that can "see" people and objects inside buildings and even underground bunkers from the air.

In addition, there are a lot of special equipment, the most important of which is a box of super bombs.

Super bomb is a relatively popular term. The most powerful conventional bomb here in Huaxia should be an N2 explosive bomb. The high-energy material is a total nitrogen anion salt. This should be the most powerful explosive other than nuclear bombs. It has comparable The power of a nuclear bomb, but without radioactive contamination.

Originally, Nangong Muxue mentioned in his report that he would use this thing to destroy the forest as a whole. However, due to various considerations, the higher-ups decided to destroy this place, but the guy who sent them was not an N2 explosive bomb, but a high-strength bomb. Performance bombs, although the power is between Bull A and Bull C, but it can't be done to level the place with one, so a total of six were sent, and they were stored in a sealed box. The password to open the box passed other bombs. The channel was sent to Nangong Muxue.

Huang Xing looked at the box and said with a smile: "It seems that the higher authorities attach great importance to it. Although the power of this thing is not as powerful as the N2 bomb, it is still very violent!"

Nangong Muxue pulled Huang Chen aside, and said in a low voice: "The above means... Destroying this place is the last option. I hope we can find the bodies of the missing persons, or find out the cause of their death."

"Damn...he must have been eaten, so there's no need to ask." Huang Xing's heart moved, and he asked, "The dead person has some identity, right?"

Nangong Muxue nodded, "It can't be said that he has any identity. One of the agents made second-class merit half a year ago."

"..." Huang Xing was a little speechless, "Well, there must be an explanation for the death of the hero. Then... Let's check the hole first. I took time to go to the third floor, the door is closed very well , it doesn't look like there's anything passing by in the stairwell."

"It's really strange. I've been wondering what that trace is, but I can't think of it at all."

"I think you should first think about where this damn thing came from."

Nangong Muxue was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Did you find out?"

"I'm just guessing..." Huang Xing said, "Don't you think our maze map is a bit strange?"

"'s strange..." Nangong Muxue said, "The third floor is not like that place either. I guess the entrance to the maze may be somewhere on the third floor."

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "I can't find it!"

"Isn't the maze here?"

"It's here, but the entrance has nothing to do with this warehouse..." Huang Xing said, "This warehouse, whether it's above ground or underground, is not connected to that maze."

"Why do you say that?" Nangong Muxue asked.

"Look at this map carefully..." Huang Xing spread out his map, and said, "Look at the positions of these entrances, there is no correspondence with the passages and corridors above. And... let's assume that the area of ​​this maze is equal to If the current underground warehouse is the same, you can estimate the size of the rooms and passages in the maze according to the proportion."

Nangong Muxue looked at the map, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help frowning, "No! The passage is only about [-] centimeters wide, it's impossible to be so narrow!"

"That's, the area of ​​the maze is much larger than the warehouse above... at least five times the area of ​​the warehouse!" Huang Xing shrugged, "Maybe our camp is directly above the underground labyrinth. "

"Then... where do you think the entrance will be?" Nangong Muxue said.

"Didn't you support the terahertz radar? Scan it." Huang Xing asked, "How deep can this thing see through?"

Nangong Muxue said, "If it's dirt, it can penetrate 30 meters."

Huang Xing snapped his fingers, "Good thing, go to the bottom of the elevator to scan. I guess the entrance and exit should be somewhere around our camp."

"Isn't that the big hole?" Nangong Muxue said.

Huang Chen shook his head, "No, the hole is vertical for more than ten meters, and it's not an elevator. Who would make the entrance and exit like that. By the way... Did the detection robot come? What model?"

"The robot snake, a small all-terrain reconnaissance vehicle, and a miniature reconnaissance plane." Nangong Muxue said, "The robot snake and the reconnaissance plane can enter the hole, and the reconnaissance vehicle continues to investigate on the third floor."

Huang Chen rubbed his chin, "It seems to be a high-end product! I have to take a good look... Maybe my company can copy it."

Nangong Muxue shook his head, "Your private enterprises cannot imitate it. Only military factories can manufacture the materials used for this thing."

"Let's find another way, don't underestimate the creativity of our private enterprises!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Shall we start now?"

"The technicians are preparing, and it will be ready in half an hour."


This kind of high-tech reconnaissance equipment, in addition to being covered with various "black technologies", the most important thing when using it is actually communication.

For example, the robot snake can go to many holes that humans cannot enter, but after it enters, how to quickly transmit back the detected things is a very sophisticated matter.If you only expect the data to be obtained when the thing comes back, then it cannot be used in a high-risk environment. After all, in a high-risk environment, this kind of reconnaissance equipment is likely to be destroyed halfway before it comes back.

Electromagnetic waves can hardly propagate underground, and the terrain below is likely to be very complicated, and it is technically difficult to transmit with optical fibers. The technicians set up a high-power communication antenna at the entrance of the cave, and placed several wireless mid-ranges in the load of the robot snake. Repeater.

In this way, when the wireless signal becomes weak to a certain extent, a relay antenna can be placed to increase the communication distance.

The robot snake is not small in size, its body is segmented, its diameter exceeds the calf of an adult, and its length is more than one meter.It is said that it is a robot snake, but it is not really a snake, but a fat worm. The snake head is equipped with a photoelectric sensor, which can transmit what it "sees" to the control terminal in real time.

 The past few days have been really muddled, and my head seems not to turn. I am really sorry, everyone. I may not be able to write Chapter 2. Brothers and sisters, don’t wait today, let’s do it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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