The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1283 Investigation

Chapter 1283 Investigation
Snake animals rely on the alternating fluctuations of the scales on their abdomen to move forward. The mechanism of this robot snake is similar, but it is not as flexible as a real snake.

In addition to the robot snake entering the hole, a miniature spy plane was also put in.

The reconnaissance aircraft is a quadrotor, which is not as big as the palm of an adult. In order to reduce the weight, all unnecessary equipment has been removed. Except for the control system and power system, there are only intelligence collection devices, and even the real-time wireless transmission system is omitted. up.The photos taken and the information collected can only be seen when it flies back.

During the investigation, avoiding obstacles and other tasks are all done by the artificial intelligence program on the chip.

Speaking of which, when it comes to the level of black technology, this thing is much more advanced than the robot snake.

Seeing the robot snake and the reconnaissance plane enter the hole, Huang Chen stroked his chin and asked, "Mu Xue, can the reconnaissance plane be loaded with fraudulent drugs for assassination?"

" can, but generally you don't do it. At least this kind of artificial intelligence version doesn't do it."


"Giving the choice of whether to attack humans to a machine is a very dangerous behavior." Nangong Muxue said.

Huang Chen nodded, "That's true, but I remember that Stars and Stripes has already released a similar battle video of killer bees."

Nangong Muxue said: "They're trying to scare people. The media in the Stars and Stripes is very powerful. It's very easy to make that kind of video."

"That's true..." Huang Xing smiled slightly, "Now that country likes bragging contests the most, and even spends money to invite people from other countries to help them bragging contests..."

Nangong Muxue nodded, "Now there should be a picture of the robot snake, let's go and have a look."

The two arrived at the operation terminal, and on one screen, they saw the picture taken from the perspective of the robot snake.

This is what the inside of the cave looks like. It is no different from the outside. Looking at the depth, it is already about 20 meters underground.

"It's 20 meters away. Judging from the image, we haven't passed the warehouse we went to at all." Huang Xing said, "The lairs of these guys are not in the underground warehouse, I guess they are in that maze."

Nangong Muxue frowned. If these guys' lairs were in the warehouse, it would be easier to destroy them, but if they were in the maze that was much bigger than the warehouse, it would be a bit troublesome.

This is, the screen suddenly flashed, and the robot snake fell directly down for more than two meters, and arrived at a relatively empty place, which looked like a corridor.

"The equipment is normal and there is no damage..." the operator said.

"Look around! Make it raise its head." Nangong Muxue said.

According to the image of the robot snake, its current location is a corridor, and its depth is 50 meters underground.

Nangong Muxue and Huang Xing looked at each other, this should be the maze.

"Look, what is this?" the operator exclaimed.

In the image of the robot snake, many mutated creatures appeared, both large and small. The small ones were similar to those encountered on the third floor of the warehouse, while the large ones were more than two meters long.

"That's why I asked you to come..." Nangong Muxue said, "Can you continue to explore?"

"It's okay, but..." the operator frowned, and pointed to the screen, "It seems that those monsters have discovered them, and they are approaching."

"Go ahead and see..." Huang Xing said, "Robot snakes are not life, they may not attack dead things."

"Hmm..." The operator was a little nervous, and gave the robot snake instructions to move on.

Huang Xing guessed right, this robot snake is a dead thing, although it can move, it doesn't have any breath of life. A mutant creature sniffed it and even overturned it, but it still didn't attack.

The images on the screen were too realistic, and the appearance of those mutated creatures was too terrifying. The operator looked nervous and sweated.

Nangong Muxue said: "I still don't know what kind of creature that thick mark is, but now I can only see this."

Now the robot snake is deep underground, and the wireless signal repeater has been used up. If it continues to move forward, the robot snake will not be able to accept commands.

"Or, let it come back..." the operator said, "This thing is very expensive, don't lose it..."

Just as he was talking, the screen suddenly flashed, and the image showed that the robot snake was moving forward quickly.

The operator was taken aback, and quickly issued a command to return, but it was useless. After ten seconds, the robot snake left the radio communication range, and the screen went black.

"Alas... what the hell is going on!" The operator frantically pressed various buttons, hoping to re-establish contact, but to no avail, the screen was still black, and the words "communication interrupted" were very clear on it.

After working hard for several minutes, he sighed dejectedly, "It's over, it's over, I don't know what's going on."

"Isn't there a reconnaissance plane? Let the reconnaissance plane come back." Nangong Muxue said.

"I hope that little guy can receive the order..." the operator said while sending out the return order.

The reconnaissance plane has an artificial intelligence system that will automatically remember the route it has passed.

A few minutes is not a long time, but it seems like hours to the operator.

When he saw the drone that was less than the size of his palm flying back, his eyes were like seeing his own son.

After the drone landed, he quickly connected the data cable and copied the data inside.

The video recorded by the drone is similar to that of the robot snake, but the angle is different. In that underground corridor, the drone has been flying close to the ceiling, and the mutant creatures have not paid much attention to it.

The drone's viewing angle is very wide. Looking at the densely packed mutated creatures in the photo, Nangong Muxue's face was very ugly. So many weird things, once they spread, it will become a disaster.

At the end, everyone finally understood why the robot snake was suddenly out of control. A huge "snake" passed through the corridor, and the mutated beings retreated one after another. The robot snake was stupidly in the middle of the road, but was crushed by the snake Stay, push forward and don't know where you are.

Looking at the huge body of the snake, Huang Xing said: "The straight marks are made by this thing."

"My God..." The operator stared at the seemingly endless body of the "snake", and asked in surprise, "How long is this snake? Is it more than ten meters?"

Huang Xing frowned, "This doesn't seem to be a snake, the surface of a snake's body doesn't look like this."

"Yes..." Nangong Muxue nodded, "What is this? Lu Xing, have you seen it?"

"It looks like an octopus' tentacles..." Huang Xing's heart suddenly moved, "I just remembered a bad thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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