Chapter 1284 is tricky

Hearing what Huang Chen said, Nangong Muxue's gaze shifted from the screen to Huang Chen, "What's the matter?"

"When we dissected those creatures..." Huang Xing rubbed his chin and said, "Let me think about it, I didn't find any reproductive organs on that thing, nor did I find any sex organs, tsk tsk... you said it was so big Size, is it asexual reproduction?"

"This kind of creature, the possibility of asexual reproduction is not high." Nangong Muxue said.

"Look, these guys basically look the same..." Huang Xing said, "I think of a kind of creature."

"What creature?"

"Ants, bees, etc..." Huang Xing said, "The breeding work is only handed over to the queen ants or bees, and other work is handed over to other things."

"You mean...could it be..." Nangong Muxue said, "That 'snake'-like thing is an ant queen?"

"Call him the worm king..." Huang Xing said, "That huge thing looks like the tentacles of an octopus, this worm king may be a huge creature with several tentacles, hiding somewhere, constantly multiplying with these strange creatures."

Nangong Muxue and the operator were terrified when they heard this.


Rise of the Zerg?
Huang Chen shrugged and said: "If you want to completely eliminate these things, you still have to go down and search carefully, and carefully consider the location of the explosives."

Nangong Muxue sighed, "First go to the third floor and use the terahertz radar to scan the ground, and at the same time let the unmanned vehicle inspect the third underground floor to see if there is a passage to the bottom."

Seeing her showing a little tiredness, he patted her shoulder and said with a smile, "What? Are you tired?"

Nangong Muxue shook her head, "It's okay, I just didn't expect it to be so troublesome."

"It's easy to deal with a separate biochemical warehouse or a separate evil eye, the combination of the two..." Huang Xing shrugged, "But it's okay, for the sake of my family, I will help you."

Nangong Muxue smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Huang Xing snapped his fingers, "You're a bit stiff when you smile, but you're pretty good-looking. Smile more in the future."

"..." Nangong Muxue fell silent again, and turned around to arrange the unmanned vehicle investigation.

Huang Chen sighed, "It's still so boring."


To go to the third floor, you have to put on heavy biochemical suits. This time, the transport plane brought a lot of these special equipment. This time, there are more people going down. In addition to ensuring everyone's safety, there are also some technical and engineering procedures. personnel.

After the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle and the terahertz radar were ready, Huang Xing opened the door on the third floor, then he told everyone to retreat, and stood guard at the door, watching the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle enter the warehouse.

The corridor on the third floor is very spacious, which is conducive to the transmission of wireless signals. The unmanned reconnaissance vehicle can travel almost everywhere on the third floor.

Huang Xing stood guard at the door, mainly to guard against that mutant creature coming out to hurt people.


At this time, the terahertz radar also started to work and began to scan the underground.

The appearance of the underground labyrinth gradually began to be imaged on the terahertz radar.

This kind of perspective is also limited by distance. The robot snake shows that the maze is very deep, and only the third underground floor can explore as much area as possible.

As the scan deepened, the appearance of the underground labyrinth revealed the tip of the iceberg. Nangong Muxue looked at the screen and said to Huang Xing through the communicator: "You are right...that is not a snake, but a tentacle. The radar shows, There are at least five of those things. The reason for the big hole in the warehouse is also found, it was drilled by tentacles, and there is only one hole nearby."

"How many mutant creatures are there?" Huang Xing asked.

"Yes..." Nangong Muxue looked at the densely packed mutated lives on the screen, and said with difficulty, "There are countless..."

Huang Chen smiled, "Mu Xue, you've missed out on this mission."


The investigation results of the unmanned reconnaissance vehicle are gradually coming out. The third floor of the warehouse is the place where anti-human biochemical experiments are performed. In addition to the operating room, gas chamber, morgue, and prison, there is a room. It's not a small safe, and I don't know what's in it.

Glassware in many rooms has shattered, many of which are marked with the logo of the deadly virus.

The samples brought back by the reconnaissance vehicle were analyzed in the laboratory and detected more than a dozen dangerous viruses and chemicals.

And in the depths of the third floor is a big hole similar to the warehouse on the ground. The mutant lives that Huang Xing and Nangong Muxue met for the first time all ran out of that hole, but that hole seems to be older Yes, most of it collapsed, it might not be easy for the big ones to come out.

Mutated organisms, deadly viruses and toxins, all three are very difficult problems.

The area scanned by the terahertz radar did not reach the boundary of the underground maze. Fortunately, Huang Xing and Nangong Muxue had a map in their hands. After comparing the scanned pictures, they found that one-third of the maze corresponded. Then The entire maze should be five times the size of the warehouse.

Holding the map, Huang Xing said: "According to the orientation and proportion, let's find the four entrances of the maze first. I think you can send some more powerful guys from above."

"This is the most powerful besides N2 bombs." Nangong Muxue said, "These few bogus bombs are enough to destroy this place, we just need to put them in the right place."

"Okay... That is to say, we need to go deep into the ground to install a fake bomb, right? Don't we need a nuclear bomb that penetrates the ground? Just get one." Huang Xing said.

Nangong Muxue shook his head, "Taixing country disagrees, and the country doesn't really want to throw such things to another country."

Huang Chen smiled, "A responsible big country! Forget it, let's let the country support some things. Now these equipments will be given away as gifts."

"I've already contacted China." Nangong Muxue said, "The most advanced equipment will be sent over. Their order is to wipe out this creature."

"Hmm..." Huang Xing asked, "Did you scan the insect king?"

"No..." Nangong Muxue said, "But according to the density of those mutated creatures, the insect king should be in this position."

Seeing Nangong Muxue draw a circle on the picture, Huang Xing simply grabbed her hand, pressed it to a place, and said, "It should be here, the location of the evil eye!"

Nangong Muxue was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Well, it's very possible!"

Huang Xing snapped his fingers, "Let's go, first find the real entrance to the maze."


According to the scale and orientation on the map, everyone began to look for the location of the four entrances shown on the map.

However, those four places are all densely forested ground, and they don't look like any entrances and exits.

After scanning with terahertz radar, it was found that there is a passage leading to the distance in these four places. This is just the entrance to the maze, but not the entrance to the underground world.

(End of this chapter)

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