The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1285 Entering the Underground World

Chapter 1285 Entering the Underground World
According to the direction of the passage, I followed the vines and found the four exits.The width of these passages is three to four meters, and the height is about three meters. One of them has collapsed in the middle, and the other three are all two kilometers away from the warehouse. The entrances of these passages are very wide, but they are all surrounded by extremely lush trees The place is covered by plants and is difficult to be found.

Everyone carefully checked the vegetation and creatures near the entrance, took samples of the environment, and finally confirmed that no such mutated creatures came out of these entrances.

Considering that those creatures do not have organs such as eyes, everyone believes that it is a creature that is used to living in an underground environment without light, and will not go to live in the sun.

The next day, with the arrival of a transport plane, [-] delivered more advanced equipment.

With such a big incident, Huang Xing thought that [-] would send a higher-ranking commander than Nangong Muxue, but he didn't expect that Nangong Muxue was still the supreme commander, and only some additional agents and experts were dispatched. some equipment.

Huang Chen couldn't help being secretly weird, they really trust Nangong Muxue too much... Uh... No, Mr. Qin knows that Brother is here, this is because he believes in Brother's strength!

However, if you ask brother to help, shouldn't you pay something?Brother doesn't work for free!

When we go back, let Qin Yushi and her father have a good talk.

Thinking of Qin Yushi, he couldn't help but think of yoga, and Huang Xing couldn't help but move... Do you want to teach Chitian Asuka yoga?It seems... very necessary!

Just as she was thinking about what to do, Nangong Muxue came over and said, "Lu Xing, next... you can command."

Huang Chen was taken aback, "Just kidding, the commander here is you."

"I discovered that my ability..."

"Your ability needs to be improved..." Huang Xing said, "But the improvement of ability needs to be trained on the front line. You continue to be your commander, and I will be your military advisor."

"Then... thank you!"

"My own, don't be so polite." Huang Xing smiled, "Show me the new guy sent this time."


Nangong Muxue then brought Huang Xing to the temporary equipment warehouse.

In the equipment warehouse, there are three humanoid equipment that look like robots.

Huang Chen couldn't help but smacked his lips, "My dear, the humanoid mecha! This thing has been developed? Why hasn't it been made public? If equipped with this thing, the combat effectiveness is quite good!"

Nangong Muxue shook his head, "After calculation, this kind of complex humanoid mecha is not suitable for large-scale warfare, especially not suitable for use in high-threat environments."

"Why?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Mecha! In the cartoons, it's the awesome existence."

"It can only exist in cartoons." Nangong Muxue said, "The current technology cannot make mechas surpass the flexibility of humans, and the materials have not made breakthroughs. The protection is not even as good as infantry fighting vehicles. Large-caliber machine guns It can be broken, and it can only be used in small-scale special operations, but it is not irreplaceable, and the exoskeleton with a simple structure is worse than this.”

Huang Chen rubbed his chin, "You're right, this thing is just for show. Speaking of it, it seems that it is only useful in this occasion."

"Yes, so the higher-ups have sent three of them. By the way, we can evaluate its combat effectiveness in practical applications."

Huang Xing nodded, "What is the weapon?"

"Chain saws and machine guns." Nangong Muxue said.

"No flamethrowers or anything?"

"Yes, but you can't use it in the underground environment." Nangong Muxue said, "Spraying fire underground will consume all the oxygen."

Huang Xing smiled, "Give me a feel?"

Nangong Muxue nodded, "You can try it."

According to the technician's explanation, Huang Xing got into the mecha.

The height of this mecha is about 1.9 meters, and the height of the operator must not exceed [-] meters. It can work for six hours when it is fully charged.

The weapon is three 23mm machine guns, plus a sharp chainsaw, which can be used for both long-distance and close combat.

Manipulating the mecha and walking around, tested the strength, Huang Xing stopped the test, and after getting down, he said to Nangong Muxue: "Yes, with this thing leading the battle, the casualties will be much smaller. Except for the mecha, other people's equipment Woolen cloth?"

"According to the biochemical heavy infantry equipment with the strongest firepower." Nangong Muxue said.

"Hmm..." Huang Xing said, "I'll wear infantry equipment, this mecha is too clumsy for me, I can't get used to it."

"You want to go down?" Nangong Muxue said, "I think you should command from above, didn't you say to be my military advisor?"

"As far as I know, the infantry system on Huaxia's side has been decentralized. Every infantry can be used as a command node. You just need to transmit the overall situation to me. It won't delay my battle."

"Okay." Nangong Muxue said, "I will open your infantry terminal authority, and all the information of the entire operation can be sent to you."

Huang Chen suddenly smiled and said, "Mu Xue, you've made progress, this time I know you should be in command!"

Nangong Muxue blushed, "Catch the ducks to the shelves."

Huang Chen laughed, "I'll help you this time, it's quite interesting to watch you slowly grow into a commander."


The action plan was quickly drawn up. First, use fraudulent medicine to destroy two of the three passages, and then send troops to enter the underground maze from the last passage, arrive at the designated location and place fraudulent bombs to destroy the entire maze.

In this operation, the three mechas were the vanguard, followed by the heavy infantry. When encountering an attack, the mechas opened the way, and the heavy infantry behind attacked the fish that slipped through the net.

How does Huang Xing feel that this action is similar to playing StarCraft.

However, there is no other better solution, so we can only do this for the time being.


Everything was ready, and we were about to act, when suddenly a flash of lightning pierced the sky, and it rained.

Huang Chen smacked his lips, thinking that this was not a good omen.


A series of dull explosions sounded, which meant that the explosives that destroyed the other two passages had exploded, which meant the start of the operation.

Although Huang Xing was not the overall commander, Nangong Muxue handed over the command of the front line to him.

"Brothers, let's act!" Huang Xing's orders were nondescript, but the people in [-] were already familiar with him, and knew his abilities, so they started to move forward without making a sound.

The three mechas were in front, and the 30 heavy infantry were divided into ten three-man combat groups, slowly following behind.

According to the width and height of the road in the underground labyrinth, the number of 30 people can just be deployed. If there are more people, it will be too crowded, which will affect the combat effectiveness.

Amidst the heavy footsteps of the mecha, Huang Xing led a group of heavy infantry into the deep underground world...

(End of this chapter)

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