Chapter 1286
Due to the limited width of the aisle, of the three mechas, only two can walk in front side by side, and one can follow behind the two in the middle.Behind them are biochemical heavy infantry in groups of three.

On the ground, several terahertz radars work at full power at the same time, continuously scanning the situation of the underground world.

However, at the location of the evil eye, it seems that something blocked the radar waves, and no useful image information could be collected.

Through the infantry terminal, Huang Xing could see all these information, he noticed the abnormality of the evil eye, and said: "Mu Xue, just to be on the safe side, I need to go to the evil eye."

"The mutated creatures are the densest there, it's too dangerous!"

"It's fine for me to go alone. After the bomb is settled, just give me a few minutes." Huang Xing said, "Otherwise, I'm a little worried."

"Then...we will see the situation at that time. I will ask the technical team to use multiple radars to scan the images at the same time to see if they can be seen clearly. If they can be seen clearly, it proves that there is no threat, so you don't have to go."

"Okay, let's decide for now."

"Attention, the creatures in your labyrinth seem to have noticed you."

"Okay... I'll let the brothers pay attention." Huang Xing immediately turned off the private communication with Nangong Muxue, and then said in the command channel, "I will send you the map and the target situation immediately, and there will be an alarm when the target approaches. Mecha No. [-], before No. [-] and No. [-] fall down, your weapon is a chainsaw, kill the mutant creatures that approach, and the others stand behind me, in case something comes up from behind."

Hearing this order, the others were a little confused. An agent who knew Huang Xing asked: "Captain Lu, what do you mean, we all guard the rear?"

"Yes, at least on this passage." Huang Xing said, "The fish that slipped through the net in the front requires precise shooting. I think, except me, no one can guarantee that the bullet will not hit the back of the mecha. On the back. Wait until the space in front of you is large, and everyone will use it again.”

"Understood..." The agent stopped talking. The width of this corridor was only more than three meters. The three mechas almost occupied the front space. There were too many people and it was really impossible to carry out.Once inside, according to the plan, we need to install the fraud bomb separately, and everyone is not here for a walk, there is always a chance to use it.

"Lu Xing, pay attention, something has passed!" Nangong Muxue's voice came from the communicator, "Did you see it on the terminal?"

"I see, it's very clear!" Huang Xing secretly sighed, now this technology is getting better and better, every soldier can grasp the information of the entire battlefield, the terrain and target map on the terminal, how much like a game map It feels like it's fully open!

However, Huang Xing also knew that if it was a confrontation with a big country of the same size, both sides would have similar electronic interference methods, and the information detected would not be so comprehensive.

Tsk tsk... This is bullying the Zerg's technology tree that hasn't been upgraded!

Just as I was thinking, there were more than a dozen mutated creatures in front of me. These guys were about 1.5 meters tall, and they ran extremely fast. There were sharp barbs on their claws, which could support them on vertical walls. run on.

Needless to say, Huang Chen, the two mechas in front had already opened fire, and the three cannons sprayed out long tongues of flame. Due to the auxiliary aiming device, the mechas' shooting was quite accurate.Moreover, the mechs are already connected to the Internet, and even the assignment of tasks is carried out automatically.Not only did the two mechs shoot without missing a shot, they also never shot at the same target at the same time.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen mutant creatures were smashed to pieces by the powerful 23mm cannon.

"Lu Xing, pay attention, this should be a test. Now a large number of mutated beings have already passed the passage, so be careful." Nangong Muxue said.

"Are there any tentacles coming?" Huang Xing asked.


"Well, that's good..."

After advancing another few hundred meters, with the roar of "hissing", densely packed mutant lives gradually appeared in front of them.

Chu Chu Chu!

The mecha opened fire first.

A powerful 23mm caliber bullet can usually penetrate several mutated beings, turning their bodies into disgusting rotten flesh.

If you listen carefully, you can clearly hear the sound of the flesh exploding amidst the roar of the cannon.

Puff puff!

puff puff!


Looking at the large exploding flowers of flesh and blood in front of him, Huang Chen smacked his lips and said, "It seems a little disgusting."

"Uh...Captain, yes, haha, it's like playing a game."

"We are machine gunners!"

"A sea of ​​dogs!"


Huang Chen smiled and said: "Be careful behind, the tentacles of the insect king can drill holes."

"Captain, does that thing have such a high IQ?"

"Who knows, what can't happen in this world?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "It's right to be careful anyway."


Ahead, mutant creatures rushed towards this side like a tide, completely ignoring any casualties, as if they had no IQ.

About [-] meters ahead, a line of life and death appeared. As long as the mutated life reached that distance, it would immediately explode into a puddle of flesh and blood under precise shooting.

Amidst the sound of "噗噗啪啪", there was a strong stench in the passage. Even though the biochemical mask already had an air filter device, everyone could still smell some stale smell.

The machine gun of the mecha is powerful and has a fast rate of fire. However, as time goes by, the ammunition is getting less and less. Although there is an all-terrain ammunition supply vehicle behind, it takes time to change the ammunition.

"No. [-] will replace No. [-], and No. [-] will change the ammunition." Huang Xing directed.

Mech One stopped firing and stepped back to resupply ammunition.

Mecha No. [-] went to the front and continued to shoot.

As soon as the firepower thinned out, the life-and-death line immediately moved forward by at least 30 meters.

However, as No. [-] started shooting, the line of life and death began to slowly move back again.

And everyone, led by the mecha, has been moving forward slowly.

Finally, the passage came to the end, only more than 100 meters away from the entrance of the maze shown on the map.

"Teams A, B, and C go forward and shoot instead of the mecha!" Huang Xing said, "The mecha replenishes ammunition and conducts self-inspection. If there is any fault, repair it quickly!"

The end of the passage is a crossroads, and at that time, they will face attacks from at least three directions, and everyone will be divided into three teams, led by mechas, to place the bombs separately. Therefore, before dividing the troops, ensure that the strongest The combat power ammo is sufficient, and it works normally.

As soon as the mecha's shooting stopped, the line of life and death immediately moved forward quickly.

chug chug chug!

The sound of automatic rifles replaced machine guns, and the intensive shooting immediately blocked the line of life and death at about 50 meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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