The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1288 Fighting with Bugs

Chapter 1288 Fighting with Bugs
chug chug chug!

The hard shell of the big mutated creature hit by the 23mm machine gun bullets scattered in all directions, and the juice sprayed randomly. The big man rushed to a position more than ten meters away from the crowd, and finally stopped.

With a "boom", the large mutant creature fell to the ground.

However, the real crisis just began. Due to the cover of the big mutant creature, the other mutant creatures were not attacked at all. When the big mutant creature fell down, the four-legged mutant creature rushed out from behind the big guy like a tide.

Amidst the strange screams, these torsos were like large earthworms, powerful beings with strong limbs and sharp claws, and terrifying mouthparts, rushing towards the team members.

Due to the short distance, the mutated creature only needed two or three pounces to rush in front of the agents.

"Free fire, cover and retreat!" After giving the order, Huang Xing pulled out another [-]-style, one in each hand.

boom! boom! boom!
Huang Xing waved his hands quickly, shooting as frequently as an automatic rifle.

Each shot accurately hit the frontmost mutant creature.

As they retreated slowly, the disgusting juice of the mutated creature kept splashing on the agents.However, the protective clothing on the outside of the biochemical heavy infantry is three-proof, and it will not be corroded by the juice at all.

Due to Huang Xing's precise shooting, none of the mutated creatures rushed into the team. Everyone only retreated five or six meters before starting to move forward. One of them walked in front of the large mutated life corpse. Without the cover of this corpse, the ordinary The mutated life can no longer rush forward.

Although the crisis here is resolved, Huang Xing's face is not difficult to look good. This group is calm because he is there, but what about the other two groups?

"One group, two groups, how is your situation!" Huang Xing asked in a deep voice.

"everything is normal!"

"everything is normal!"

Huang Xing was secretly relieved that they probably hadn't encountered that kind of big mutated creature yet, so he ordered: "We have encountered a new kind of mutated creature, I'll send the video over, if you encounter this kind of creature, you have to stay away." Stand back and shoot, always keep a safe distance."

"Follow the captain."

"As ordered."

Huang Xing then sent them a short battle video just now. These agents are all elite, and they know how to deal with this mutant creature at a glance.

Afterwards, Huang Xing continued to move forward. From time to time, that kind of big mutant creature would appear, but everyone has already had experience with this kind of guy, so they won't be caught off guard again.


The placement of the second bomb was completed, and the other two groups went very smoothly.

Along the way, everyone eliminated countless mutant creatures. Fortunately, there were several automatic all-terrain transport vehicles transporting ammunition behind them, otherwise everyone's ammunition would have been used up long ago.

Huang Xing suddenly frowned, contacted Nangong Muxue, and asked, "From the radar, have there been fewer mutant creatures?"

"It's already much less..." Nangong Muxue said, "Now the density is only half of the original."

"Has the evil eye been scanned, show me the image."

"There is still an area of ​​[-] square meters that cannot be scanned," Nangong Muxue suddenly said anxiously, "Be careful, the tentacles have passed by! The image shows that the tentacles have passed by! Team one, team two, team three, be careful! Tentacles are mutated Creatures have attacked you."

Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, he finally waited for the method of the Queen of Worms secretly, wondering if this thing is strong or not.

"One team and two teams! Tentacles are hard to deal with, remember to use grenades!" Huang Xing reminded.

"Understood the captain."



At this time, Huang Xing had already seen a huge tentacle, like a huge python, rushing towards this side.

The mouthparts on the head of the tentacles were raised high, and several large mutant creatures followed, followed by more ordinary mutant creatures.

"Grenade!" Huang Xing said, "Aim at its mouth and shoot!"

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"


Rifle grenades are more powerful than bullets. Before, everyone agreed to save them and use them only after encountering powerful guys. Thick tentacles should be the most dangerous thing in the cave.

More than a dozen rifle grenades flew into the mutated biome. Seeing the grenades flying, a big man opened his mouth and bit it. Then, in a violent explosion, he became pieces of meat all over the sky.

The power of modern weapons cannot be supported by the flesh and blood of these bugs.

In the sound of the explosion, a large number of mutated life forms died.

But what surprised Huang Xing was that when everyone fired the grenade, the tentacle retreated back. Although it was shaken a few times by the shock wave of the grenade, it was not injured.

"Mech, aim at the tentacles, don't worry about the rest!"

"Obey!" The agent in the mecha responded, aimed at the tentacles in the distance, and started shooting.

Chu Chu Chu!
The machine gun spewed out flames, and the tentacle immediately shot blood, and the tentacle retreated quickly, retracting into a fork in the road.

Huang Xing narrowed his eyes, it seems that this kind of creature still knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, it's not that it has no IQ at all.

Although the tentacles retreated, other mutated creatures still came flooding in like a tide. Among them were quite a few of those big creatures, and everyone had to retreat while shooting.

Fortunately, these creatures seem to have low IQs, and they don't know the option of encircling them. Everyone is always safe behind them.

"Team one, team two, team three!" Nangong Muxue's voice suddenly sounded, "Pay attention behind you, these guys have learned to surround them!"

Huang Xing couldn't help but frowned, it seemed that he underestimated the IQ of these beings.

"Pay attention to the threat from behind!" Just as Huang Xing reminded him, a large number of mutant creatures emerged from the fork behind the team. Fortunately, these creatures were not too big. The combination of bullets and grenades could kill the mutant creatures. He couldn't get through the fight.

"Go forward!" Huang Xing said, "Mecha and I open the way, others pay attention to the sides and behind!"

Afterwards, everyone began to move forward slowly. This time, Huang Xing held up the [-]th Form and stood beside the mecha. The mecha was in charge of large creatures. Huang Xing also used grenades and bullets alternately to deal with other mutant creatures.

Huang Chen's shooting accuracy is even higher than that of mechs. Can he kill a mutant creature with just one bullet? He and the mecha open the way, and those mutated creatures can't rush through at all.

At this time, there was an alarm sound from Huang Xing's communicator. From the terminal, there were casualties in the other two teams.

Before he could ask, he heard a scream from the communicator, "Captain! Be careful, that guy will attack from below the ground. One person from the first team was seriously injured, and three people were slightly injured... Four people from the second team were slightly injured. The armor is damaged and is being repaired urgently!"

(End of this chapter)

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