Chapter 1289
Before the first team and the second team finished their reports, Huang Xing felt a slight vibration coming from his feet, and he immediately shouted: "Back five meters, back five meters!"

Although there are mutated creatures in the rear, there are not many of them that big, and they can't rush over at all. Even if everyone retreats five meters, they are still far away from those mutated creatures.

Everyone retreated, but Huang Xing didn't retreat. He took three steps forward and looked down.

"Captain, what are you doing?" one of the agents asked.

"Leave me alone, you just shoot!"

Before Huang Xing finished speaking, the soil below suddenly churned, and a huge mouthpart arched out of the soil.

The mouthparts were opened, and the gas ejected from it was extremely smelly, and the rows of sharp teeth were like steel files.

Huang Xing frowned slightly, the position where the tentacles appeared, if everyone hadn't retreated just now, it should be where the mecha was.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or on purpose, these beings will actually attack the target that threatens them the most.

"Captain be careful!"

"Captain, get out of here!"


Seeing that there was a bloody mouth suddenly under Huang Xing's feet, the team members were shocked.

"Don't worry about me, just shoot!" Huang Xing said while pointing his toes, as if his body was weightless, he moved lightly to the side, and Zheng Hai stood on the edge of his mouth.

The huge mouthparts kept opening and closing, as if trying to eat the food in the mouth.However, Huang Xing seemed to be stuck to the lip of the mouthpart, no matter how it opened and closed, it just wouldn't fall in.

Looking at the horrible teeth in the mouthparts, and the disgusting mucus in the depths, Huang Xing took out a grenade from his waist, pulled the safety off, and threw it in casually.

The grenade was thrown directly into the depths of the mouthparts, and those folds seemed to sense something coming in, and they began to squirm non-stop, quickly "eating" the grenade in.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth twitched, and he jumped into the queue from the edge of his mouthpart.As soon as he landed, he heard a dull "bang" from the ground.

The grenade exploded inside the tentacles. Since it was underground, the sound was silent. After spouting out a large amount of disgusting flesh and blood from the mouthparts, it retreated frantically, leaving only a large collapsed hole.

"Captain, well done!"

"Excellent, Captain!"


Amidst the admiration of the agents, Huang Xing frowned slightly, and said, "Team one and two, join us! I'll plan the itinerary for you!"

"Captain, why? We haven't finished firing the bomb yet!"

"Listen to me! Hurry up!" Huang Xing said in a deep voice, "These guys are hard to deal with, we can't divide our troops!"

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"

Afterwards, Huang Xing connected Nangong Muxue and said, "Plan a route with the least threat for us, we need to join forces! I'll explain to you when I go back!"

"Okay!" In fact, Huang Chen didn't need to say much, Nangong Muxue also realized that the underground world was more dangerous than before, and it is safer to join forces now.

Soon, the route to advance was distributed to the three teams, and Huang Xing commanded his team to advance cautiously.

What makes Huang Chen feel at ease is that the feet of the mecha are equipped with high-sensitivity vibration sensors. Although it is not as sensitive as Huang Xing's, it is much more sensitive than other agents. When the tentacles are drilling holes, the mecha can send out Alert, don't get too caught off guard.

The wounded in the first team and the second team were mainly caused by mutated creatures rushing up in the chaos.

According to the route Nangong Muxue planned for the three teams, the three teams converged in one place without any risk.Huang Xing checked the wounded and frowned slightly.These mutated creatures carry deadly viruses and biochemical toxins. Although these wounded have been treated, they are still very dangerous.

Therefore, he divided two combat groups and asked them to retreat first with the wounded.

The route for the wounded to evacuate was still planned by Nangong Muxue. She could fully grasp the distribution of mutant creatures and plan a relatively safe route for the retreating personnel.

After making arrangements, Huang Xing led the team to the next place where the bombs were placed.

I don't know if it was because the tentacles were severely injured, but on the road since then, they only encountered attacks from ordinary mutant creatures, and even the big ones were relatively rare.Although the damaged mechs were withdrawn for repairs, the firepower of the two mechas was simply not something that the mutated creatures could withstand, and the next step seemed to be quite smooth.

The fraudulent bombs were installed one by one, and in the end only two remained.

The positions of the fraudulent bombs have been precisely calculated, and they can completely destroy the entire underground maze. The most powerful thing is that after the fraudulent bomb explodes, it will generate thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames, and these flames will permeate every corner of the underground labyrinth.Under this high temperature, any mutated organisms and deadly biochemical viruses will be killed. As for those chemical toxins, they will also be decomposed into non-toxic substances under high temperature.

There are only two bombs left, and everyone is more relaxed. From the perspective of StarCraft, the Zerg’s technology tree has not developed, and they are far behind by their human race. Moreover, the Zerg doesn’t even have a sub-base. It is a matter of course for the heavy infantry to be killed.

"Lu Chen!" Nangong Muxue's anxious voice suddenly remembered, "There is something new!"

"What's wrong?" Huang Xing couldn't help but gasped when he looked at the map on the terminal.

On the map, there are suddenly more and more red dots symbolizing mutant creatures.

"At the center, that is, from the evil eye, a large number of mutated creatures suddenly sprang out! It's like... like a fountain, and they're all big guys!" Nangong Muxue said, "Be careful!"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "I know it's not that simple, has the scanning result of the evil eye come out?"

"Not yet! The soil composition there seems to have a blocking effect, and I have already sent someone to take samples from directly above."

"I'll go take a look!"

"No! It's too dangerous!"

"Let's talk about this later," Huang Xing said, "Those guys are coming soon."

After Huang Xing finished speaking, he said to his subordinates: "Get the grenade, the test is coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, piercing howls came from the corridors in front and behind.

A large number of large mutated creatures rushed towards the crowd. Different from the big black ones before, the ones that came this time were similar in size to the previous ones, but their bodies were red, and their mouthparts were not "ya" , but a crack erected, and the wriggling fluff can be seen faintly in the crack.

Huang Chen couldn't help frowning, and said: "What the hell is this, everyone be careful! Don't let these guys get close..."

(End of this chapter)

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