The Supreme Master of School Flower

158 - Turn around and leave

158 - Turn around and leave
After hearing Shen Xiyan's words, Huang Xing pondered for a moment, and probably sorted out what happened.

"After they caught you, did they force you to contact your family?" Huang Xing asked.

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "No."

At this time, Huang Xing's bodyguard's mobile phone rang, and it was a call from Shen Kuohai.

Huang Chen pressed the answer button, and Shen Kuohai's voice came, "Xiao Lu, Xiyan is missing."

"I'm with her..." Huang Xing briefly explained the situation, and said, "I'll send her back now."

"Thank you so much! Xiao Lu, I must reward you!"

After a few words, Huang Chen hung up the phone, pulled up the tearful Shen Xiyan and asked, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little scared." Shen Xiyan rubbed her wrist subconsciously, "You...what's your name? I don't know how to call you yet!"

"Just call me Mr. Bodyguard." Huang Xing said, "Can you walk?"

"Yes." Shen Xiyan supported the tree and stood up, still in shock.Now it’s all in the dark, she’s a girl who was sent to this kind of barren mountains and mountains, cold, hungry and scared, although the person who came to save her is absolutely trustworthy according to her father, but she’s only seeing her for the second time, and she’s so worried Still a little scared, she glanced at Huang Xing hesitantly, "Shall we go back?"

"My car is over there, just a short walk." Huang Xing took Shen Xiyan's little hand, "I'll take you away, so hurry up."

"Oh..." Shen Xiyan's body froze slightly, without struggling, she followed Huang Xing obediently along the path to the place where the motorcycle was parked.It's so dark now, and it's in the wild, so there's not much to worry about. If she accidentally sprains her foot on the mountain road, it will be even more troublesome. Compared to that situation, it's nothing to be pulled by someone big deal.

Through the gloves, you can feel the soft and boneless texture of Shen Xiyan's soft little hands, the corners of Lu Xing's mouth are slightly raised, Shen Xiyan is quite a sensible girl!I can't usually see it!Well, her other arm is hugging her chest. It should be out of a kind of self-protection. It seems that she is a little afraid of me, or she is a little cold... Well, the mountain wind is indeed cooler...

"I don't think you're wearing much, are you cold?" Huang Xing asked.

"Eh?" Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "'s okay."

"What's so good? My face is pale from the cold." Huang Xing shook his head and quickened his pace, "Hold on a little longer, I have clothes in the car."

"Oh, thank you." Shen Xiyan agreed, lowering her head and focusing on walking in order to keep up with Huang Xing's pace.

Soon the two of them walked up to the gliding CVO. Huang Xing opened the suitcase, took out a black hooded cape and handed it to Shen Xiyan, "Put this on, it will help."

This is a pure black cloak, made of windproof and waterproof fabric, with a thin layer of velvet inside. Li Qiang didn't have this in the clothes that Li Qiang bought for Huang Xing at the beginning. Some special circumstances can be used.The size was chosen by Huang Xing according to his own size. Shen Xiyan's clothes were obviously too big, but it was enough to wrap it tightly to keep warm.

Huang Xing handed Shen Xiyan another pack of compressed military biscuits, "You haven't had dinner yet, have you? Eat something to pad your stomach first!"

"Thank you." Shen Xiyan took the biscuit and asked, "You came to save me, didn't you eat? I can't eat a pack by myself, so you can eat half of it too?"

"No, I've already eaten." Huang Xing shook his head and refused.Although he came out before he was full, he didn't feel hungry now.Besides, he is wearing a helmet, so he should be exposed when he eats.

Although the compressed biscuits are small in size, they have high energy. Shen Xiyan can't eat any more after breaking off two small pieces. She doesn't feel hungry anymore, and she doesn't feel cold anymore. She doesn't like Huang Xing who has been leaning on the car watching her eat. She smiled sheepishly, "Thank you. We can go back!"

A beauty is a beauty, and she looks so good when she eats!Huang Xing secretly sighed, and took out a lady's motorcycle helmet with a black background and a red pattern from the suitcase and handed it to Shen Xiyan, which he specially prepared for Shen Xiyan later, after all, this motorcycle was specially designed for He bought it for Shen Xiyan as a bodyguard. Li Qiang had some unexpected things, and Huang Xing had to think about them one by one.

Harley's back seat is very wide, with a backrest, and Shen Xiyan didn't feel any cramping when she sat on it.After getting on the car, Huang Xing told Shen Xiyan to "hold the handle", and started the motorcycle.

The speed when going back was not too fast, Huang Xing was thinking about today's affairs while driving, muttering to himself, Shen Kuohai, Shen Kuohai, it looks like we have to have a good chat!
Along the way, Shen Xiyan was very quiet. Although it was the first time for her to sit on a speeding motorcycle, the Harley's rear seat was wide, and Huang Xing drove very smoothly, so she didn't feel unsafe at all.

As Shen Kuohai's daughter, Shen Xiyan was instilled with various safety education since she was a child, making her remember how to protect herself in various emergencies.Therefore, when it comes to psychological quality, Shen Xiyan is still very good, otherwise she wouldn't calmly send an alarm to Huang Xing today.

When she got home, Shen Xiyan's mood had basically adjusted. Facing Shen Kuohai and Li Qiang who were greeted at the door, she didn't cry, but her eyes were slightly red, and she said as calmly as possible: "Dad, Uncle Li, I'm back .”

Shen Kuohai quickly pulled her to his side, and asked her warmly for a while, "Did you get hurt? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine... Thank you, Mr. Bodyguard!" Shen Xiyan said.

"I must thank him well, I..."

Before Shen Kuohai could finish his words, Huang Xing had already turned the motorcycle's head in the other direction, accelerated away, leaving only Shen Kuohai and Li Qiang stunned.

Li Qiang laughed dryly, "Missy came back safely, and his task is also completed, let's go up!"

Shen Xiyan stared blankly at the car lights that were getting farther and farther away in the darkness, and said a little dissatisfied: "Why did you let him go like this? You didn't even say thank you for troublesome people so late! If he hadn't sent you today Alarm, I can't send a message at all!"

Shen Kuohai and Li Qiang looked embarrassed, Shen Kuohai said haha, and said: "Xiyan, don't worry, I will definitely reward him for today's matter!"

Li Qiang echoed: "Yes, don't worry, the chairman will not treat him badly! It's cold outside, Miss, go in quickly!"


After returning to her room, Shen Xiyan went back to her own room, and Shen Kuohai and Li Qiang entered the study together.

Li Qiang said with a bit of annoyance: "I still haven't made a good arrangement. I didn't expect that Huang Xing's driving skills are so good that he even avoided those triangle nails. Otherwise, the two of us would spend much longer alone than now!"

Shen Kuohai waved his hands, and sighed a little worriedly.

 Having a fever for a few days is like losing half your life.Friends, remember to vote for Laolang's insistence on updating!Beep!
(End of this chapter)

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