The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 159 I Came to Resign

Chapter 159 I Came to Resign
"Old Li..."

Shen Kuohai said, "Tell me, will Huang Xing see the problem?"

Li Qiang thought for a while, "Although something went wrong, Huang Xing shouldn't suspect that he didn't see the kidnapper."

"Then why did he leave without saying a word?"

"I think he is afraid of revealing his identity. The eldest lady was here just now. It would be bad if he heard something."

"What you said makes sense..." Shen Kuohai rubbed his forehead, and sighed in distress, "Oh, none of these two children are obedient, and it takes us so much effort to get them together! Huang Xing His master is relieved, throwing people at me, but he hides and doesn't care about anything! This old thing is too lazy!"

Uncle Li grinned, but didn't answer.The relationship between Shen Kuohai and Huang Xing's master is not normal, it's nothing to complain, even if the two of them face to face, they often fight, but he, Li Qiang, doesn't like to talk too much.

Sitting in the study and drinking two cups of tea, Shen Kuohai went up to the second floor, outside Shen Xiyan's house, and knocked on the door, "Xiyan! Open the door!"

Soon, Shen Xiyan came over and opened the door to let Shen Kuohai in, "Dad, are you here?"

"Xi Yan, how do you feel now? Are you not scared?"

"I'm fine." Shen Xiyan shook her head, "Dad, did they kidnap me and ask you for money? Did you give me the money? Can you find out who did it?"

"Uh...yes...someone called for a ransom. I asked Uncle Li to talk to that person first. I called your bodyguard here, and it turned out that you were saved by him! I will ask someone to investigate Yes!" Shen Kuohai explained a few words, then quickly changed the subject, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate the biscuits brought by the bodyguard over there, and Aunt Lan made me some porridge just now. Otherwise, I don't even know what to do!" Although Shen Xiyan had already returned home, she was still a little scared.

"Yes, I will definitely reward your bodyguard! Xi Yan, what do you think of your bodyguard?"

"Very good!" Shen Xiyan replied without thinking, "Dad, the bodyguard you found for me this time is much better than before!"

"What's a good way?" Shen Kuohai was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked.

"Hmm..." Shen Xiyan tilted her head and thought for a while, "He is very responsible. He came not long after I sent out the alarm signal, from the city to the mountains outside the city! He must have received the news Let's go!"

"anything else?"

"He was very careful. I didn't even say that I was cold or hungry, so he gave me clothes and food! And he drove very slowly when he came back. I guess he was afraid that I would be blown by the wind..."

"Yes, there any more?"

"Nothing else. He didn't talk much. I told what happened and he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't keep asking me if I was injured or anything. It seemed cool!"

"Then you have a good impression of this bodyguard?" Shen Kuohai asked.

"Yes!" Shen Xiyan replied with a smile without doubting him, "Dad, I think the bodyguard you found for me this time is pretty good! It's even better than the previous ones!"

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Shen Kuohai couldn't help feeling relieved, and comforted Shen Xiyan a few more words, telling her to go to bed early, and then left.


The next morning, Huang Xing skipped class and came to the Shen Group Building with a big bag on his back.

It was just 09:30 when Huang Chen arrived at the Shen Group, because Li Qiang personally picked him up at the door the last time he came, so the security guards at the door remembered Huang Xing's appearance, and when they saw him coming, they didn't say anything Just let it go.

Huang Xing took the elevator directly to the highest floor, where Shen Kuohai's chairman's office was.Sitting at the door of the office was a man in his thirties, wearing glasses, looking at the computer screen with a gentle manner. He should be Shen Kuohai's secretary.

Seeing Huang Xing, he was a little surprised, stood up and said, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Chairman Shen." Huang Xing replied.

"Excuse me, have you made an appointment?" The secretary had never met Huang Xing before, and felt very strange. He knew Shen Kuohai's daily itinerary and meeting arrangements, but no one made an appointment today. Where did this young man come from?He directly said that he wanted to find Director Shen, so he was here to make trouble, right?

Huang Xing shook his head, "I don't have an appointment, but you can go in and tell him, I think he will meet me."

"I'm sorry, sir, the chairman is very busy. You don't have an appointment, so I can't go in and disturb the chairman." The secretary said neither humble nor overbearing.

So Shen Kuohai is inside!
Huang Xing didn't talk nonsense, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Kuohai, "Uncle Shen, I'm outside your office and I need to talk to you."

Soon, the door of the chairman's office opened, "Little Lu, why are you here? Come in, come in!"

The secretary was dumbfounded, "The chairman..."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you!" Shen Kuohai slapped his head and said with a smile, "Xiao Lu, this is my assistant, surnamed Zhou. Xiao Zhou, I will remember it later, when Xiao Lu comes, I will directly Just let him in!"

"Alright chairman, I will remember." Assistant Zhou replied.

Huang Xing just smiled, and nodded politely to Assistant Zhou.

"Come, come, Xiao Lu, come in quickly... what do you want to drink? Tea or coffee?"

Before the door of the chairman's office was closed, Assistant Zhou heard Shen Kuohai's words, his expression was a little dull, what happened?Who is this young man surnamed Lu?How could he have such a big face?It was not enough for Chairman Shen to open the door for him, but he even made tea for him himself?
After thinking for a long time, Assistant Zhou didn't expect that there was someone surnamed Lu in Shen Kuohai's social circle, he shook his head, let out a sigh of relief, no matter what, just remember this young master anyway!Fortunately, I didn't offend him just now!

In Shen Kuohai's office, Huang Xing didn't sit down, and directly said to Shen Kuohai who was about to get some tea: "Uncle Shen, you're welcome, I'll just say a few words and leave."

"Oh... well, Xiao Lu, what are you doing here today?" Shen Kuohai asked.

Huang Xing didn't speak, he put his backpack on Shen Kuohai's desk, and started to take things out.

Motorbike keys, driver's license, and cash... 6 yuan in cash was neatly stacked on Shen Kuohai's big desk.

Shen Kuohai was dumbfounded, "Xiao Lu, do you mean?"

"I'm here to resign." Huang Xing smiled, "I've parked the motorcycle in the underground garage, and there are some accessories in the toolbox of the motorcycle."

 I originally planned to update it twice, thinking of the support of my friends, Lao Lang wrote another chapter on his shoulders, I hope you will enjoy watching it, everyone remember to vote!The old wolf has gone to rest...

(End of this chapter)

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