Chapter 229 Flirting
Cheng Yaqiu could tell that Huang Xing hadn't touched his clothes from the inside to the outside. That careless guy didn't even take off his high heels, so he let himself sleep like this all night.

Although she was still wearing daytime clothes, Cheng Yaqiu felt that she had slept very well this night, never before.She has been very tired recently, and has always felt that she didn't get enough sleep. It was difficult to get up in the morning, but when she got up today, she felt refreshed for a long time.

Huang Xing smiled, "Do you think you slept well?"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "That's right, I haven't been this energetic for a long time!"

"My bed is a bed with magic power. Come and sleep a few more times in the future to ensure that you will be full of energy every day!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"You know nonsense!" Cheng Yaqiu was silent for a moment, and asked, "Where did you sleep yesterday?"

Huang Xing smiled, "The script was written in the middle of the night, and then I just made do on the chair."

"Ah?" Cheng Yaqiu was a little surprised, and then her nose turned sore, "Actually, you're fine sleeping on the bed, I don't mind."

"Okay, I'll remember! Let's sleep together next time!"

Seeing Huang Chen's teasing gaze, Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help but blush, "I'm going back to wash up, you wait for me to buy you breakfast, or... don't go to school today, rest at home."

Huang Chen secretly smiled, this girl is quite caring, it seems that it's time to catch up on old feelings.It's a pity that there are a lot of things going on recently, otherwise a more romantic environment will be prepared, and a wonderful night will not be able to escape.

Feeling that there was something wrong with Huang Xing's eyes, Cheng Yaqiu realized something, and gave him a light thump, "What are you thinking?"

"You want to hear the truth?"

"I don't want to hear it!" Cheng Yaqiu quickly shook her head, "It's definitely not a good word!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Hurry up and buy some breakfast, buy more buns, I'm pretty hungry."

"Well, I got it..." Cheng Yaqiu turned around and walked back to her home, washed up as fast as she could, changed her clothes again, and then went downstairs to buy a lot of steamed stuffed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk. Thinking of Huang Xing's writing scripts, it must be very good With a lot of thought, he bought two more eggs and knocked on Huang Xing's door with a grocery bag.

Huang Xing had just taken a shower, his hair was wet, and he was only wearing a sports vest on his upper body. The streamlined muscles on his shoulders, arms, and chest immediately caught Cheng Yaqiu's attention.Huang Xing said with a smile while wiping his hair: "You have to look in, don't be stupid standing at the door."

Cheng Yaqiu blushed, hurried in, spread the breakfast on the table, and said, "Eat it while it's hot."

"Mmm... Before breakfast, let's have an appetizer!" Huang Xing pulled Cheng Yaqiu into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

"Hmm..." Cheng Yaqiu subconsciously hugged Huang Xing and fell into a deep kiss.

After dozens of seconds, Huang Xing let go of Cheng Yaqiu, and said with a smile: "It tastes good!"

"If you hate it, you know how to bully me." Cheng Yaqiu blushed, said angrily, and said softly, "Did you never regard me as a teacher in your heart?"

"I've become a teacher!" Huang Xing smiled, "Especially when I kiss you, I feel a sense of accomplishment!"

"Fuck you! You scoundrel!" Cheng Yaqiu picked up the egg on the table and peeled it for Huang Xing, and said softly, "Eat it quickly, don't let it get cold."

Huang Chen smacked his lips, "I still want to eat you!"

"Stop making trouble, I'm almost late..."

"Okay, next time."


After breakfast, Cheng Yaqiu asked Huang Xing to rest at home, and hurried to school by herself.It just so happened that Huang Xing didn't really want to attend today's class, so he simply stayed at home to practice.

At noon, Zhou Yawen called and said that He Yinger had changed the contract according to Huang Xing's request.

Huang Chen smiled and said, "She's really efficient."

"Ying Er has always been very dedicated to her work. She also wants to ask you if you are free today. If you are free, she will sign the contract."

"Then sign it today, the old place, at three o'clock in the afternoon." Huang Xing said with a smile, "You wear LV today, go an hour early, I will teach you the tea ceremony!"

"Oh...okay. By the way, are you at school?"

"I'm at home."

"Why don't I go find you at home, do you have laundry to do?"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "A beautiful woman in LV will do my laundry? Let's forget it!"

"I... I can bring a suit of clothes to change..."

Huang Xing thought for a while and said, "Well, you can come over later, but you have to wear that LV dress and high heels!"

"All right……"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xing shook his head secretly, "Zhou Yawen's mentality really needs to be practiced, after all, she is also a person who has performed on stage, why is she so stage frighted wearing a famous brand?"


Not long after, Zhou Yawen arrived. Seeing that she was still obedient and indeed wearing the dress from yesterday, Huang Xing couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhou Yawen shook her head, "Not yet, if you ask me to come, I will come directly."

"It's fine if you haven't eaten. Wait for a while, wait for me to change clothes, and take you to dinner."

Zhou Yawen nodded, "Okay, thank you."

Today, Huang Xing changed into Givenchy's casual suit. When he walked out of the back room, Zhou Yawen was a little crazy with his tall and straight figure, handsome and masculine features.

Huang Xing waved his hand, "Beauty, have you taken a fancy to me? Are you dating? Brother is not married yet!"

Zhou Yawen blushed, "You look better in this dress than yesterday."

"You have a good eye..." Huang Xing smiled, "Yesterday's was too formal and a bit rigid, today's is more casual, let's go."

After leaving the house, Huang Chen bent his arms slightly and smiled at Zhou Yawen, "Come on."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yawen didn't know why.

"Hold me!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "In the future, you will basically hold my arm in public."

"Oh..." Zhou Yawen blushed and took Huang Xing's arm.Although she was a little shy, Zhou Yawen didn't reject it in her heart. Apart from the reason that Huang Xing was her benefactor, and the reason why she had a good impression of him in her heart, it was that Huang Xing was so handsome today. Zhou Yawen didn't know how to describe it. Well, if she had to tell her how she felt about Huang Xing, then there would be only the word "male god".

Knowing that Zhou Yawen was not used to the high heels, Huang Xing deliberately slowed down.One of them is handsome and the other is beautiful, and they are both wearing famous brands. Walking in the community, I don't know how many people's eyes they attracted, and how many people pointed at them. Zhou Yawen bowed her head shyly.

Huang Chen coughed lightly, "Beauty, don't lower your head! Hold your chest up, raise your head, and follow me!"


After walking for a while, Zhou Yawen saw several taxis passing by, and couldn't help but ask, "How long do we have to go?"

"Until you can walk naturally..."

(End of this chapter)

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