The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 230 The So-Called Upscale

Chapter 230 The So-Called Upscale

Huang Xing took Zhou Yawen for nearly a mile, and Zhou Yawen's state finally made him quite satisfied.

"Yawen, you are in a good condition now, but you can be more confident..." Huang Xing raised his eyebrows suddenly as he said, "Did you change into yesterday's underwear?"

Zhou Yawen hurriedly explained timidly, "I didn't do it on purpose, it's because it's over the water and it's not dry yet."

"Oh..." Huang Xing smiled, "It's okay, anyway, you are very smart, even if your underwear is ordinary, you still look stylish in it!"

"..." Zhou Yawen blushed, thinking that Huang Xing knew her size, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, and subconsciously pulled Huang Xing even tighter.

Seeing that Zhou Yawen was a little tired from walking, Huang Xing waved to stop a car, and took a taxi to a high-end restaurant near Mingxiang Tea House.

It was lunch time at noon, and there were many well-dressed men and women coming in and out of the restaurant.Looking carefully, the clothes on these customers are basically big-name brands. Zhou Yawen has already recognized that at least four or five women are wearing LV or Versace.

The magnificent decoration of the hotel made Zhou Yawen feel a little nervous, Huang Xing felt this, he simply put his arms around her waist, and said with a smile: "Beauty, you have performed on stage anyway, why are you afraid of this scene? "

"That's different..." Zhou Yawen whispered, "A performance is a performance, but I've never experienced this kind of occasion. The people who come here seem to be quite rich..."

Huang Chen smiled disdainfully, "So what? Look for a woman prettier than you?"

"..." Zhou Yawen blushed slightly, not knowing how to answer.

"Look, there is no woman in this hall prettier than you, so you should be the most confident one. Hold your chest up and look up!" Huang Xing patted her on the back as he spoke.

Zhou Yawen bit her lip, and honestly followed Huang Xing's request.

At this time, a male waiter in a suit and leather shoes came up, "Sir, miss, are there two?"

Huang Xing nodded, "Find us a seat by the window."

"Okay, please follow me!" The waiter politely led Huang Xing and Zhou Yawen through half the hall to a seat by the window.

Huang Xing flipped through the menu on the table, "Yawen, what do you want to eat? Chinese food or Western food?"

Looking through the menu, Zhou Yawen felt dizzy again. Why are these dishes so expensive?The same dish is two or three times more expensive than outside!Although she also saw her favorite dish, she was embarrassed to order it, so she said to Huang Xing: "Listen to you!"

Huang Chen smiled lightly, and ordered a few dishes, including Zhou Yawen's favorite fried pork.

After the waiter left, Zhou Yawen said suspiciously: "It's just the two of us, did you order too much?"

"You'll know when the food comes..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Now you can look at other people here, see how they talk, walk, and sit, and then tell me what you think."

Zhou Yawen nodded, looked at it for a while, and said, "People here seem to move very slowly and gracefully, just...just..."

"It's just a bit of putting on airs, isn't it?" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"Seems to be……"

"It's not like, it's the fact." Huang Xing said with a smile, "In any occasion, you must conform to the rules of the occasion. You may encounter this kind of occasion often in the future. See how others do it. You can Copy it."

Zhou Yawen nodded, "Well, I must study hard."

Afterwards, while Zhou Yawen was watching, Huang Xing guided in a low voice.As expected of Zhou Yawen who has practiced dancing, she has a very strong control over her body. She quickly learned to look good, and she can already reveal a little different temperament.In particular, the timid gaze in his eyes was hidden, and the agility on the stage was restored.

Huang Xing smiled in satisfaction, "Yawen, I have a hunch that you will make me a lot of money!"

"Can I really do it?" Zhou Yawen was still a little unconfident, "Actually... as long as I can help you do things."

"Don't always think about the little debt!" Huang Xing smiled, "After you become popular, is it just a little rain to pay back the money? Maybe when you become a big star, I have to beg you to do something!"

"I will be grateful to you forever!" Zhou Yawen said quickly, "I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"Oh?" Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you say that so I can't sleep at night?"

"..." Zhou Yawen's face blushed immediately, she was agitated for a moment, and she did say a bit too much.Just when the waiter was serving the food, Zhou Yawen's embarrassment was revealed.

Seeing the amount of food on the plate, Zhou Yawen's expression was a little unnatural, isn't this too little?And it's so expensive, it's just too deceitful!
Huang Xing smiled, "Now you know why I have more points, don't you?"

"How can a high-end restaurant be so deceitful?"

Huang Xing shook his head, and said: "This is not a scam. Look at the lighting in this hall, do you think it is very soft? The sun outside is very dazzling, but once you come in, you feel comfortable for your eyes?"

Zhou Yawen nodded, "It seems that the lights are pretty, and there are reliefs on the ceiling, which are very delicate."

"Look at the ground again..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "It's all paved with high-quality marble, and the patterns of the stone are very particular. And the clothes of the waiters, they all wear Victor's custom-made clothes , although the price is not as good as what you are wearing, it is still in the four digits when you count it all together."

Zhou Yawen couldn't help but click her tongue secretly, "I didn't even notice."

Huang Xing smiled slightly, and continued: "Look at the dining table and chairs again, can you see the material?"

Zhou Yawen touched the dining chair and shook her head.

"This is all high-quality teak wood, the wood only used for high-end furniture..." Huang Xing pointed to the window again, and said, "These glasses are double-layered high-strength glass that is one-way transparent, and you can see the outside , but you can't see the inside from the outside, and we are on the 26th floor, if you look outside, what can you see?"

Zhou Yawen looked outside and said, "Not far away is a park, and there are many neighborhoods and roads."

"In general, it's overlooking the beautiful scenery of Haidong!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

Zhou Yawen nodded, "It's beautiful outside."

"That's it! What I said is already included in the meal price! People who come here to eat don't care about the size of the dishes, but the enjoyment brought by this place. Of course, if the food is delicious, That would be even better... let’s not talk about it, eat it quickly, your favorite fried pork won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Zhou Yawen was taken aback, "You... how do you know that I like fried pork?"

(End of this chapter)

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