The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 27 Can You Mature 1 Point

Chapter 27


Although Shen Xiyan was a little surprised, but thinking that Huang Xing had set her bones so quickly just now, she believed that Huang Xing really had this ability, and asked, "Really don't need to go to the hospital anymore?"

Speaking of it, when Shen Xiyan was young, she would cry whenever she saw people in white clothes. She had a great psychological shadow on the hospital, and she was really moved when she heard that she didn't need to go to the hospital.

Huang Chen smiled and said: "I'll knead it for you, and you will pay me [-] for medical expenses. If you don't do it well, I will pay you [-]!"

"Then... alright!" Shen Xiyan nodded, "You have to promise that I don't have to go to the hospital!"

"Don't worry!" Huang Xing smiled slightly, squatted down, his eyes straightened for a moment.

Shen Xiyan is wearing a lavender dress today, with the skirt covering her knees. Generally speaking, she is quite conservative, but Miss Shen is absolutely beautiful, but the small ~ legs that are exposed are already for men to see. After that, she couldn't take her eyes off anymore, not to mention, Huang Xing was still holding her crystal-clear little feet like top-quality porcelain at close range!
Faint blood vessels can be seen faintly under the snow-white skin, the perfect foot shape is like a work of art, the pearl-like toes are slightly curved, and each toenail is shiny and smooth, without any blemishes.

Huang Xing is not a little boy who has never seen a beautiful woman, but he has never seen any beautiful woman who is as perfect as Shen Xiyan.

Seeing Huang Xing staring at her feet non-stop, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but said anxiously: "What are you doing?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Appreciate!"

"..." Shen Xiyan was stunned for a moment before she understood, and her face immediately flushed red, "You're crazy, you! Are you rubbing or not? You... hiss... lightly..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Xing began to massage her ankles. Huang Xing's technique was very special. It was more like knocking than rubbing.Shen Xiyan felt a little pain at first, but soon felt that her ankle was surrounded by a comfortable cool feeling, and the sore feeling before was gone.

Seeing that Huang Xing's massage looked good, Shen Xiyan's expression relaxed, and she couldn't help joking, "Big masseuse! Thank you!"

"Don't just say thank you!" Lu Xing said seriously, "I just said, eight hundred!"

Shen Xiyan was puzzled and said, "What do you want money for?"

"I need a life, Missy!" Huang Xing smiled, "You are really out of this world!"

"That's not what I mean..." Shen Xiyan said, "What I mean is, do you need the 800 yuan?"

From the first time she met Huang Xing, Shen Xiyan classified him as a dude, at least he should be a descendant of a small local tyrant. Just now when Huang Xing asked for 800 yuan, she only thought he was joking.

Huang Xing curled his lips, "Look at what you said, [-] is a huge sum of money to me! It's not easy to make money these days!"

"What do you make money for?" Shen Xiyan continued to ask, "Don't your family give you money?"

"No one gave me money, I need to earn all the money I use! Such as tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses, and book fees..."

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan was surprised, "You're not kidding, are you? You're still in school! Your family is really too much!"

"It's a bit too much, but I can't resist!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "So don't renege on your debt, it's 800 yuan!"

"Okay! I'll transfer the money to you now!" Shen Xiyan grabbed her phone and said, "Tell me your WeChat ID!"

Huang Xing took out his mobile phone and handed it to Shen Xiyan, "You do it yourself, I'm giving you a massage! I have to be responsible for the patients! lest you complain to me!"

"You are practicing medicine without a license, where can I complain?" Shen Xiyan covered her mouth and smiled, took Huang Chen's mobile phone, and started to operate.

"Huh?" Shen Xiyan asked in surprise, "You don't have friends on WeChat?"

"Well... I just used WeChat not long ago, and you are my first friend, isn't it an honor?" Huang Xing smiled.

"A little bit..." Shen Xiyan smiled slightly, and suddenly felt that Huang Xing was not so annoying anymore.At least this boy can do bone-setting massage, and he can be regarded as a dude with some skills.

After transferring the money, Shen Xiyan suddenly felt something was wrong. Huang Xing's hands were going up higher and higher, almost reaching her knees. She quickly pressed down on her skirt, with a vigilant expression, "What are you going to do?"

"Relaxes tendons and activates blood circulation!" Huang Xing pushed her hand away unceremoniously, "Don't make trouble, if it can't be cured, will it be yours or mine?"


"No but, what's the taboo against doctors? Relax!" Huang Xing beat Shen Xiyan's legs unceremoniously.

However, his hands only reached near Shen Xiyan's knees. Although he really wanted to go up a bit, but that would be pure hooliganism. Huang Xing still has a bit of moral integrity.

Every time he touched Shen Xiyan's skin, the tenderness, softness and smoothness from his fingers made Huang Xing couldn't help admiring, how did this girl grow?This skin is so good it makes me crazy!
Seeing Huang Xing's hands keep touching her legs, Shen Xiyan's face was already red to the neck. Since she was a child, she has never had such intimate contact with any man.If it wasn't for the cool feeling on her legs telling him that Huang Xing's massage was very effective, she would have stopped long ago.

Half an hour later, Huang Xing finally stopped, and said with a smile: "You're done! You stand up and walk around!"

Shen Xiyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stood up carefully, tried to walk a few steps, and said with a smile: "It's really good! Just now I thought my foot was going to break!"

"It's also fortunate that no bones were injured..." Huang Xing put his hand under his nose and smelled it, then frowned and said, "Did you not wash your feet yesterday?"

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan's face turned red again, and suddenly it occurred to him that he had seen and touched her feet up close, but seeing Huang Chen's disgusted face, the shyness was quickly replaced by anger, Xing's eyes widened and he said, "You're talking nonsense!"

Huang Chen laughed: "I'm just joking, how could it be possible that Miss Shen didn't wash her feet? But I want to ask you a question."

"What?" Shen Xiyan said angrily.

"Ahem..." Huang Xing said seriously, "Tell me, isn't pure cotton strawberry a little childish for you? Can you consider a more mature style, such as black?"

"Strawberry? What strawberry? What black?" Shen Xiyan was confused.

"Think about this carefully, it's very important to you..." Huang Xing patted Shen Xiyan on the shoulder, and said seriously, "Okay, I have to go back to get my books, I'm late for class, so don't delay That's it! Think about that question while walking!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Xing turned around and left.

"Hey! What do you mean?" Shen Xiyan asked loudly.

Huang Xing turned his head and said, "You knew it when you went to bed at night!"

Seeing Huang Xing walking away quickly, Shen Xiyan murmured suspiciously: "Why do you only know when you are sleeping?"

Suddenly, her heart moved, she thought of her white cotton trousers with strawberry pattern printed on it, her face immediately filled with murderous look, and her good impression of Huang Xing was wiped away, she clenched her fists and said angrily: "Huang Xing! You pervert, you wait for me! I can't spare you!"


 I hope book friends can help advertise, ask for clicks, recommend tickets, book reviews, rewards, all kinds of requests!By the way, do you like childish or mature?
(End of this chapter)

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