Chapter 28
Shen Xiyan hated Huang Chen more because of shame and anger.

And Gao Xiaodong's hatred for Huang Xing was now added with jealousy and jealousy.When Lu Chenchen was massaging Shen Xiyan, Gao Xiaodong was lying on the edge of the roof, and he could just see from a distance that Lu Chen was holding Shen Xiyan's leg and "touching" it.Gao Xiaodong's heart was bleeding, he wished he could rush up to fight Huang Xing immediately, but he didn't dare.Wang Ben, a master of black boxing, knelt down, didn't he rush over to seek death!He could only endure it, and at the same time secretly swore that he would chop off Huang Xing's two hands and feed them to the dogs.

After coming down from the rooftop, Gao Xiaodong was about to call home when Wang Ben walked over and said with his head down, "Young Master Gao, I'm sorry, I can't beat him!"

Gao Xiaodong said sarcastically: "I said Wang Ben, you are such a braggart, how can you sweep up a tree... What's the result? It's useless! Forget it, let's go! The Gao family doesn't need a waste like you !"

Wang Ben lowered his head and said in shame: "Young Master Gao! I'm not good at learning, so I have nothing to say! But I'm only superficial. My brother is better than me. I can call him over to deal with that kid!"

"Your brother? Can you do it?" Gao Xiaodong looked suspicious.

"Young Master Gao, don't worry! My senior brother is several times stronger than me! I can definitely vent my anger on you!"

Gao Xiaodong pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Then I'll give you another chance! If you mess up, get the hell out of Gao's house!"


When Huang Xing rushed to the teaching building, more than half of the first class had passed. This was an extensive reading class. The so-called "extensive reading" was relative to "intensive reading". Intensive reading meant reading word by word and understanding word by word. The meaning and structure of the article; while extensive reading mainly pursues reading speed, you only need to have a general understanding of the work.

The teacher of the extensive reading class is a typical old pedant, surnamed Yi, in his 50s, with a face that is easy to get along with.

Seeing a student walking in from behind, Teacher Yi's face sank, and he said, "The student at the back, what's your name?"

Huang Xing secretly said "unlucky", he originally wanted to sit in the last row, but today is really strange, the last three rows are full of people, he can only go forward to find a seat, otherwise he won't be seen by the teacher arrive.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "My name is Huang Xing, I'm sorry teacher, I'm late."

"It doesn't matter if you are late..." Teacher Yi said seriously, "Please tell me the reason for being late. If the reason is reasonable, I will not pursue it."

Huang Xing scratched his hair, a little embarrassed, he couldn't say that he went to the rooftop to fight.He rolled his eyes and said, "Teacher Yi, actually, I have a problem with myself, that is, I am too focused on doing things, and it is easy to ignore other things."

"Oh?" Teacher Yi couldn't help laughing, "Then please tell me, what are you doing so focused that you forget about class?"

Huang Xing shook the extensive reading textbook in his hand, and said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't do anything else. I just went to study early. I wanted to preview it, but I forgot the time. I'm really sorry."


When these words came out, the whole class was in an uproar. From elementary school to university, everyone was an old student who had studied for more than ten years. This was the first time they heard such a fresh and refined reason for being late.

Although school has just started, Huang Xing already has a little reputation among the many girls in the foreign language department. Everyone has a good impression of him. Hearing what he said, they all gave him sympathetic looks.

Because Mr. Yi said when he was in class that his extensive reading class will not be roll call, and you don’t have to come if you don’t want to come, but you have to listen carefully when you come, and what he hates most is being late. If you find that you are late, Then come in after the class break, don't run in halfway to affect his mood.

Seeing that get out of class was over in ten minutes, Huang Xing ran in at this time. Isn't this hitting the muzzle of a gun!And you still use such a shitty reason to tease old man Yi?

Sure enough, Teacher Yi's expression became more serious, and his voice became much lower, "Student Liu Xing, to be honest, I don't believe your words, I need you to give me enough proof, otherwise I will think you are very disrespectful to me! "

"Okay, then let me prove it..." Huang Xing smiled, put the book behind his back, coughed lightly, and said with a British aristocratic tone, "The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not..."

Everyone was stunned immediately, what is this guy Huang doing?Show foreign language in front of old man Yi?He is a professor in the foreign language department!Isn't this playing tricks?
But soon someone realized that, Chen Yan quickly opened the textbook, and said in surprise: "My God, Huang Xing is memorizing the text, which is the first lesson of today! He is not wrong in any word!"

Needless to say, Teacher Yi was the first to discover it. He had recited this text countless times. He didn't need to turn over the text to know that Huang Xing had recited it word for word.Not only was the word for word correct, but also Huang Xing's accent and pronunciation surprised Teacher Yi very much. He could tell that it was definitely an authentic British accent, and it also had a strong London accent!He hadn't heard such perfect British English for a long time.

Huang Xing memorized the text verbatim for nearly a third and then stopped. He thought to himself that he was lucky. Fortunately, he turned to the text when he was free, otherwise it would be really difficult to pass the test today!

He looked at the surprised and admiring eyes of the students around him, touched his nose embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "Don't look at me like that! I'm so embarrassed!"


All the girls laughed wildly, not knowing who would start first, everyone applauded one after another.

When the applause died down, Teacher Yi’s expression changed from cloudy to sunny. He had to believe that this student had really worked hard to preview. He smiled and said: “Actually, the requirement of extensive reading is to read the text quickly, and you can memorize some paragraphs. It’s used for accumulation, you don’t need to spend so much effort to memorize them all, the most important thing is to expand your reading volume!”

"Thank you teacher! Then I'll go and sit down!"

Teacher Yi nodded and suddenly smiled, "You don't have to sit down...because...get out of class is over..."

Before the words were finished, the get out of class bell rang, and the class ended with everyone's laughter.


Huang Xing turned his head and saw that the seat next to Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing was empty, so he sat in it directly.

"Brother Chen! You are awesome!" Jin Xin said, holding his thumb, "Let me tell you, you are definitely our class!"

"What is tie grass?" Lu Xing asked curiously.

"Beautiful girls are called Xihua, and the boy corresponding to Xihua is Xicao!"

"Oh..." Huang Xing smiled, there are only three boys in the foreign language department, and the gold content of this department is not high!

"By the way, Brother Chen..." Zhang Jianing said, "Mr. Yi said in class that he can come or not to his class, but don't come in and disturb him during class time..."

After hearing Zhang Jianing's words, Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly said "bad luck", if he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come!He looked around, just in time to see Shen Xiyan just walked into the classroom door, he couldn't help secretly cursing, the girl Shen Xiyan must know about this, she didn't tell me!Didn't you add WeChat friends?

Shen Xiyan also saw Huang Chen, and felt a little gloating. She had heard about this teacher Yi's habit before, so she came here at this time, and Huang Xing must have touched Teacher Yi's bad luck, she really deserved it!
(End of this chapter)

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