Chapter 29
As soon as Shen Xiyan sat down, Chen Yan beside her couldn't wait to say: "Xiyan, you just missed a good show!"

The corner of Shen Xiyan's mouth twitched, no need to ask, it must be that Huang Xing was severely scolded by Teacher Yi, she pretended to be very interested and asked: "What's the fun? Someone was late, right?"

"Yes yes yes!!" Chen Yan nodded vigorously, "Lu Xing is late!"

"Then he's out of luck..." Shen Xiyan said as calmly as possible, suppressing her gloating.

"No, no! Huang Xing is really against the sky! Oh... I adore him... If this goes on, I will fall in love with him! What should I do!" Chen Yan crossed her hands and held them in front of her chest, Eyes full of little stars.

Shen Xiyan was stunned, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

"Let me tell you!" Chen Yan recounted what happened just now, and finally imitated Huang Chen with his hands behind his back, and said, "Look, that's how he does's so cool!"

Shen Xiyan was stunned, and didn't speak for a long time. This guy, Huang Xing, was not scolded, and even made a big splash!That death change~ I'm so lucky, I even read the texts I read extensively!This is simply too unreasonable!
Listening to the students around talking about Huang Xing's prestige just now, Shen Xiyan felt that it was a mistake to come to class today.


Extensive English reading class is a big class, which took up the whole morning. Just after leaving the classroom at noon, Huang Xing received a call from Cheng Yaqiu. He asked Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing to go first, and he went to a place with few people on the side of the road, and said with a smile: "Is the cake delicious?"

"You really gave it to me! Let me ask you, how did you get into my house?" Cheng Yaqiu's tone was a bit serious, after all, Huang Xing's actions made her feel very insecure.

Huang Chen laughed, "Go through the window! It's easy to pass from my side! The windows in the community have big gaps, and the latch will open with a single hook from the outside!"

"You are so courageous! The fifth floor, how dangerous!"

"Don't worry, I'm very skilled, isn't the cake good?"

"I didn't eat it! Suddenly there was an extra cake, I dare not eat it!"

Huang Xing scratched his hair, "That kind of thing has a short shelf life, so hurry up and eat it!"

"How can I eat so much? But thank you, don't do such dangerous things in the future!"

Huang Chen smiled, "Then why don't I eat with you, so as not to spoil it?"

"I'll go back later and bring the cake to school and share it with everyone. Just let me know and I'll invite everyone to eat the cake."

"What?" Huang Xing asked quickly, "Where are you now? Are you home yet?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

"You wait for me at home, don't take out the cake! Remember, don't!"

Huang Xing hung up the phone, then went back to the dormitory to put on his roller skates, and drove all the way back to the Red Star Community, knocked on the door of Cheng Yaqiu's house, and after a while, the door opened.

Cheng Yaqiu's complexion is much better today. She is wearing a lace half-sleeve white shirt with a dazzling snow white neckline. Under the tight narrow skirt is a pair of curvaceous legs wrapped in black silk. She is a charming beauty in business attire.

Huang Xing looked her up and down, and smiled slightly, "Hi! Beauty, do you want a date?"

"Don't be so playful!" Cheng Yaqiu didn't have the heart to joke with him, so she let him in and asked, "What's the matter with the cake? Why can't you take it out?"

Huang Xing smiled, "It was too late when I left from you yesterday, the cake shop was closed, I stole that cake."

"..." Cheng Yaqiu was stunned, did Huang Xing steal the cake for himself in the middle of the night?Then risked his life to climb the window to send it over?Why does this plot sound so dreamy?Don't look at Cheng Yaqiu wearing professional attire to look mature, in fact, she has just left the campus, her mental age is not much older than a college girl, and she still has a young and romantic heart.She stared blankly at Huang Xing, at this moment, something seemed to secretly crack open in the depths of her heart.

"Is it touched?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "How about being my girlfriend if you are moved?"

"Lu Xing!" Cheng Yaqiu suddenly thought of the police car in front of the cake shop in the morning, and couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Don't talk nonsense! Now the cake shop has called the police, how much is your cake? Hurry up and give the money to them... By the way, money I'm out!"

As she spoke, she took out her small bag and took out the money.

Huang Chen pressed her hand, and said with a smile: "Everyone has called the police. If I go again, won't I throw myself into a trap? Don't worry, it's just a cake, it's nothing serious. If you steal this little thing and let someone find out, you You underestimate my professional level too!"

Cheng Yaqiu looked at Huang Xing with a strange expression, and said sternly: "Huang Xing, tell me the truth, your usual money..."

"My usual money is hard-earned money..." Huang Xing quickly explained, "The investment in stealing is out of proportion to the reward, so I won't do it."

"Really?" Cheng Yaqiu looked suspicious.

Huang Xing took the opportunity to hold Cheng Yaqiu's little hand with both hands, and put it on his lips, "I can swear to Father Sun that my money was not stolen!"

Sensing the abnormality in his hand, Cheng Yaqiu quickly withdrew his hand, frowned and said, "Don't do this!"

"You mean I should go steal?"

"What!" Cheng Yaqiu was a little annoyed, "Don't interrupt!"

"Okay, okay..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "It's just a joke. You can eat that cake yourself, and I'll help you if you can't eat it. I just didn't have lunch!"

Cheng Yaqiu sighed, she had nothing to do with Huang Xing, opened the refrigerator, took out the cake and put it on the table.

"Let me cut it, you go get some drinks, preferably beer!" Huang Xing opened the set of plastic cutlery that came with the cake, and opened the packaging box of the cake.

"Just juice, would you like it?"

"Let's do it..." Huang Chen quickly cut two pieces of cake, gave one piece to Cheng Yaqiu, and said with a smile, "Although it's a day late, I still want to say happy birthday!"

Cheng Yaqiu's nose suddenly became a little sour, and he took the cake, "Thank you."

A birthday cake erased a lot of embarrassment between the two, Cheng Yaqiu suddenly asked: "How do you know it was my birthday yesterday?"

"I heard you when you called. Your phone is loud."

"Oh..." Cheng Yaqiu didn't think much, and asked again, "Then how do you usually make money? If you have difficulties, you can apply for a student loan."

"Forget it... Applying for that thing requires a thorough investigation. I used to live abroad, and the bureaucrats at the school must think that I am a rich second generation, and I won't pass the review!" Huang Xing smiled and took out Turned on the mobile phone, Glory of Kings, and shook it in front of Cheng Yaqiu, "Have you played this before?"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "On occasion."

"This is how I get money! I'm a power leveling agent, and it's not difficult to make money. If you want to become the king, you can also find me and give you a discount." Huang Xing said with a smile, "One hundred rounds, you win!"


(End of this chapter)

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