Chapter 306
Seeing the change in Zhou Yawen's expression, Huang Xing couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You stupid girl, did you just realize it? Are you such a beast?"

"You lied to me!"

Zhou Yawen pursed her lips, feeling a little lost in her heart for some reason.She didn't like the way last night. If everything had already happened, she would accept the reality and bury this regret deeply in her heart, never mentioning it to Huang Xing.But now that those things haven't happened, she feels another kind of regret... Maybe this is a contradiction.

"Just kidding..." Huang Xing smiled and said, "But you are so beautiful, and you are not defensive at all, which made me restless all night, so I decided to charge some interest now!"

"Interest? Ah... um..." Before Zhou Yawen could react, Huang Chen had already kissed her.

With a bang, Zhou Yawen's entire brain froze, completely blank, her face turned red all at once, and she was so nervous that she almost suffocated.She has always been very grateful to Huang Xing, but she really didn't know how to repay him.Giving herself to Huang Xing, Zhou Yawen also secretly thought about this kind of thing, but firstly, she felt that she was not worthy of Huang Chen, and secondly, she didn't want Huang Chen to misunderstand that she wanted to covet something. Be proactive.Now that Huang Xing took the initiative to kiss her, Zhou Yawen felt a little happy. It could even be said that this was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

Huang Xing pinched her face, and said: "I don't like good person cards the most, send me this thing next time, and I will teach you a lesson!"

"Well... I remember..." Zhou Yawen said softly.

"Okay...get up." Huang Xing pinched her face and stood up.

"Oh!" Zhou Yawen smiled sweetly, got up, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, the headache didn't ease at all. Zhou Yawen couldn't help but rubbed her forehead vigorously and said, "So it's so uncomfortable to be drunk!"

"Well, lie down, let me rub it for you."

Zhou Yawen nodded, "Thank you."

"What's so polite? I found this crime for you too. Lie down."

When Zhou Yawen lay down, Huang Xing began to massage a few acupuncture points on her head and neck.

After rubbing it a few times, Zhou Yawen felt as if a heavy helmet pressing on her head had disappeared, and she felt relaxed from the inside out.She couldn't help but whispered softly: "It's really comfortable for you to knead."

"This is my professional technique!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "By the way, let's take this time to talk about your drinking capacity, and you should remember it carefully."

"Well, tell me, I remember."

"Yesterday, I drank [-]% wine. Don't touch anything higher than this."

"Well! I remember."

"For this level of wine, your amount should be controlled within two and a half glasses." Huang Xing thought for a while, then said, "In general banquets, you don't fill the glass to the brim, it's [-]% full. You can drink four cups like yesterday's." Cup. This is the limit, when you reach this number, even if you pretend to be crazy, you can't drink any more."

"Okay! I remember. How about... beer or wine?"

"Double the red wine, as for the beer..." Huang Xing laughed, "With your drinking capacity, it's no problem to drink three or four bottles."

"Huh? I drink so much?" Zhou Yawen asked in surprise.

"It's above average among ordinary people." Huang Xing said with a smile, "And your wine is good, you won't talk nonsense if you drink too much, and you won't go crazy."

"Oh..." Zhou Yawen was a little embarrassed, "Then what did I look like yesterday?"

"You sent me an unknown number of good person cards yesterday, which made me want to leave you on the side of the road and ignore you." Huang Xing said with a smile.

Zhou Yawen covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "You don't know it... In fact, what I said is true, you are very good! You... ah!"

"Help card issued again?"

There was a crisp sound, and the meaty place was slapped.

Zhou Yawen's face immediately turned red to the base of her neck, "Don't...don't hit me...please!"

"Are you still issuing good card?"

"No...don't dare..." Zhou Yawen said in a low voice.

"That's more or less...turn around."

"Oh..." Zhou Yawen turned around slowly, not daring to meet Huang Xing's eyes at all.

Huang Xing secretly smiled, look at this blushing, how thin-skinned!He smiled and continued to massage the acupuncture points on Zhou Yawen's head and neck.

After rubbing for a few more minutes, Huang Xing asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you." Zhou Yawen said with a smile, "I heard Yinger say that after getting drunk, the head will hurt for a long time, but you actually don't feel the pain when you press it."

"Brother has a lot of skills!" Huang Xing looked at the time, "It's already past the hotel's breakfast time, but it's not suitable for you to eat too much now, find a place to have some porridge."

"Yeah!" Zhou Yawen nodded. Although her stomach is empty now, she really doesn't want to eat anything.

Afterwards, the two checked out the room, left the hotel, and went to a nearby porridge shop called "Jiahe Erpin" to eat something.Huang Xing bought a bottle of multivitamins from the nearby pharmacy and gave them to Zhou Yawen, saying, "Drunkenness will cause a lot of vitamin loss. After drinking, remember to add some."

Zhou Yawen nodded, "Yeah, I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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