Chapter 307
After taking a taxi to the school gate, Huang Xing asked Zhou Yawen to get off the car and go back to the dormitory, while he went back to the Red Star Community.

Zhou Yawen entered the dormitory with a tired face. Li Ruolan glanced at her and couldn't help muttering to herself, this little bitch must have done nothing good last night!
Sensing Li Ruolan's malicious gaze, Zhou Yawen greeted with embarrassment, then went to her bed, closed the curtain, took off her LV dress, and changed into her usual clothes.

She slept in a dress last night, the back of the dress is already wrinkled, and when drinking yesterday, especially after she was a little confused, some wine juice was spilled on the dress, this dress must be washed before it can be collected Woke up.She had to put the skirt next to the pillow.

After getting out of bed, Zhou Yawen poured some water, took out vitamins and ate two capsules, and then put the vitamins, shoes, high-end small bags, pendants and bracelets around her neck into the cabinet.

After finishing, she put the dress together with the stockings she wore yesterday into the laundry tub, and went out to the water room to wash clothes.

When Zhou Yawen went out, Li Ruolan quickly closed the door, glanced at Zhou Yawen's cabinet strangely, and whispered to Wang Yidan: "Did you see it?"

"what did you see?"

"That little bitch just now is something to eat!"

Li Yidan thought for a while, "She seems to have taken two pills."

"Hmph..." Li Ruolan asked mysteriously, "What kind of medicine do you think it is?"

"I can't guess..." Li Yidan shook his head.

"Why are you so stupid!" Li Ruolan leaned into her ear and said, "I guess it's birth control pills!"

"Ah?" Li Yidan asked in surprise, "No way?"

"Why not?" Li Ruolan sneered, "Look at the way she came back, she smelled of alcohol, and seemed to be very tired. She must have been so messed up last night! She was pregnant without taking any medicine. what to do?"

Li Yidan thought for a while, then nodded, "That's right... But shouldn't that medicine be taken right away? Why bring it home? Are you afraid it won't work?"

Li Ruolan showed contemptuous eyes and said, "Yidan, I think we misjudged Zhou Yawen earlier."

"Wrong reading? You mean, isn't she being adopted?"

"No, no, no!" Li Ruolan shook her head and said, "What I'm saying is, she's not just being adopted!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Yidan asked.

Li Ruolan glanced at the door guiltily, then lowered her voice and said, "Yidan, do you think it's so easy to be taken care of by others? How can those rich people meet Zhou Yawen by such a coincidence? Although she is a school belle, our school is beautiful. There are quite a few! Take me as an example, you said that on my terms, it must be possible to hook up with a rich old man, right?"

Wang Yidan looked at Li Ruolan with a strange expression, and nodded embarrassingly, "It is possible, but why are you using yourself as an example, it sounds weird!"

"I'm just afraid that you don't understand!" Li Ruolan continued, "I mean, how can rich people be so easy to catch?"

"That's right!" Wang Yidan nodded.

"So..." Li Ruolan continued, "I think it's not easy for Zhou Yawen to be adopted! This shows that she must have made a lot of preparations in advance!"

"What kind of preparation?"

"Everything! One is that she doesn't associate with boys at school, and the other is that she will definitely go to places where rich people frequent!"

"Where rich people often hang out?" Wang Yidan asked suspiciously, "Are you talking about high-end restaurants?"

"No! Where can Zhou Yawen go to a high-end restaurant? It's those... like nightclubs, high-end entertainment centers, men's health clubs, etc.!"

"Oh..." Wang Yidan nodded, "There is a possibility."

"I think she must have gone to a high-end entertainment city! It's the kind of KTV with accompanying drinks!" Li Ruolan said.

"Oh... no wonder she reeks of alcohol today!" Wang Yidan nodded, a little puzzled, "But hasn't she caught an old man already? Why are you still going?"

"You don't understand this, do you?" Li Ruolan said, "If you go to that kind of place too much, you will become addicted! And that kind of old man can make money, but after all, his health is not good. Zhou Yawen must feel boring, so I went there again yesterday. It's time to plant a place! Or maybe, she wants to hook up with another one!"

"Tsk tsk... She actually has such a scheming! It's scary!"

"Yeah!" Li Ruolan said, "You can tell how tired she was yesterday by looking at her like that. She must have attended that kind of messy party with a lot of people! She patronized that one yesterday, or she drank too much. I just remembered to take the medicine this morning. You can see that she put away the medicine after taking it, which means that it is definitely not a good thing!"

Wang Yidan gasped when he heard this, "This is too disgusting..."

"Hmph!" Li Ruolan rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth, "This little bastard is even cheaper than I thought! It's best if her medicine doesn't work, and she doesn't know who made her pregnant..."

Wang Yidan glanced at Zhou Yawen's bed, and said in a low voice: "According to what you said, I decided to stay away from her in the future, messing around in that kind of place is easy to catch diseases... we have to be careful!"

"I think so too..." Li Ruolan curled her lips, "I have to remind others later... Sigh! Why do we live in the same dormitory with such a scumbag! It's really unlucky!"


Zhou Yawen didn't know that she was miserably arranged by her roommate. She was carefully washing the dress in the water room. This dress cannot be machine washed, and hand washing should be very gentle. Zhou Yawen didn't dare to use it when she thought about the price of this dress. I usually use laundry soap for laundry, but I use soap specially designed for washing hands and face.After washing, she didn't dare to wring it dry. After a little squeeze, she held the clothes and stood by the sink for more than ten minutes. After the clothes stopped dripping, she took them back to the dormitory and hung them on the clothes rack to dry. .

At this time, Wang Yidan and Li Ruolan were not in the dormitory, and they didn't know where they were. Zhou Yawen sat on the bed, looked at this beautiful dress, and recalled the scenes from last night to this morning. A sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. I wanted to call Huang Xing and talk to him, but after thinking about it, I didn't know what to say, and secondly, I was afraid of disturbing Huang Xing, so I gave up this idea, put away the phone, took out the book, and went to Read a book in the study room of the library.


Although Zhou Yawen didn't call Huang Xing, Huang Xing received a call from another person, which was Liu Guobao.

On the phone, Liu Guobao's voice was unusually respectful this time, "Master Lu, I'm Liu Guobao, I wonder if you have time today, so that I can be honored to meet you?"

(End of this chapter)

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