The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 32 Classroom Talk Show

Chapter 32 Classroom Talk Show
With the light cough of the old Mr. Cao Jiuzhang, the advanced mathematics class began.

Speaking of which, Cao Jiuzhang's class is still good, and this teacher doesn't like to talk nonsense, what he says is full of dry goods, and the writing on the blackboard is also the essence of the essence.

However, those present here are either from the Department of Journalism or the Department of Foreign Languages, and their mathematics levels are all scumbags. It really disappoints the high level of this old pedant.

Knowing that Cao Jiuzhang was difficult to deal with, all the students present were taking notes seriously.After a class, everyone took a lot of notes. Although everyone knew the words written in the notes, only God knows what they mean.

But people are always special. There is only one person in this classroom, and he didn't write a single word. This person is none other than Huang Xing.

In the middle of the second class, Shen Xiyan finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked in a low voice: "Lu Xing, why don't you take notes?"

"You see that you have all taken notes. Wouldn't it be a waste for me to take notes? Just look back at yours."

Shen Xiyan gave him an angry look, "Dream, you, I won't show it to you!"

"By the way... Why did WeChat block me?" Huang Xing took the opportunity to ask.

"You pervert, what's wrong with me blocking you?" Shen Xiyan said in a low voice, "I tell you, don't even think about getting the best show, I'll let everyone vote for us in our class A program for girls in the class! People from other departments must vote for their own people! You just wait to learn how to bark like a dog..."

Shen Xiyan was showing a smug smile when she suddenly felt something was wrong, why was she so quiet?She suddenly found that Huang Xing was already sitting upright, looking at the podium, an ominous feeling immediately enveloped her whole body.She raised her head slowly, and saw Ximen Chuuxue looking at her seriously, her blood almost froze for a while.

Ximen Chuuxue put down the chalk in his hand, and said word by word: "This female classmate, please stand up."

Shen Xiyan looked embarrassed, and slowly stood up under the pity eyes of more than 100 people, her face was already red to the neck.

Some of the boys started muttering under their breath.

"Look, the school belle is going to be in trouble..."

"Who is going to save my school belle?"

"Fuck off, the school belle is mine..."


Huang Xing was about to read a joke, when Cao Jiuzhang suddenly looked at him, "There is also this male classmate, you stand up too."

Huang Xing said unluckily, he could only stand up, and smiled at Ximen Chuuxue, "Teacher, what do you want?"


As soon as the words came out, the whole classroom fell silent, everyone looked at him like a monster, this buddy is awesome, really awesome!How dare you stab at Ximen Chuixue!His advanced mathematics is definitely failing, and he probably won't even think about passing it in this life!
Cao Jiuzhang was also taken aback for a moment, he had not seen such a calm student in front of him for at least ten years.

After coughing lightly, Cao Jiuzhang said, "I told you to get up, of course there is something to do!"

"Teacher, tell me, I will definitely help if I can..."


Everyone laughed, this kid is out of his mind!
Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing next to Lu Xing were all stupid. Jin Xin kept pulling on Huang Xing's clothes. He knew that Huang Xing was rather lazy, but brother, don't hang yourself in front of Ximen Chuuxue, he is an old devil who failed to see his blood. head!

Shen Xiyan's heart was even colder, she was really hurt by Huang Xing today!It's not a good thing to encounter such a deadly change ~ state, and he still has this attitude towards Cao Jiuzhang now, you can die if you die, don't drag Miss Ben with you!

Cao Jiuzhang's expression became more serious, and the murderous look in his eyes had already penetrated the thick reading glasses and enveloped Huang Xing.

"If you feel that math class is useless, you can leave the classroom now, and you don't have to come back in the future!"

The death-like silence lasted for more than ten seconds. This sentence was equivalent to a death sentence for the math scores of the two of them.Everyone's gazes were even more sympathetic, some boys couldn't help gloating, you deserve it, boy, who made you sit with the school belle!

Finally, Shen Xiyan couldn't bear it anymore, and said timidly: "Mr. Cao, I'm sorry, we just..."

"I was chatting just now!" Cao Jiuzhang said each word, "I can see clearly!"

"I..." Shen Xiyan was at a loss for words, and began to think about how to ask her father for help so that he could settle the matter.

Huang Chen suddenly smiled, and said with a relaxed face: "Teacher, you misunderstood! We didn't chat! You speak so well, we don't have the mood to chat at all!"

"Student, what's your name? Are you from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​or the Department of Journalism?" Cao Jiuzhang's eyes became more angry. How dare this student tease the teacher in person?It is simply unreasonable!

The classroom became even quieter. Everyone felt that this boy was finished. Cao Jiuzhang was a senior figure in Haidong University. what is itPunishment?Or expulsion?
You know, Cao Jiuzhang really expelled a student who didn't know how to advance or retreat, and it is said that the student was the child of a leader in Haidong City, but he still left Haidong University in despair.

"Brother Chen!" Jin Xin grabbed Huang Chen's arm from below, and said in a low voice, "Please stop playing, can you? You will die!"

Shen Xiyan also realized that the matter was serious, she quietly stepped on Huang Xing's foot, hoping that he would shut up quickly.

However, Huang Xing didn't seem to notice it at all, and continued: "Mr. Cao, I'm Huang Xing from the foreign language department! To be honest, your lecture is very good, just like the concept of limit you just talked about, that's already It is not about imparting knowledge, but about philosophy, or worldview! In fact, I have always believed that mathematics is the ultimate subject of this world, the most abstract and incisive understanding of this world, and the basic tool of all sciences. Now everyone is familiar with the names of physicists such as Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, etc., but they don’t know that they can’t play without mathematics! The famous book of Newton’s three laws What's it called? It's called "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", so one can imagine the importance of mathematics!"

The classroom has been quiet enough to hear a needle drop on the ground, everyone is looking at Huang Xing like a monster, fuck me... Are you crazy?

Cao Jiuzhang was also distracted by Huang Xing. He couldn't tell if the boy was deliberately making trouble, but what Huang Xing said really spoke to Cao Jiuzhang's heart.Having studied mathematics for most of his life, he certainly believes that mathematics is the most beautiful subject.

Later, Huang Xing changed the subject and talked about Cao Jiuzhang's class, "In the last class, you introduced the concept of limit from the paradox of the tortoise and the hare, which is indeed very appropriate. Regarding the limit theorem, what you emphasized is ..."

Huang Xing began to chatter like a talk show, and now Cao Jiuzhang was really shocked, because Huang Xing summed up all the key points he said, without missing any details, and finally, Cao Jiuzhang When the part of the lecture that asked Shen Xiyan to stand up was suspended, Huang Xing stopped talking.

He smiled faintly and said, "Actually, we didn't chat just now, we just discussed a little bit about what you said. The girl next to me took notes too slowly and didn't memorize them all. She was asking me..."

(End of this chapter)

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