The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 33 Find a way to deal with him

Chapter 33 Find a way to deal with him

The classroom continued to be silent...

What is this guy thinking?He actually memorized everything Cao Jiuzhang said!

Shen Xiyan was even more surprised, she really saw that Huang Xing didn't write a single word in his notes, but what he said was more complete than what she remembered!Did he even secretly read advanced mathematics?How could he change his mind like this?
Cao Jiuzhang's face turned cloudy, he looked at Huang Xing with a pleasing expression, and asked, "Do you understand everything I said?"

"You've made it so clear, if I don't understand it, I have a low IQ!" Huang Xing said lightly, without a single word mocking the consciousness of more than 100 people.

Cao Jiuzhang's complexion changed, as if he had thought of some crucial question, he suddenly stomped his foot fiercely, pointed at Lu Chen, his fingers trembling, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Just when everyone was a little worried about Cao Jiuzhang's sudden illness, he finally spoke.

"You...why do you want to go to the foreign language department? Your college entrance examination volunteer application is too child's play!" Cao Jiuzhang let out a heartbroken cry.

This kind of student who can remember and understand after listening to it once is definitely a genius with extraordinary talent for mathematics!How did this kind of student get into the foreign language department?Should go to his mathematics department!

Cao Jiuzhang sighed heavily, waved his hands weakly, and said to Huang Xing, "Sit down."

Afterwards, he regained his serious expression, and said to Shen Xiyan: "This female classmate, the most important thing in class is to listen! Not to take notes! If you miss something, you can ask me after class! Don't ask me during class. Ask others, don't affect others' lectures, understand?"

"Oh... I remember!"

"Sit down too!"

Shen Xiyan sat down carefully, and glanced at Huang Xing with a strange expression. He was showing off, but she was scolded. It's really unfair!
The students in the classroom felt like they were dreaming, this dude Huang Chen is really awesome!This IQ is definitely over 250!Ximen Chuuxue must have remembered him, and he will definitely not fail in advanced mathematics!
Huang Xing's memory and comprehension skills are really ridiculously good, which even surprised him.Because of this, he is even more worried about the blankness of his childhood memory. It is absolutely abnormal for a person with such a good memory to not even remember any details of his childhood.Huang Xing has always felt that there may be some secret hidden in himself, but so far, there is no clue to prove his guess.

Mathematics class is not important to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Journalism, and the curriculum is only two classes.

After the second class was over, the students from the journalism department left the classroom quickly. They were going to take other classes, and the foreign language department would have no classes from now on. Everyone packed their things slowly, and some planned to find a classroom to attend. Self-study, some plan to take the opportunity to go out for a stroll.

While tidying up his textbooks, Huang Xing said to Shen Xiyan: "get out of class is over, don't you know how to thank me?"

"Thank you for what?" Shen Xiyan asked angrily.

"If it wasn't for me, would you have passed the level so smoothly?"

Shen Xiyan glared, "You still say? If you didn't talk to me, how could the teacher see it?"

Huang Xing rubbed his nose, and suddenly smiled, "Your memory is fading, you are obviously the one who came over to talk to me first!"

"You said it first!" Shen Xiyan stared at Huang Chen without showing any weakness, "You ask me why I blocked you first!"

"..." Lu Chen looked at Shen Xiyan with a strange expression, and suddenly laughed, "The dignified young miss of the Shen family has such a bad memory... Sigh..."

He shook his head while talking, and then quickly caught up with Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing with his things.

Seeing that Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan were talking, Jin Xin and Zhang Jianing didn't want to be light bulbs, and planned to sneak away quietly, but they didn't expect that Huang Xing would catch up so quickly. Jin Xin couldn't help but asked, "Brother Chen?" , why don't you talk to Shen Xiyan?"

Huang Xing shrugged, and said loudly: "What's there to say to someone with memory loss like her!"

"Hello!" Shen Xiyan said loudly, with her hips crossed, "Liu Xing, stop! Who are you talking about memory loss?"

"Look at what I said, right? You've forgotten it just after I said it!" Huang Xing turned his head with a smile and said, "I tell you, I'm talking about you! Remember it and don't forget it!"

Seeing that Huang Xing was about to leave, Shen Xiyan was so angry that she wanted to chase after her, but Chen Yan held her back, "Xiyan, Xiyan, don't go!"

Shen Xiyan said angrily: "What are you afraid of? I must let him speak clearly today! If he didn't talk to me, how could I be called up by the teacher?"

Chen Yan tugged on Shen Xiyan, lowered her voice and said, "Don't go... that... I saw it just now, you were the one who talked to him first..."

"Eh?" Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "Really?"

Chen Yan nodded, "It's true, think about it carefully!"

Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, and suddenly covered her mouth, it was indeed she who took the initiative to talk to Huang Xing!Before mentioning blocking WeChat, she was the one who asked Huang Xing why he didn't take notes.But I just asked that question, if Huang Xing hadn't said so much behind him, how could the teacher have seen it?So, it's still Huang Xing's fault!This deadly state is the most harmful!

I have to say that a woman is an animal that always has a reason. Anyway, Shen Xiyan decided that it was all Huang Xing's fault this time!

Shen Xiyan did not go back to the dormitory. After leaving the classroom, she found a place where no one was around, and invited Tang Qiqi to a video call.

It took a while for Tang Qiqi to connect. It was afternoon for Shen Xiyan and morning for Tang Qiqi. She had just woken up.

"Xi are really my sister! What are you doing this early in the morning?" Tang Qiqi rubbed her eyes and asked.

"Qiqi..." Shen Xiyan pouted, "I was bullied by a boy!"

"Huh? You lost your virginity just after entering college?"

"What are you talking nonsense about?" Shen Xiyan stomped her feet and said, "I tell you..."

So, Shen Xiyan told all about why Huang Xing didn't support her work, how he peeked at her panties, and how she was criticized by the teacher in class.

Tang Qiqi couldn't stop laughing after hearing this, "Oh my god, I said Miss, you are really bitter and bitter, you have been taken advantage of so much by him, you might as well marry him! Let me tell you, if a woman If you hate a man, the best way to get revenge is to marry him, and from then on you will spend his money, live in his house, beat his children, and treat him like a dog..."

"Qiqi!" Shen Xiyan was really anxious, "If you do this again, I'll ignore you! Quickly think of a way to deal with him! Otherwise, I'm going to die of anger!"

"You just said you made a bet? Then he won't get the best show!"

"No! That's too slow, I want to be fast, and it's best to deal with him right away!"

"This..." Tang Qiqi blinked and said, "Why don't you treat him to eat and put laxatives in his drink?"

 Women are always right, right?

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(End of this chapter)

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