The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 338 What a Bad Taste

Chapter 338 What a Bad Taste
"Don't worry, don't worry... You can rest here for a while, I can't stop you here, I'll try over there." Lu Xing smiled and pulled Shen Xiyan under the tree, then turned around and walked towards the parking lot go.

Standing under the shade of the tree, Shen Xiyan felt a little cooler, she let out a breath and felt a little thirsty.There is a small supermarket diagonally across the road, but she was worried that if she went to buy water, Huang Xing would not find her after a while, so she endured it and continued to wait.

After about 5 minutes, Huang Xing still hadn't come back, but a black Grand Cherokee stopped by the side of the road, and the horn sounded "Didi".

"This driver is really annoying, stop properly, why are you honking the horn? You really have no quality!" Shen Xiyan was in a hurry, thinking that the horn sound was too loud, so she turned around and walked a few steps to the other side.

The horn stopped, Shen Xiyan's cell phone rang, and it was from Huang Xing.

After pressing the answer button, Shen Xiyan asked anxiously: "Have you got a taxi?"

"The car is here! Why don't you come over?"

"What?" Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "Where is the car?"

"Turn around! Just go forward five meters!"

Shen Xiyan turned around and asked doubtfully, "Where is it? Where are you?"

"Black Cherokee, get in the car!"


Shen Xiyan got into the car in a daze, and asked, "Where did this car come from?"

"Rental! Put on your seat belt and let's go."

"Rented it? You rented it just now?" Shen Xiyan asked in surprise.

"I rented it yesterday!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Where was the time just now?"

"Didn't you say to take a taxi yesterday? What are you renting a car for?"

Huang Xing smiled lightly, "The orphanage you mentioned is so far away, and it's still in such a place where no shit, which taxi driver is willing to go?"

"Isn't it just farther away? I'll just pay according to the distance! And I'll use him for the return trip!" Shen Xiyan said.

"One is that it is far away, and the other is that it is far away, so the driver is unwilling to go. Besides, the road to there is at least [-] kilometers of dirt road, which is difficult to walk. I am afraid that the driver will break down halfway! Otherwise, the road just now Why are a few cars refusing to pick up the job?"

"Oh..." Shen Xiyan nodded, and suddenly glared at him angrily, "Then you didn't say it earlier? Did you deliberately read my joke just now?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "That's not true, in case any driver is willing to go, I can save myself driving, right?"

"Then you rent a car for nothing?"

"I'll just return it again!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "Anyway, the place to return the car is not far away, so there won't be much time wasted."

"Oh..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and had to admit that Huang Xing was really thoughtful, but seeing Huang Xing's complacent look, why didn't she want to praise him at all, but wanted to beat him so much?
Shen Xiyan suppressed this absurd idea, and said, "Stop in the supermarket ahead, I want to buy some water... Hey! How did you speed up when I asked you to stop? Hey! Did you hear what I said?"

"On the right, the bottle of mineral water on the door has never been opened! There is still in the glove box after drinking it, and it is all new." Huang Xing laughed.

Shen Xiyan froze for a moment, opened the glove box and found that besides mineral water, there were two bottles of orange juice and two bags of biscuits.

"You prepared this?" Shen Xiyan asked.

Huang Chen nodded, "I'm not like you, I can go without eating or drinking for a whole day. Miss Shen is the best, she only brought a small bag when she went to such a far place, tsk tsk..."

"You..." Shen Xiyan's face was flushed by the words, she was ashamed and angry, and she pouted, "You can't talk well? I wanted to thank you at first, but I won't accept you if you talk like that. love!"

As she spoke, she opened the mineral water angrily, took a sip, and continued: "I drink your water, and I don't thank you! Hmph!"

Huang Chen laughed, "Don't be angry, you can buy these things on the road anyway, it doesn't matter when you buy them... Have you brought your sunglasses and mask? Have you bought a wig?"

"It's all in the bag."

"Finally I haven't forgotten..." Lu Xing smiled, seeing Shen Xiyan's mouth puffed up again, he wisely stopped talking.

Speaking of which, Huang Xing is now more and more interested in making Shen Xiyan angry, especially he likes to see Shen Xiyan pouting more and more. I have to say, this is definitely Lu Xing Chen's bad taste.

The interior space of the Grand Cherokee is very spacious. Shen Xiyan lowered the back of the seat, found a comfortable angle and leaned back, showing an expression of enjoyment.

She tilted her head, looked at Huang Xing who was concentrating on driving, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. Although Huang Chen was angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, she had to admit that Huang Xing was really thoughtful, renting a car Much more comfortable than taking a taxi, this bastard really has some skills!No wonder the gang of flower-obsessed fascinated!

"Xi Yan, am I handsome?" Huang Xing asked suddenly.

Shen Xiyan was taken aback, and couldn't help laughing, "You have a really thick skin! Are you handsome? Why didn't I see it?"

"Don't be embarrassed, just now you looked at me so affectionately, you must think I'm handsome!"

Shen Xiyan curled her lips, "I always thought you were thick-skinned, but I didn't expect you to be so thick! Actually, I was researching just how thick your skin is!"

"Don't study it anymore..." Huang Xing pointed to his face and said with a smile, "Come here and take a bite and you'll know. If you don't have the heart to bite, I'm fine with a kiss!"

"Dream you!" Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look.

"If you're embarrassed, I can kiss you..."

"Go to hell!" Shen Xiyan resisted the urge to smash the mineral water bottle on Huang Xing's head, stretched out her hand and twisted his arm hard.

In the eyes of outsiders, especially those of the opposite sex of the same age, Shen Xiyan is always so elegant and ladylike.But as soon as she met Huang Xing, her patience and self-cultivation seemed to have disappeared. When she was angry, she would argue loudly, and when she was even more angry, she would even hit someone.If other princes who were fascinated by her saw her lose their temper, how many people's jaws would be shocked.

The two kept bickering, but they didn't feel bored on the road.Shen Xiyan said her mouth was dry, she drank a lot of water, but she was not Huang Xing's match when it came to bickering, and she was not as thick-skinned as Huang Xing, so she often jumped in anger, but she was helpless. Huang Xing was driving, and she He couldn't really fight hard, so he had to turn his anger into appetite and continue to drink water and eat.

After leaving the city, I drove along the intercity expressway for more than an hour, then went down the fork and onto a gravel road.

The gravel road was not only narrow, but also very bumpy. Shen Xiyan couldn't help complaining, "Why is this road so difficult?"

"No way, the place you chose can only go here, now you understand why those drivers don't want to come?" Huang Xing said.

Shen Xi's complexion was a little weird, she bit her lip, and asked in a low voice: "Hey! Do you know where there is a toilet?"

(End of this chapter)

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