The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 339 What's so interesting about this kind of thing

Chapter 339 What's so interesting about this kind of thing
"What?" Lu Xing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Want it to be convenient?"

Shen Xiyan's face was a little red, "Is there a mark on the map where there is a toilet?"

"You didn't mention it on the highway just now, where can I find a toilet now? Bear with me, there should be a village ten kilometers ahead."

"Okay..." Shen Xiyan nodded depressedly, the car was bumping non-stop, and the water in her belly was also shaking, it was really hard to endure.

Finally, they arrived at the village marked on the map, but the two were a little dumbfounded when they got close. The village had been demolished, and there was no one there, leaving only a ruined wall, but there was a toilet-like building at the entrance of the village.

Huang Xing drove the car to the side of the building and said, "Go."

"Hmm..." As soon as Shen Xiyan opened the car door, an unpleasant smell rushed into the car, and she quickly closed the door again, "It's too smelly, I don't know how dirty it will be inside, I won't go! "

Huang Xing didn't talk nonsense, he kicked the gas pedal and drove away. It was really hard for Miss Shen to go to such a toilet that obviously hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

The road became more and more bumpy, Shen Xiyan's expression became more and more uncomfortable, her sexy lips were pursed, she looked out of the window anxiously, her two slender legs were tightly clamped, Huang Xing glanced at it, not without malice I wondered what would happen if I suddenly frightened her?

But that kind of tasteless thing is just a thought, Huang Xing has no urge to turn it into reality, beautiful girls are for appreciation and petting, not for spoofing.

Seeing a dense forest in front of him, Huang Xing drove the car over, parked beside the forest, and said, "Go to the forest to solve it. The forest is dense enough, so people passing by won't be afraid to see it."

"Huh? The woods?"

"It's better than that smelly toilet, right? If you hold on for another hour, we'll almost be there."

"No, no, no... Lin Zi is Lin Zi!" Shen Xiyan cruelly pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Just a few steps into the forest, Shen Xiyan felt chills all over her body. She looked at the densely packed trees around her, heard the "swish" sound of the breeze blowing through the treetops, and the chirping of unknown insects, she couldn't help feeling a little bit cold. Fear.Looking back, I can vaguely see pedestrians passing by on the road, which means that others can see me too.But walking forward, looking at the dark depths of the jungle, Shen Xiyan felt a little apprehensive.

She bit her lip, went back to the car, and knocked on the window.

"It's over so soon?" Huang Xing was a little surprised, this little girl shouldn't have a problem with frequent urination, right?How much can be discharged in such a short time?So you can't stand it even a little bit?There must be something wrong!

Shen Xiyan was a little embarrassed, "It's too dark inside, I'm scared!"

"..." Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "It's broad daylight, what are you afraid of?"

"It's very dark inside, and there are strange noises."

"Then what should we do? You continue to endure?"

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "Get out of the car and come with me?"

Huang Chen smiled wretchedly, "Let me visit? That's great, I wish for it!"

"Go to hell!" Shen Xiyan said, "Just take me inside, and then... no peeking!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing pushed the door and got out of the car, "Let's go, you're so big, you're so timid! It's convenient to have someone to accompany you... How old is my little sister? I'll buy you candy later!"

"You..." Shen Xiyan's teeth itched in anger, but she really didn't have the energy to argue with Huang Xing now, so she had to hold it back for the time being.

The two entered the depths of the forest, Huang Xing pointed to a thicker tree not far away, and said: "Go behind the trunk, I'll wait for you here!"

"Well!" Shen Xiyan looked vigilant, "You are not allowed to peek! Otherwise, I will never talk to you again!"

"Got it... hurry up, your face is turning green and you're still talking!"

"Hmph!" Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look, walked quickly behind the tree, and then looked around vigilantly, only after confirming that there was absolutely no one there was she relieved.


Hearing the rustling sound behind the tree, Huang Xing really felt a little itchy. There's nothing interesting about urinating, but the problem is, it's a stunning beauty who is urinating, which is too attractive to a man .Huang Xing suppressed his wandering thoughts, and secretly laughed at himself, why did he become like those perverts in the East Japan Kingdom, what's so interesting about this kind of thing!

After waiting for a while, Shen Xiyan came out from behind the tree. This time, her complexion was much better, and her walking posture became more natural. Huang Xing deliberately exaggerated: "So long? You have quite a lot of space!"

"I hate it!" Shen Xiyan blushed, "You are not allowed to say it!"

Huang Chen smiled, "What's there to say? Could it be that I said to others, alas, I'll tell you, Shen Xiyan relieved me behind the tree that day! Listen to me! Others will think I'm a pervert!"

"What! Damn you! You're a pervert!" Shen Xiyan raised her hand and punched Huang Chen a few times. Feeling puzzled, she raised her leg and kicked him.

"I said Miss, but others said you are a lady. I really doubt that people all over the world are blind. How are you a lady? You are a violent madman!"

"Who told you to hate it?" Shen Xiyan gritted her teeth, "If you talk nonsense again, I will be rude to you!"

"What's the matter? You still want to bite me?" Huang Xing smiled, "Tell me, where do you want to bite? I'll give it to you!"

"Fuck you! You idiot!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Stop dawdling! Let's go!"


The two continued to move forward, drove for another hour, and finally arrived at the legendary Haixin Orphanage.

Despite the remote location of this orphanage, it occupies a large area and the building is very new.It was lunch time at this time, and from the smell wafting from inside, it could be seen that the food was pretty good.

Shen Xiyan had already put on sunglasses, a mask, a wig, and pretended to be a foreigner. She was about to get out of the car, but she was a little nervous, and she turned around and asked, "Xing Xing, is your passport really okay? "

"The passport must be fine. I think there is a problem with you."

"What's wrong with me?"

Lu Xing stroked his chin, and said with a smile: "You are so nervous, I'm afraid if someone asks a few words, you will reveal your truth."

"What should I do?"

Huang Xing thought for a while, "How about this, you just put on a haughty attitude, don't talk, I will do. Let's make a few secret signs first..."

"Ah?" After hearing Huang Xing's words, Shen Xiyan hesitated, "Is this possible?"

"Don't worry, you just have to do what I say!" Huang Xing smiled, "You first look for the feeling, that is, you want that stinky feeling... Eyes! Eyes! Go a little higher, how did you turn the page just now?" I can do whatever I want... Hey, I didn't let you really stare at me... Hey, why are you staring at me again?"


 Begging all over the floor, begging for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, all kinds of begging, blah blah!

(End of this chapter)

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