Chapter 374 Xue Liya

Arriving at the Maple Leaf International Hotel where the MBC Group is located, the three of Shen Kuohai went directly to the meeting room on the top floor.

A beautiful waitress stood at the door of the meeting room. She smiled professionally at the three of them, then pushed open the door of the meeting room, and said politely, "Good morning, three gentlemen, please come in."

Shen Kuohai smiled slightly, and walked into the conference room first.

The conference room is very large, and the huge oval conference table can seat at least [-] people, but it is very empty now, with only four people, three men and one woman.

Two of the men were older and appeared to be in their 50s.The other man was younger, in his 30s.Judging from the positions of the four of them, they were headed by the blond woman.

The blond woman was younger and very pretty.With the typical big and deep eyes of western beauties, delicate nose, sexy lips, coupled with a slender figure, she has a bit of Audrey Hepburn's charm.

Seeing this woman, Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch his mouth, Shen Kuohai's business information is not good!This little girl is here, but there is no mention in the information!

Shen Kuohai and the others entered the meeting room, and the people from MBC also turned their heads. The blonde woman saw Huang Xing at first sight. She subconsciously covered her chest with her hands, and her big beautiful eyes couldn't hide the surprise. Only Huang Xing noticed that her body moved unnaturally, as if she wanted to rush over, but soon held back and returned to normal...

According to the information that Huang Chen read just now, this time the negotiation, MBC Group is led by Mr. Robert Feng, the chairman's first assistant.But now, the core of the MBC negotiating team turned out to be a beautiful young woman, and this woman, Huang Xing happened to know, not only knew, but was considered familiar with.

She is the granddaughter of the chairman of MBC, Ms. Shiriya, who is known as the little princess of the MBC group.

Xue Liya is 23 years old this year, she was just eighteen when she met Huang Xing, and it has been five years this year.Back then, the MBC Group ranked [-]th in North America, far from the scale it is today.For the development of the group, their chairman made a strategic decision to cooperate in the Middle East.

The Middle East has always been the territory of the Stars and Stripes in North America, to be precise, it belongs to the top four financial groups in North America.It is the center of the world's energy and the largest piece of fat in the world.

At that time, a large piece had already popped out of the mouth of the Stars and Stripes, causing the economy of the Stars and Stripes to almost decline.When MBC Group chose to cooperate at that time, it became the common enemy of the top four financial groups in North America.

In order to stop the MBC Group, the four major financial groups hired professional European and American mercenary organizations, kidnapped and even killed several senior MBC executives. Even the chairman's granddaughter, Miss Xue Liya, was kidnapped by mercenaries on her way to school.

Although the MBC Group was hit hard, the chairman did not give in. Through his relationship, he asked Master Huang Chen for help, and the task of rescuing Xue Liya finally fell on Huang Chen.

At that time, Shiriya had been transferred to the hands of terrorist organizations in the Middle East. If the MBC Group did not give in, the terrorist organization would broadcast the process of killing Shiriya live to the world.Alone, Huang Chen went deep into the most dangerous area in the Middle East, killed many terrorists on the execution ground, and rescued Xue Liya.

Then, along the way from the Middle East to North America, the princess and the brave prince accompanied day and night. Both of them were young and young, and what should have happened and what should have happened happened.

The two had special identities, Huang Xing left after sending Xue Liya to North America, and the MBC Group didn't want their little princess to have too many interactions with people like Huang Xing.Since then, Xue Liya has never seen Huang Xing again, and the romance along the way has become the best memory in Xue Liya's heart.

The choice of the MBC Group brought them huge benefits, and the size of the group snowballed, and it has now become the sixth largest group in North America.Although the strength is slightly insufficient compared with the top four groups in North America, it is by no means the same as it used to be bullied.What's more, they now vaguely have the feeling of being the spokespersons in North America, so although the four major North American groups still reject MBC Group, they dare not use that kind of low-handed means against them anymore.

After the kidnapping incident, Xue Liya participated in the operation of the MBC company. Having inherited the business gene of the chairman, she was soon recognized by the other veterans of the company and gradually entered the company's core circle.

With the increase of knowledge, especially after MBC Group became one of the world's first-class groups, Xue Liya knew more information that she couldn't get before, and finally vaguely guessed what kind of person the handsome oriental guy who rescued her was.

Originally, in Xue Liya's heart, Huang Xing was a powerful existence, but later this power was shrouded in a mysterious and slightly dark veil, and the love in the girl's heart became even more difficult to control.

Although Xue Liya concealed it very well, in fact, she has been looking for Huang Xing for the past five years, hoping to meet him again and relive the days of being together day and night.

But today, on a completely unexpected occasion, she actually saw Huang Xing again. At that moment, she didn't know how much strength she had used to barely restrain her urge to throw herself into Huang Xing's arms.

Huang Xing smiled slightly at Xue Liya, then shook his head imperceptibly.

Xue Liya suppressed the throbbing in her heart, tried her best to look away from Huang Xing, walked towards Shen Kuohai quickly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shen Kuohai? Hello!"

Xue Liya's Chinese is a bit of a mouthful, but she can still understand it.She greeted in Chinese, obviously to make a good impression on Shen Kuohai.

Shen Kuohai laughed, "Could it be Miss Xue Liya? What a pleasure to meet you!"

Xue Liya smiled slightly, stretched out her hand and shook Shen Kuohai's shallowly, and continued to speak in awkward Chinese: "Mr. Robert Feng fell ill suddenly, so this time I am representing the MBC Group to meet with Mr. Shen."

"I see..." Shen Kuohai nodded, "Please convey my sincere regards to Mr. Robert Feng."

Xue Liya smiled slightly, "I will! First of all, I would like to thank you for your concern on behalf of Mr. Robert Feng."

At this time, a gray-haired old man who had been standing behind Xue Liya frowned slightly, walked up to Xue Liya, and whispered in French: "Miss Xue Liya, Mr. Sander should do the greetings." Do."

(End of this chapter)

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