The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 381 Such a Coincidence

Chapter 381 Such a Coincidence
Huang Chen shrugged his shoulders, "It's hard to say, the Shen family is very popular, even if Uncle Shen knows how to be a man again, there will be no fewer enemies, both open and dark. can guess who will benefit from this matter... ..."

Li Qiang heard what Huang Xing meant, thought for a while, and said: "Now that this incident happened, it will definitely be very detrimental to the negotiation between us and MBC. Could it be that the Gao family did it? They have also been striving to cooperate with MBC Opportunity."

"The Gao family?" Huang Xing was silent for a moment, then smiled, "Is the Gao family the only competitor this time?"

Li Qiang nodded, "It seems to be, or the strong competitor is the Gao family, and there is Morita Company, but the strength of that company is not strong."

Huang Xing smiled, "You need to take risks if you are not strong, right?"

Li Qiang was taken aback, then nodded slowly, "It seems to make sense!"

"However, the best way to expose the conspiracy is to prove that it is a conspiracy..." Huang Xing said, "I believe that the things detected by the authorities are objective, so we need to find out by ourselves, what are those toxic substances? From where."

"Little Lu, what do you think? Tell me!"

"I've finished what I want to say!" Huang Xing smiled, "Do you want me to investigate? Then I will charge you!"

Li Qiang was stunned for a long time before turning this corner, and said with a wry smile: "You child... I really can't do anything about you!"

"Uncle Li, let's eat quickly, we have to negotiate with MBC today!" Huang Xing said while speeding up his drinking of tofu nao.

Although Li Qiang still wanted to ask a few more questions, Huang Xing didn't want to say anything, and he had nothing to do with Huang Xing, so he had to eat breakfast absent-mindedly.

After breakfast, the two went directly to Shen Kuohai's office.

Shen Kuohai's expression was not very good either, thinking about what happened yesterday also made him feel a little troubled.He sipped his tea and said to Li Qiang: "Old Li, you don't have to go through the negotiation today, you go and check the situation of Morita Company, and find out all the business of their company as soon as possible!"

"Morita Company?" Li Qiang couldn't help but looked at Huang Xing with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Shen Kuohai felt that Li Qiang's expression was a little strange.

Li Qiang said with a smile: "During breakfast, I talked with Xiao Lu about this matter, and Xiao Lu also said that Morita Company is a bit suspicious."

Shen Kuohai looked at Huang Xing approvingly, and said with a smile: "Xiao Lu, why do you think Morita Company is suspicious?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "They have a reason to take the risk, and they may succeed in taking the risk."

Shen Kuohai laughed, "I want you to be my assistant more and more! That way I will be much more relaxed!"

Huang Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Uncle Shen, I'm lazy, I don't want to work too hard."

"You child..." Shen Kuohai shook his head helplessly, and said, "Then today's negotiation, do you have any ideas?"

Huang Xing smiled secretly, and thought to himself that I have already paved the road for you, what else do you want?However, about the matter between himself and Xue Liya, Huang Xing didn't bother to mention it, so he smiled and said: "Uncle Shen must have thought about it a long time ago... But just try to delay the time and find out the truth as soon as possible, I think if MBC With sincere cooperation, this time will still be given to us.”

Shen Kuohai pondered for a moment, then nodded, "You're right...Xiao Lu, there's something I want to ask you to do."

"Uncle Shen, please tell me."

"People in Haidong basically know about this kind of incident in the group. I am worried that Xiyan will not be at ease in school, and she refuses to ask for leave, so I ask you to help take care of Xiyan for a while."

Huang Chen smiled, "Don't worry, Uncle Shen, I'm Xiyan's bodyguard, and I should take care of her."

"And..." Shen Kuohai thought for a while and said, "I'm worried that if others talk too fiercely, she will be unhappy, so I hope you can help persuade her when necessary."

"No problem!" Lu Fei nodded, and couldn't help sighing secretly, even if that little girl Xiyan was unhappy about the Shen Group's affairs, it is estimated that as long as I show up, all her negative emotions will hit my brother on the head.Ordinarily, diverting attention can be regarded as a solution, if necessary, just go and anger her.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Shen Kuohai and Huang Xing left for Maple Leaf Hotel.

Arriving in yesterday's conference room, Shen Kuohai was surprised to find that Xue Liya was the only one in the huge place, and her complexion was not very good-looking, as if she was very tired.He couldn't help but secretly sighed. It seemed that they had discussed the matter of Shen's Group last night and decided not to cooperate with Shen's Group any more, so the three of them stopped showing up.

"Mr. Shen, hello!" Xue Liya still greeted in Chinese.

"Hello, Miss Xue Liya!" Shen Kuohai said with a smile.

Xue Liya covered her mouth, yawned a little, and said, "I'm really sorry, my jet lag hasn't reversed yet."

Shen Kuohai smiled awkwardly, and winked at Huang Xing, meaning to let him start translating.

"Miss Xue Liya, you must know what happened in our group. I can use my personality to guarantee that the food produced by our Shen Group is absolutely safe! That incident was a conspiracy, and the purpose was to corrupt our group. reputation and destroy the trust between us.”

Huang Xing immediately translated this passage, and at the same time smiled teasingly at Xue Liya.

Xue Liya was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking, and then said: "What happened yesterday is indeed surprising, but we have been exhausted by the hateful jet lag! Now we really don't have the energy to think about other issues. "

After hearing Huang Xing's translation, Shen Kuohai didn't react for a while, "Miss Xue Liya, what does this mean?"

Xue Liya understood this sentence, and without waiting for Huang Xing to translate, she said directly: "The cooperation negotiation between us is a task entrusted to us by the headquarters. No matter what happens, we must talk about it! But because of the damn Jet lag, we are very tired, Mr. Trump, Mr. Ottmar and Mr. Sander all have a cold, Trump and Ottmar also have a high fever. Our negotiations may not be able to proceed for the time being, I hope Mr. Shen forgives."

When Huang Xing finished translating, Shen Kuohai's mood was not so much surprise, but stunned.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?He had already thought about it, the only way now is to find a way to delay the negotiation, it is best to wait until the truth of the matter is found out.But before I could say anything, the other party offered to postpone the negotiation time. Is my character too good?
"Mr. Shen..." Xue Liya said seriously, "I'm afraid the negotiation will be delayed for at least a week, so I'm really sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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