Chapter 382
Hearing that Xue Liya said that the negotiations would be postponed, Shen Kuohai was surprised, but his face did not show it, and he said with a smile, "It's okay, I hope the three of you can recover well, let alone a week, even half a month is fine!"

Xue Liya smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Shen. Also, I would like to ask Mr. Shen to do me a little's my personal business."

"But it doesn't matter!" Shen Kuohai smiled, "As long as I can do it, I will help you."

Xue Liya smiled like a flower, and said: "Mr. Shen will definitely be able to do it... It's like this. Originally, I had the task of inspecting the market when I came to China, but Sander was ill, and I lacked an expert who is proficient in Chinese, French and English Translator. And Mr. Shen's translator, Mr. Lu Chen, happens to be proficient in three languages, so I hope Mr. Lu Chen can help. "

Shen Kuohai was stunned for a moment, borrowing an interpreter?Although this sounds reasonable, it's a bit weird no matter how you think about it... But then, Shen Kuohai suddenly felt something in his heart, Xue Liya wanted to inspect the market?What market to investigate?Could it be that they want to secretly investigate what happened yesterday?If this is the case, letting Huang Xing act as an interpreter can just speak well for the Shen Group!And what's going on with their MBC, Huang Xing can also know the first time!
Thinking of this, Shen Kuohai's thinking became more divergent.Judging from yesterday's situation, Trump doesn't seem to want to cooperate with Shen's Group. Now the companies under Shen's Group just had an accident yesterday. Today they said they were sick. Maybe this is just an excuse. In fact, they want to Go get in touch with the Gao Group or the Morita Group?And Xue Liya's proposal to ask Huang Xing to be an interpreter, could it be a hint to me?She wants me to know that at least she personally supports the cooperation with Shen Group?

Guessing MBC's intentions in his heart, Shen Kuohai remained calm and said with a smile: "Miss Xue Liya, we still need to ask Huang Xing what he thinks about this matter. If Xiao Lu agrees, I personally have no opinion."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "I obey the chairman's arrangement."

Shen Kuohai laughed, "Then you will be Miss Xue Liya's interpreter recently."

Huang Xing nodded, "I will try my best."

Xue Liya suppressed the joy in her heart, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your help. I plan to start working in the afternoon, and I want Mr. Huang Chen to get acquainted first..."

"No problem!" Shen Kuohai smiled, he heard that Xue Liya wanted to see off the guests, and he happened to be eager to go back to deal with yesterday's mess, so he patted Huang Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile, " Then you stay and help Miss Xue Liya first, and don't worry about the company's affairs."

"Good chairman." Huang Xing nodded.

Xue Liya happily sent Shen Kuohai away. As soon as she returned to the conference room, she immediately hooked Huang Xing's neck and offered a deep kiss.

Huang Xing smiled slightly, hugged her and sat on the chair.

Xue Liya sat on Huang Xing's lap, letting him caress her thin flesh-colored silk stockings, and said with a smile: "This is great, the next thing is our world of two! It takes a week to get better!"

Huang Xing smiled, "Uncle Shen is very nice to me, today the two of us lied to him together, I feel a little guilty."

"You don't know how much you helped him!" Xue Liya laughed, "If he knew the reason why Trump and the others were sick, he would be grateful and marry the most beautiful daughter to you!"

"Forget it..." Huang Xing shook his head, "That Shen Xiyan has a bad temper! We often quarrel!"

"Often quarrel?" Xue Liya rolled her eyes, "Only people who are very familiar with each other often quarrel. Are you familiar with her?"

"Well! I'm familiar... We are in the same class, and I am also her sister's tutor."

"You are in the same class, you are her sister's tutor, and you are Shen Kuohai's accompanying interpreter..." Xue Liya broke her snow-white and slender fingers, and suddenly laughed, "I think Mr. My daughter will marry you!"

Huang Chen waved his hand, "This accompanying interpreter only hired me for a week... By the way, the weekly salary they gave me is [-], how much will you give me?"

"How much do you want?" Xue Liya turned around and sat on Huang Xing's lap, "I'll give you as much as you want..."

Seeing Xue Liya's clothes being unbuttoned one by one, and the snow-white area expanding little by little, Huang Xing pinched her face, and said with a smile: "This is a conference room... weren't you tired last night?"

"I've already locked the door..." Xue Liya hugged Huang Chen, offering the most beautiful softness, "Tired is tired, but after thinking about you for five years, I'm not afraid to be tired...ah..."

Amid the exclamation, Xue Liya was picked up by Huang Xing and placed on the conference table...



More than an hour later, Huang Xing walked out of the conference room with a pile of documents in his arms. His clothes were neat and his expression was serious, as if nothing had happened just now.

After another ten minutes, Xue Liya came out of the conference room. She walked very slowly, and her snow-white legs under the uniform skirt seemed to be a little weak. The socks didn't know where they went.There was a hint of spring on the corners of her eyebrows, and a contented smile hung on the corners of her mouth.

Back in her guest room, Xue Li yawned, rubbed her slightly sore waist, leaned against the head of the bed, and muttered to herself: "What kind of wife will such a strong man marry in the future? No woman should be able to monopolize him..."

Just as she was thinking about something, Xue Liya's cell phone rang, and it was Sander's call.Xue Liya answered the phone and said, "Sander, I have postponed the date of the negotiation. How are Uncle Trump and Uncle Ottmar doing now?"

A few coughs came from the phone, "The doctor ordered them to be hospitalized for treatment, and suggested that I be hospitalized for observation."

The corner of Xue Liya's mouth twitched, "Then you should be hospitalized too, your health is important."

"Uncle Trump said, I hope you will consider Morita Company, Shen Group has such a big problem, they..."

"Sander!" Xue Liya interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Although I don't have a fever like yours, I still feel a little tired. I'm worried that I also have a cold. I'll rest for a few days before talking about it! "

"Ah? Why don't you go to the hospital for a checkup?"

"Let's talk about it, I want to sleep first! I couldn't fall asleep because of jet lag, but you disturbed me again in the middle of the night last night. I'm sleepy now!"

"I'm really sorry, it's just that the news yesterday was too important...then you should rest first."

"Well, you are recuperating well in the hospital!" Xue Liya hung up the phone, yawned, took off her coat and got into bed, and sent a voice message to Huang Xing, "My dear, I'm going to your house in the afternoon" , Then close your eyes and fall asleep after a while.


(End of this chapter)

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