The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 386 Shen Xiyan Besieged

Chapter 386 Shen Xiyan Besieged

"You...why are you here?"

"Didn't I just say that I would come to see you?" Huang Xing pulled up a chair and sat next to the two of them, and said with a smile, "That's why I came."

"How do you know I'm here?" Shen Xiyan asked with widened eyes.

Huang Chen said with a smile: "I've listened to the music here many times. I knew you were here when I called just now."

The place where Shen Xiyan is located is the coffee shop behind the school. Huang Xing and her have been here many times, so Huang Xing knows that Shen Xiyan is here through the background music playing on the phone.

"You have sharp ears!" Shen Xiyan complained, but since Huang Xing came here, Shen Xiyan had no choice but to introduce him and Ding Zimo to each other.

Lu Xing smiled slightly, and said: "I've heard of Miss Ding's name for a long time, but I saw her today...she really deserves her reputation!"

Ding Zimo smiled, "Xiyan mentioned you just now, and said that your foreign language is very good, right?"

"I've been abroad for a few years, so I can speak fluently." Huang Xing said with a smile.

"You said just now that you don't need to translate for my dad? Why? Did the negotiation stop?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"It's not that we stopped talking, it was postponed..." Huang Xing laughed, "Three of the four on the other side have a bad cold, so we had to postpone the negotiation!"

"Ah? How could this be?" Shen Xiyan asked in surprise.

"I don't know either... I guess the foreigner is not acclimated!" Lu Chen said seriously.

"I think this is very good, and Uncle Shen is definitely willing to postpone it." Ding Zimo smiled.

Shen Xiyan still couldn't believe it, "Why is it such a coincidence?"

Huang Xing held back a smile, spread his hands out, "It's such a coincidence!"

Hearing that Huang Xing was trying to imitate himself, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but glared at him, but Huang Xing didn't care, smiled, and after saying a few polite words to Ding Zimo, he got up and left.

He wanted to take a look, not because he was worried about Shen Xiyan's safety, but because he was worried that she would do something that was not helpful, such as asking acquaintances for help through his relationship.At such a time, it is better for the Shen family to be quiet than to move. The most important thing to do is to find out the source of those toxic substances. As for other things, do more and make more mistakes.Seeing that Shen Xiyan was only meeting and chatting with friends now, Huang Xing felt relieved.

When Huang Xing left, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but feel a little strange, "This idiot! What the hell is he doing here? Why did he leave so soon?"

"Maybe there is something, it's not convenient for me to say it." Ding Zimo smiled, but couldn't help feeling a little weird in his heart.Although Shen Xiyan said she hated this boy named Huang Chen, Ding Zimo felt that Shen Xiyan's attitude towards Huang Chen was different from those of Gao Xiaodong who really hated her. You're welcome, but what should I say?That expression and tone... It seemed more like she was acting like a baby?
But Ding Zimo is not a person who likes gossip, so of course she would not make fun of Shen Xiyan with this, she looked at the time and said with a smile: "It's getting late, I should go too, now I can catch up with Linchuan in the afternoon s plane."

"Ah? Sister Zimo, are you leaving now?"

"Well, help me bring one to Uncle Shen! Also, if you need our help in this matter, you must tell me, don't be polite to me!"

Shen Xiyan sighed, "Okay then... It's hard to see each other once, and you're leaving so soon!"

"I will come back when I have time, and you can come to Linchuan to play with me when you are on vacation." Ding Zimo smiled.


After seeing off Ding Zimo, Shen Xiyan took out her phone and turned on the news.

Now it is impossible to read the news about the Shen family, all kinds of revelations are so varied, even the saying that Shen Kuohai has escaped from Haidong with his family has come out.

Although Shen Xiyan knew that these things were all nonsense, she was still a little unhappy after reading it. She returned to school sullenly, and walked along the tree-lined road in the school to the dormitory.

As she was walking, suddenly a man with a parted head caught up with her, looked left and right at her, and then shouted into the distance, "Come here, come here! Shen Xiyan is here! Shen Xiyan is here !"

hula la...

Several men and women with long guns and short cannons and "XX Media" brand on their bodies ran over quickly, blocking Shen Xiyan's way.

"Miss Shen, I'm a reporter from Haidong Toutiao..." A female reporter with thin lips like a blade put a microphone in front of Shen Xiyan and asked, "There is news that the Shen Group has been shut down. May I ask if this is true?"

"Miss Shen, I'm a reporter from CU News..." The split-headed man also extended a long microphone, "I heard that the Shen family will immigrate soon, is that true?"

Facing two dark microphones and a few cameras, Shen Xiyan didn't realize for a while, this is inside the school, how did these reporters get in?
"Miss Shen, food safety issues are related to the lives of the general public, but the children's biscuits of the Shen Group have found highly toxic substances. It is said that some children are dying of this. What do you have to say?" Thin-lipped female reporter He asked questions like a cannonball, "According to well-informed sources, the chairman of the Shen Group has been detained. Please confirm the authenticity of this news."

"Miss Shen..." The male reporter in the center asked immediately, "May I ask if the assistant to the chairman of the Shen Group has absconded in fear of crime? Are you also planning to leave Haidong?"

Although Shen Xiyan attended some press conferences, they were all formal occasions, and the protagonist was not her. Now facing the reporters' questioning, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and these reporters' questions were unreasonable, even The malicious slander made her a little angry again.

For a moment, her face turned red, and she was stunned for a while before she said, "You guys are talking nonsense!"

"Miss Shen, we just want to ask you a few questions..." The reporter with thin lips said, "As the daughter of the chairman of the board, do you have anything to say about the Shen Group? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Why are we so careless about human life?"

"Producing poisonous biscuits, and they are children's biscuits, isn't it a disregard for human life?" said the reporter with thin lips.

"We don't make toxic biscuits!"

"Miss Shen, is this the denial of the Shen family?" The reporter from Zhongfen said, "Does what you said just now represent the attitude of the Shen family to the public?"

Hearing this, Shen Xiyan's heart skipped a beat. Although she had never held any positions in the Shen Group, she did not understand many things. When this happened to the Shen family, she was the director of the Shen Group. The eldest daughter, please don't talk casually, if someone catches you, it will definitely affect Shen Kuohai.

(End of this chapter)

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