The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 387 I Have a Little Donkey I Never Ride

Chapter 387 I Have a Little Donkey I Never Ride
Shen Xiyan tightly closed her mouth, thinking to herself, these reporters appeared in the campus out of nowhere, and just stopped her, isn't this too coincidental?Could it be that someone deliberately wanted to talk nonsense?
"Miss Shen, the official inspection team has entered the food company under the Shen Group. What do you want to say about this?"

"Miss Shen, the Shen Group's children's biscuits put innocent children's lives in danger. Why has the Shen Group not expressed its position on this matter? Didn't even visit them?"

"Miss Shen..."

Listening to the two reporters' chorus of questions, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but secretly gritted her teeth, really wanting to gag their mouths and smash the damn cameras!But she can't say anything, can't do anything, because she has discovered that there are countless language traps hidden in their questions, no matter what she answers, I am afraid that it will be infinitely extended and maliciously misinterpreted.So, Shen Xiyan silently took out her mobile phone, intending to call the school security over.

At this time, Gao Xiaodong was hiding behind a big tree five or sixty meters away from the place where Shen Xiyan was surrounded by reporters.

These reporters were found by his father Gao Dequan, and then Gao Xiaodong used some means to get them into the school.

Gao Dequan asked these gossip reporters to come for two purposes.

One purpose was to embarrass Shen Xiyan and create an opportunity for Gao Xiaodong to help Shen Xiyan out.When Shen Xiyan was asked about despair, someone would send a signal to Gao Xiaodong. At that time, Gao Xiaodong would appear on the stage, reprimand the reporter righteously, and then take Shen Xiyan away.Later, on Haidong Toutiao and CU News, a series of frivolous news such as "Heroes save the beauty, Master Gao saves Miss Shen from danger", "Why does Master Gao protect Miss Shen" and so on will appear.In order to create an atmosphere of public opinion that the relationship between Gao Xiaodong and Shen Xiyan is ambiguous.

The other purpose is even more vicious, Gao Dequan just wants Shen Xiyan to say something that shouldn't be said in agitation, and then use the media to amplify the influence, so as to hit the Shen family.Although the matter of poisonous biscuits had nothing to do with his Gao family, he definitely didn't mind taking this opportunity to step on the Shen family.

Of course, Gao Xiaodong didn't know Gao Dequan's second goal. At this moment, he was staring closely at Shen Xiyan with his binoculars, waiting for the people in the reporter to send him a signal.

Seeing that Shen Xiyan only refuted one or two sentences and stopped talking, apparently wanting to call security, these reporters who had finally entered the gate of Haidong University were very disappointed, and one of them held a The man with the camera rolled his eyes and gestured in Gao Xiaodong's direction.

Gao Xiaodong smiled slightly, straightened his clothes, said to Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai behind him, "It's time for us to play", and walked out from behind the tree swaggeringly.

Just as he was on the main road, suddenly there was a gust of wind behind him.

"Young Master Gao, be careful!" Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai shouted in unison.

Before Gao Xiaodong could react, a figure hit his shoulder heavily.Gao Xiaodong screamed, turned 360 degrees on the spot, and fell to the ground with a "thump".

He looked up and saw a boy on roller skates rushing towards Shen Xiyan. Although he didn't see his face, Gao Xiaodong could tell from his back that that boy was the one that made him hate him so much. Itchy Huang Xing!

At this time, Huang Xing appeared... Gao Xiaodong had a vague premonition in his heart, what is this kid doing here!Is it just to hit me and throw me on purpose?
"Young Master Gao, are you alright?" Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai helped Gao Xiaodong up one by one.

"This bastard..." Gao Xiaodong pointed at Lu Chen's back, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Zhang Sanyuan and Liu Hongkai were stunned for a moment, Zhang Sanyuan said: "I don't know why, I fell into the mud..."

"Fuck, what is it?" Gao Xiaodong said angrily.

"He seems to be singing..." Zhang Sanyuan whispered.

Yes, Huang Xing was singing, and it was a very happy song.

When seeing those reporters stop Shen Xiyan, Huang Xing vaguely guessed their purpose, this is someone trying to plot against the Shen family through Shen Xiyan!With Shen Xiyan's little girl's temper, if she was asked urgently, she didn't know what she would say!If it is caught by those reporters, it will be quite troublesome for the Shen Group.

For some reason, seeing Shen Xiyan being embarrassed by those reporters, especially seeing Shen Xiyan's angry and aggrieved expression, Huang Xing suddenly felt a little angry.So he went back to the dormitory as fast as he could, put on his roller skates, earphones and a pair of big sunglasses, and rushed back quickly.

What he grabbed casually was the earphones used for the university listening test. This earphone is used to listen to the listening test questions during the test, and can also be used to listen to the radio at ordinary times.When Huang Xing turned on the power switch of the headphones, a song was playing on the radio.

I have a little donkey that I never ride, but one day I rode it to the market on a whim...

This song is too naive... Huang Xing muttered, just when he was about to change the channel, he suddenly saw the sneaky Gao Xiaodong, he immediately guessed the role Gao Xiaodong was playing here, so he knocked him over without the slightest hesitation on the ground.

After knocking down Gao Xiaodong, Huang Xing's speed didn't slow down at all, and even accelerated.He suddenly felt that the song playing in the earphones was quite nice, so he sang along loudly: "I don't know why, I fell all over in the mud... I have a little donkey that I never ride... ..."

His speed was getting faster and faster, and he rushed straight towards the large group of reporters.

All the reporters and camera crew's attention was on Shen Xiyan, no one saw Huang Chen rushing over.Shen Xiyan's sight was also blocked by the reporters, and she didn't see him until Huang Xing rushed to a place less than five meters away from everyone.

"Be careful!" Shen Xiyan blurted out.

The distance of five meters is only an instant for high-speed roller skating.

Huang Xing crashed into the crowd like a cannonball, and the people around Shen Xiyan screamed at the same time, falling down like pins knocked over by a bowling ball.

The amazing thing is that no one fell in the direction of Shen Xiyan, and the shape of everyone after they fell was like a flower, and Shen Xiyan was the stamen of that flower.

There seemed to be a butterfly circling the stamen among the flowers, and that was Huang Xing.He sang an out-of-key song, flicked his hands quickly, and brought up gusts of breeze...

(End of this chapter)

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