Chapter 397

Meng Jiaojiao sighed heavily, "It's easy for you to say! I wanted to post it too! But I didn't have the courage to post it at all!"

Chen Yan's eyes lit up, "You're also afraid that Huang Xing will be angry, right?"

"Swallow don't interrupt!" Li Jingjing said, "Jiaojiao is not like you!"

"It's really not because of Huang Xing..." Meng Jiaojiao sighed again, and said, "It's because of Xue Liya... In front of her, I don't have the confidence to pretend to be Huang Xing's girlfriend!"

"Why?" Several people asked in unison.

"Do you have the courage to snatch Audrey Hepburn's boyfriend?" Meng Jiaojiao asked back.

"What Audrey Hepburn?"

"That girl is as beautiful as Audrey Hepburn!" Meng Jiaojiao couldn't tell how many times she sighed today, "She is so beautiful...about the same size as me, with a very good figure, full of blond hair, charming Dead! Many boys on the road are secretly looking at her!"

"Didn't it mean that foreign girls have larger pores?" Yang Mengjun said unconvinced.

"And I heard that they all have freckles!" Xu Jie echoed.

Meng Jiaojiao shook her head, "That girl has good skin, no freckles at all! And her temperament is also very good! She is beautiful and has temperament, which makes me lose confidence at all!"

"Jiaojiao, are you still not confident that you are so beautiful?" Cheng Caixin pouted, "Then what shall we do?"

"Yeah... What should we do?" Xu Jie was a little helpless, "If Huang Xing has such a good girlfriend, we're probably out of luck!"

"Don't lose confidence!" Li Jingjing said, "There is a saying that is good, there is no unbreakable couple, only the little one who doesn't work hard!"

"By the way, that girl's clothes are very high-end!" Meng Jiaojiao added, "And her watch is from Patek Philippe, it can't be wrong! There is also a diamond necklace around her neck, the diamond is at least five carats!"

"Is that a super invincible and top-quality Bai Fumei?" Xu Jie became more depressed, "I don't think no matter how hard I try, I'm afraid I won't be able to become a successful little~three!"

"Jiaojiao..." Chen Yan asked in a low voice, "Is that girl prettier than Xiyan?"

Meng Jiaojiao was taken aback, and suddenly slapped the table fiercely, "That's right...Xiyan! How could I have forgotten her! I think Xiyan is more beautiful!"

Li Jingjing's eyes lit up, "That's right! Then let Xiyan do it!"

Yang Mengjun asked suspiciously, "What are you asking Xiyan to do?"

"Tell Xiyan to find Huang Chen!" Meng Jiaojiao said, "Won't this destroy the relationship between Huang Chen and that girl?"

"But Xiyan doesn't like Huang Chen!"

"That's why Xiyan is suitable!" Meng Jiaojiao said, "After Huang Xing and that girl separate, we will have a chance!"

"Ah?" Chen Yan frowned, "You actually want Xiyan to do such a thing? Xiyan will definitely not agree! Last time I asked her to tell Huang Xing about Zhou Yawen, but she didn't agree... ..."

"This time is different from last time..." Li Jingjing said, "Now that beautiful girl is occupying Lu Chen, she is still a foreigner, how can this make the girls in our class feel embarrassed? How can it make the girls in our school feel embarrassed? Please Xiyan come out, just to let Look at that girl, we still have beauties here! And prettier than her! This is a matter of face!"

"That's right!" Meng Jiaojiao added, "I lost so badly today, so I have to ask Xiyan to help me save face! As for creating a rift between Huang Xing and that girl, it's just a matter of chance! Anyway, I'm not reconciled, so we Many people like Huang Xing, how can he be compared to a foreigner?"

"Yes, yes..." Xu Jie also said indignantly, "This is an issue related to the face of our Chinese girls! Absolutely intolerable!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's talk to Xi Yan!"

"Okay! Go quickly..."

Several people rushed to Shen Xiyan's dormitory.At this time, Shen Xiyan was carefully looking at the files on the memory card on the computer, and at the same time deleted yesterday's video about herself.

Seeing Meng Jiaojiao and the others walk in, Shen Xiyan closed the laptop and said with a smile: "Just after class, why are you all together again? Are you going out?"

Meng Jiaojiao giggled, "Xiyan, we need your help with something..."

"It's a very important thing!" Cheng Caixin echoed.

"What's the matter?" Shen Xiyan wondered, "Why do you have such weird expressions? Tell me quickly!"

Several people looked at each other, and avoided each other with their eyes. In the end, Meng Jiaojiao coughed lightly, and told the story of seeing Huang Xing walking with a foreign girl.

Shen Xiyan was stunned for a while, then said, "Why are you telling me this? I'm not interested in Huang Xing!"

"Jiaojiao hasn't finished yet..." Cheng Caixin took the conversation, and told about Meng Jiaojiao's lack of guts to pretend to be Huang Xing's girlfriend, and then made a request on behalf of everyone before Shen Xiyan could speak. Xiyan went to find a place for the girl from the foreign language department and even the girls in China, and destroyed the relationship between Huang Xing and that girl by the way...

Shen Xiyan became silent after hearing this.

The six people all looked at Shen Xiyan, and Meng Jiaojiao couldn't help but said, "Xiyan, we depend entirely on you..."

Shen Xiyan took a deep breath, and said word by word: "Your brains are flooded, but mine is not! I won't go!"

"Xiyan... help me..." Yang Mengjun said.

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "No!"

"If you don't go, our class will lose face!" Meng Jiaojiao said.

"Don't go!" Shen Xiyan frowned, "The face of our class is not on Huang Xing's face! I said you like Huang Xing, so you can be brave? If you dare not go alone, then you can go together !"

"It's useless for us to go together..." Chen Yan said pitifully, " really don't want to go?"

"Don't go!" Shen Xiyan said decisively, "You really want to chase Huang Xing, this is a test! Don't try to escape! Anyway, I will definitely not go!"

Seeing Shen Xiyan's firm attitude, they finally gave up, so they had no choice but to return to Meng Jiaojiao's dormitory, muttering to discuss a solution.

Seeing a few people leave, Shen Xiyan let out a long breath. She is in a hurry to delete the video and has no time to do other things, and she also feels that what these people are thinking is too out of line!Let yourself pretend to be Huang Xing's girlfriend and destroy their relationship?Why?How did this come up with such a bad idea?
Meng Jiaojiao and the other girls discussed until dinner time but failed to come up with a solution, so they had to go to the cafeteria to eat.Of course, they also called Shen Xiyan during the meal, hoping to try harder to persuade her to change her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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