The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 398 She Is Abnormal

Chapter 398 She Is Abnormal
Coincidentally, on the only way for the girls to go to the cafeteria, Huang Xing was pulling Xue Liya to this side. Meng Jiaojiao's eyes lit up. In this way, they walked across from Huang Xing. 100%!

She quickly tugged on Shen Xiyan, and said in a low voice: "Xiyan, the one that Huang Chen is pulling is the girl I mentioned! Have you seen it? I didn't expect to meet them, it's God's will! You must Help us!"

Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, feeling secretly depressed. She looked at Xue Liya, and found that, as Meng Jiaojiao said, she looked a bit like Audrey Hepburn, and she was indeed very beautiful.

Seeing Huang Xing casually holding the girl's hand, Shen Xiyan frowned, and whispered to several people: "You don't need to worry so much, Western women are more open, and holding hands doesn't mean anything, just hugging The hugs may not necessarily be couples!"

"But no matter what, that girl can't compare us all!" Meng Jiaojiao said, "So Xiyan, you must save us face! Now that we have encountered each other, we can't hide on purpose, right? Want to say hello?"

"Okay!" Shen Xiyan sighed secretly, this annoying person, Huang Xing, always finds trouble for himself!It's so annoying!


Huang Chen also saw Shen Xiyan and the others, he waved from a distance, then pulled Xue Liya over, and said with a smile: "Haha, hello beauties! Xue Liya, these are my classmates."

"Hello!" Shirley said with a smile.

"This beauty is called Xue Liya..." Huang Xing pointed to Xue Liya and said, "It's my friend from Maple Leaf Country."

As he spoke, he seemed to glance at Shen Xiyan unintentionally.

The moment the eyes of the two met, Shen Xiyan suddenly understood.

Just now when Meng Jiaojiao and the others asked Shen Xiyan for help, they didn't mention the name "Xue Liya". Only then did Shen Xiyan know that the "rival in love" they called was this Xue Liya from Maple Leaf Country. .She suddenly remembered that she had heard from her father a few days ago that the representative of the MBC Group to negotiate this time was changed to the chairman's granddaughter, and her name was Xue Liya!It turned out to be her!
Shen Xiyan immediately thought that last time, Huang Xing said that several MBC negotiators fell ill, and now that the negotiation has been postponed, the rest of them must have nothing to do. So, Huang Xing and Xue Liya appearing at Haidong University, could it be a business matter? ?Was it specially arranged by the father?

The more Shen Xiyan thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible. Huang Xing had been abroad, he was good at foreign languages, and he was very good at pleasing girls with his smooth tongue. He was just right to deal with Xue Liya!
Thinking of this, a thought immediately came to Shen Xiyan's mind - but don't let these idiots ruin Huang Xing's affairs!You know, if you ruin Huang Xing's affairs at this time, it will ruin your own family's affairs!

So, Shen Xiyan smiled at Huang Chen, and said generously: "Then you take your friends and continue shopping, we are rushing to the cafeteria to eat! Jiaojiao, Yanzi, let's go, and the cafeteria will be closed if it is later." There's nothing to eat!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Xiyan pulled them to continue walking towards the cafeteria. Although Meng Jiaojiao and the others didn't want to leave, they were too embarrassed to stay, so they all followed.Meng Jiaojiao tugged at Shen Xiyan's arm, and asked in a low voice: "Xiyan, why did you leave like this? We just happened to meet, why don't you say a few more words to Huang Xing?"

"Oh..." Shen Xiyan said helplessly, "I have nothing to say to him! And that girl will definitely leave after a while!"

"How do you know she will leave after a while?" Li Jingjing asked.

" can tell from the girl's appearance that she's here for a trip!"

Shen Xiyan doesn't want others to know that Huang Xing is helping her family, and it's hard to say that Xue Liya is here to negotiate with the Shen Group, otherwise the grievances of these nympho will fall on her, Shen Xiyan ?

So, she smiled and continued: "Don't you know that Huang Xing has stayed abroad? It's normal for him to have a foreign friend? And don't they just hold hands? The foreign girls are much more open than us, and they can chat easily I'm happy, it's nothing to hold hands!"


Seeing Shen Xiyan's eloquent words, the girls didn't know what to say, so they continued to walk towards the cafeteria sullenly.


Watching Shen Xiyan and the others leave, Xue Liya couldn't hide her surprise, "There was a girl just now who was so beautiful! She should be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"

Huang Chen smiled, "You're talking about Shen Xiyan, right? That little girl is indeed outrageously beautiful... Didn't you see that she is Shen Kuohai's daughter?"

"Ah?" Xue Liya was taken aback, "Is she the legendary beautiful daughter of Shen Kuohai?"

"That's right!" Lu Xing said with a smile, "Is the reputation well-deserved?"

"It really lives up to its reputation!" Xue Liya said, "Why don't we ask her to have dinner together! I want to get to know her!"

"That little girl has a bad temper..." Huang Chen smacked his lips, "We often quarrel within three sentences."

Xue Liya was surprised: "Such a beautiful girl, can't you let her go?"

Huang Chen shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "She won't appreciate it if I let her! But you can invite her if you want, and she probably won't quarrel with me in front of you."


"She must know that you are the negotiator of MBC Group."

"You didn't introduce me like that just now, how could she know? And how did you know that she would know?"

"Because she left without glaring at me, and she didn't turn around and glared at me after she left." Huang Xing said with a smile, "It must be because of you that she is so abnormal!"

"Ah?" Xue Liya couldn't help but look weird, "Your relationship is really interesting! I'm even more curious about Shen Xiyan! I'm going to ask her to have dinner together!"

"Okay, they've gone to the cafeteria, it's too late to call her now. By the way, if you tell her about the Shen family and MBC, please speak in French, so as not to leak the negotiation." Lu Chen reminded.

"Well, I remember!"

The two trotted all the way and caught up with Shen Xiyan at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Miss Shen Xiyan...wait a minute..." Xue Liya ran to Shen Xiyan, took a breath, smiled and stretched out her hand, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Xue Liya, from Maple Leaf Country."

Shen Xiyan was a little strange, but she still reached out and shook hands with her, "Hello, I'm Shen Xiyan."

Xue Liya smiled and said, "My Chinese is not very good, can I speak French?"

Shen Xiyan nodded, "Yes, what do you want?"

Xue Liya switched to French, and now she speaks much more fluently, "Hello, Ms. Shen, I am the negotiator of MBC Group. I didn't know you were the daughter of Chairman Shen just now. I am really sorry for neglecting you. "

(End of this chapter)

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