The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 406 Playing Stupid to the End

Chapter 406 Playing Stupid to the End

Xue Liya sipped her red wine and sighed faintly, "But after the agreement is reached, I'm going back to China, and I don't know when I'll be able to come next time. I must find a way when I go back, and ask my grandfather for a president of the Huaxia District." position, then I can stay in China permanently!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I won't have anything to eat in the future, so I'll go to your place to apply for an assistant!"

Xue Liya giggled, hooked Huang Chen's neck, and said, "I dare not let you be my assistant... By the way, I never asked you. Are you here just to help Shen Kuohai?"

"It's just a matter of doing things for him. I invested in a TV series. I don't know if your MBC is interested. I remember that you also have a certain influence in the media field in North America, right?"

"Yeah!" Xue Liya said without hesitation, "You must tell me after the filming is over, and I will help you promote it in North America!"

The TV series that Huang Xing invested in can be regarded as the start of his career in China. He can guarantee the quality of the TV series, but the quality of this kind of entertainment is on the one hand, and the more important thing is to promote it.

He didn't use any stars in his TV series, so using stars to attract viewers won't work.Huang Xing currently doesn't have any more funds to spend on that kind of advertising regardless of cost, so some strategies must be discussed in the matter of promotion.

Originally, Huang Xing planned to use some of his connections in Europe to make this TV series famous in Europe first, and then use the word-of-mouth abroad to promote the domestic market.

This method is a bit convoluted, but there is indeed such an abnormal trend in China at present. Only domestic people will watch films that have been recognized or won some kind of award in foreign countries.

In fact, Huang Xing also doesn't understand this phenomenon. How many people are there in the whole of Europe, and how big is the market?Huaxia is a big market with more than one billion people. It is worthwhile to let the small market recognize it. Is it recognized by this big market?
Although he didn't understand it, it didn't prevent Huang Xing from using this phenomenon to promote his TV series.

But now that he met Xue Liya, Huang Xing didn't need to use his European connections. MBC Group is a shareholder of several TV stations in Maple Leaf Country in North America, and it is absolutely possible for Shiriya to help promote it in Maple Leaf Country.Another advantage of promoting in Maple Leaf Country is that there are a large number of Chinese immigrants and overseas students, and the word-of-mouth established there can be easily spread to China.

Chatting with Xue Liya about the TV series for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Huang Xing drove the car and took Xue Liya to pick up the three of Trump and leave the hospital.

The three of them were still a little haggard, especially Trump, whose face had lost a lot of weight.In front of the three of Trump, Huang Xing's identity was sent by Shen Kuohai to help, so after sending them back to the hotel, he left.

After Huang Xing left, Sander couldn't wait to ask: "Xue Liya, how is the negotiation with Morita Company going?"

Xue Liya was taken aback, "Didn't we talk to the Shen Group? The headquarters sent us a new task?"

"Didn't you meet people from Morita Company last time?" Sander asked, "Didn't they contact you?"

"Oh... that's what you're talking about!" Xue Liya laughed, "I've already met them, and we had a pleasant conversation."

Seeing that Xue Liya stopped talking, Sander asked: "And then?"

"Then? What then?" Xue Liya laughed, "Don't you think we should stop the negotiation with Shen Group and talk with Morita Company instead?"

"Shen's Group has a 'poisonous biscuit' thing, how can it still be our partner?" Sand said.

"But the headquarters didn't let us change the negotiating partner!" Xue Liya played stupid to the end, seeing Sander's crazy expression, she couldn't help but secretly smiled inwardly.

"Shelia..." Trump saw that something was wrong, and asked in a deep voice, "Did you pay attention to the 'poisonous biscuit' thing these days?"

"I've paid attention..." Xue Liya said, "I'm watching the news every day, and at the same time keep in touch with the Shen family, asking them to give us an explanation."

Trump smiled faintly, "Xue Liya, I know that the chairman is also inclined towards Shen's Group, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, Shen's Group..."

"Uncle Trump, please take a look at this..." Xue Liya handed the investigation materials of "Poison Biscuit" to Trump, and said, "These materials are all official internal materials, and I finally got them Here it is. It shows that the "poisonous biscuits" of the Shen Group is not a food production problem, but a case of deliberate poisoning, so I don't think this matter will affect our cooperation with the Shen Group..."

The three of Trump were all silent after reading the information, and Ottmar said first: "In this case, our first partner is still the Shen Group."

Trump frowned, "But the conditions of Morita Company are more favorable, I think we can talk at the same time! By the way, Shiriya, didn't you say that the discussion with Morita Company was very pleasant? You can continue to talk to them talk!"

Xue Liya smiled and said, "I think so too, but the purpose of our coming to Huaxia is to talk to the Shen Group. I think even if we want to talk to the Morita Company, it should be done after talking to the Shen Group."

"This..." Trump thought for a while, and felt that what Xue Liya said was reasonable, but he always felt something was wrong. He was silent for a while, and said, "The four of us can talk to two families at the same time."

Xue Liya smiled slightly, "There are four people now, but when you were hospitalized, I was the only one, so I had to talk to the Shen family first. And now the negotiation with the Shen Group has come to fruition, and I have formed a The specific plan has been sent to the headquarters. If the headquarters does not agree, we will continue to discuss with Morita Company."

Trump and Sander looked at each other, their faces were a bit ugly, the chairman is a supporter of Shen Group, how could the headquarters deny the agreement of Shen Group?Once the headquarters approves, then Morita Company will not even have a chance to negotiate!

Xue Liya's trick is somewhat "simple and easy to understand", but it has to be said to be very effective, because there are no loopholes in reason and rules, and Trump and Sander can't accuse her of violating any company regulations.

At this time, Xue Liya's cell phone rang. It was a call from the MBC headquarters. She didn't avoid it, and answered the call directly, "Hi, I'm Xue Liya...Okay...Got it!"

Putting down the phone, Xue Liya said with a smile: "The headquarters has passed the specific cooperation plan, and my grandfather has also sent an email to everyone, hoping that we can sign an agreement with Shen Group as soon as possible. By the way, Shen Group will have a press conference tomorrow." , as a strategic ally, it seems that we should attend..."

(End of this chapter)

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