The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 407 Shen Group Press Conference

Chapter 407 Shen Group Press Conference

The three of Trump quickly saw the email from the headquarters, and also saw the cooperation agreement between Xue Liya and the Shen Group.

To be honest, this is a perfect agreement, but it is only relative to the MBC Group. In the personal opinion of Trump and Sander, the cooperation with the Shen Group means their failure.

But now that the deal is done, it is no longer possible for Trump to deny the decision of the headquarters. He can't even blame Shirley, but secretly regrets that his illness is too untimely.

As for the press conference of the Shen Group, Trump refused to attend on the grounds of his health, but Sander did not want to offend Shirley, so he agreed to attend the press conference of the Shen Group with her tomorrow. Ultramar, three people are enough.

The next day, the press conference of Shen Group was held on time at the Haidong International Convention Center.

All the reporters who had been invited in advance were present, including not only Haidong local media, but also media from the province and even other provinces and cities.The huge conference center was almost squeezed to the brim.

Since the "poisonous biscuit" incident was exposed, there has been no further information. Neither the Shen Group nor the official channels have released any news. There are various rumors on the Internet, but there are many versions of the rumors. The melon people don't know which one to believe, so they can only believe none of them.

Now, the Shen Group suddenly wanted to hold a press conference, and this press conference was broadcast live on the web, which attracted a lot of attention for a while.

The media reporters who participated in the meeting noticed that at the front of the press conference, there were several people wearing official uniforms sitting impressively. Some of them were not from the food sanitation agency, but they looked like people from the police.In addition to the official personnel, there were also three mysterious foreigners sitting there, and one of the foreign beauties looked a bit like Audrey Hepburn.

The rostrum is not a long table, but a solitary podium with a big screen behind the podium. It doesn't look like a press conference, but a bit like a product launch.

Sitting in the conference hall, the media reporters were whispering.

"What is the Shen Group doing? Isn't this the 'Poison Biscuit' briefing?"

"I don't understand! I don't know what's going on with the 'poisonous biscuit' incident. I haven't seen any news for so long."

"Who knows! Ordinarily, the Shen Group should not be that kind of enterprise, but these days... how many good things do rich people have?"

"The officials didn't say anything. I don't know if it was bought by the Shen Group. Alas... Did you read what was said on the Internet? Shen Kuohai spent at least 2000 million for peace!"

"Didn't you say 5000 million? How did it become 2000 million?"


When the discussion became louder, suddenly the lights in the audience dimmed, and a beam of spotlights hit the podium. Shen Kuohai walked out from the side door and walked behind the podium.

The discussion of the reporters stopped immediately, and Xue Liya, who was sitting in front, smiled softly, and said to Ultramar next to her: "Uncle Ultramar, President Shen's press conference seems very interesting, can you guess his intention? "

"I can't tell... it must have something to do with the 'poisonous biscuits'! Although we have obtained some information, neither the official nor the Shen Group has released any news. It's a good time to be public."

Xue Liya nodded, "Mr. Shen said that at the end of the press conference, the strategic cooperation with our MBC Group will be announced... It's a pity that Shen's Group is not a listed company. If they are already listed, this news will at least increase their stock price." 20.00%."

Ao Tema smiled and said: "Shen Group is not listed, isn't that why we value him? But in the long run, it is best to go public, at least partially."

"It depends on Mr. Shen's thoughts..." Xue Liya said, "Through my contact, I think Shen is always a very good partner."

As Xue Liya said, she looked around for Huang Xing. She felt that Huang Xing should attend such an important occasion today, but now that the press conference has started, he still can't be seen.

At this time, Shen Kuohai's speech began.

"Good morning, everyone! On behalf of the Shen Group, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for attending this press conference! I invite you to come here today, and I would like to talk to you about food safety issues first..."

Having said that, all the reporters cheered up. Sure enough, this press conference was related to "poisonous biscuits"!
"Among the foods we sell in the market, there is an important thing that everyone must have seen...that is..."

While speaking, Shen Kuohai turned on the slide projector, and a small paper bag appeared on the big screen, with the words "desiccant" printed on it.

"Everyone should have seen this thing before, it's a desiccant!" Shen Kuohai continued, "It usually comes in such a small package, and this small package..."

The reporters in the audience looked at each other, what kind of medicine was sold in Shen Kuohai's gourd?

Li Sen, who watched the press conference through the Internet, saw the desiccant immediately, his expression darkened, and he gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect Shen Kuohai to find out so soon!"

Li Yang was sitting next to Li Sen. Recently, Li Yang had been watching how Li Sen disrupted the cooperation between Shen Group and MBC Group. Until a moment ago, he thought his son was doing well.Beating Shen Kuohai in the shopping mall made Li Yang feel relieved. Although he always felt that such a blow was far from enough, Li Sen's plan was progressing smoothly, and Li Yang thoughtfully just acted as a spectator, and didn't ask Li Sen about the details. arrange.

Seeing that Li Sen's complexion was wrong, Li Yang asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this desiccant?"

Li Sen lowered his voice and said, "The poisonous substance came in through the desiccant package! I thought they wouldn't be able to find out within ten days and half a month. I didn't expect them to do it so quickly!"

Li Yang frowned, "Did MBC Group give you any news?"

"Not yet! They are too slow. I called Xue Liya the day before yesterday, and she said that she just sent the terms of cooperation to the MBC headquarters."

Li Yang pondered for a moment, then sighed, "I'm afraid she was delaying time on purpose! You were deceived by her! Although I can't think of the reason, Shen Kuohai must have stabilized them long ago!"

Li Sen was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent for a while, then slapped the table hard, "Damn it!"

"The Shen family found the desiccant, will they find you?" Li Yang asked.

"No! The operator is a master of the East Japan Kingdom, and he has already returned to China."

Having said that, Li Sen's cell phone rang, and when he saw the phone number, his expression immediately changed...

(End of this chapter)

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