The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 48 Sign Up for the Dance Club

Chapter 48 Sign Up for the Dance Club

After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing recalled Cheng Yaqiu's smug tone on the phone just now, and couldn't help cursing, this girl really shines with a little sunshine!In the future, I will find an opportunity to educate you...By the way, I will talk about the past...

When I returned to the dormitory, I found that Zhao Xin was also at the opposite door, and several people were watching something in front of the computer.

Huang Xing leaned over and saw the club's recruiting interface displayed on the screen.Every year when new students come, it is the time when the major clubs in the school recruit newcomers. The students of Haidong University have a rich after-school life. There are dozens of clubs, large and small, covering various aspects in different categories. Basically, every subject , each sport and art category, has a corresponding club.

"Lu Chen..." Zhao Xin laughed, "I think you also exercise regularly, why don't we join the martial arts club together!"

While talking, he made a punching movement of the Japanese character, and said proudly, "Joining the Samurai Club has many benefits!"

Huang Xing smiled, "What good can it do?"

Zhao Xin chuckled, "Reading more books can help you talk to the idiot calmly, and practicing martial arts can make the idiot talk to you calmly. Is this a big benefit? And practicing martial arts is good for flirting with girls!"

Huang Xing thought for a while, "It's good to flirt with girls, what are the conditions for joining the martial arts club?"

"There are no conditions. You see..." Zhao Xin pointed to the computer screen and said, "Healthy and passionate about martial arts. You need to bring your own protective equipment, including gloves and knee pads..."

"Stop, stop!" Huang Xing quickly waved his hand, "I have to spend my own money, so I won't go, I'm so poor! I almost have no money to add tea eggs for instant noodles! I won't go to the martial arts club!"

"Brother Chen..." Zhang Jianing laughed, "Shall we go to the e-sports club? The mobile game team! You are so awesome..."

"Can the e-sports club reimburse traffic and mobile phone depreciation? Can it make money?" Huang Xing asked eagerly. When he thought that he hadn't made any money recently, he couldn't help but enter the miser mode.

Zhang Jianing laughed a few times, "This request is too high!"

"How about Brother join this..." Jin Xin smiled, "Cooking Club, you can eat and drink for free..."

Huang Xing's eyes lit up, "That's good! What conditions do you need?"

"Let me take a look..." Jin Xin opened the webpage and said, "Look, there is a dinner party every weekend to inspect everyone's cooking progress..."

"That's fine..." Huang Xing shook his head and said, "You have to prepare the materials yourself, and you have to spend money! Is there any club that can make money without spending money?"

Jin Xin, Zhang Jianing and Zhao Xin looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, "No!"

"Yes!" Zhou Bowen, who had been looking down at the book, raised his head, pushed his glasses, and said, "Look at the dance club, I heard that they have sponsors, and the main actors are paid three thousand a month."

Huang Xing's eyes lit up immediately, although Cheng Yaqiu introduced the tutoring business, but there was still an interview, so it was not so safe, it was better to find a way to get money first.

Opening the dance club's recruitment page, Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch his lips, "That's it! I join the dance club! The core team members not only get paid, but also have subsidies for performances... just suitable for poor people like me!"

"Brother Chen... the dance club has high requirements, look..." Jin Xin pointed to the computer screen, "Boys are required to fold their upper body and legs without any gaps when bending over, and they must be able to split vertical forks... Girls actually When it is required to be able to cross the cross, the distance between the hips and the ground should not exceed ten centimeters. Can you do it?"

"Small idea..." Huang Xing shrugged, lifted his right leg directly, and put it in front of him in a posture of kicking upwards, then moved his right leg to the outside, and then stuck it tightly to the outside of his body, and said with a smile, "Dance club, That's it, help me sign up!"

"Brother Chen...a cow!"

"I~ Fuck, amazing!"

"Brother Chen, I kneel down for you!"

The few people in the dormitory were dumbfounded. Zhang Jianing wanted to try the splits, but just two-thirds of the way down, he stood up grinning, and sighed, "It looks like I won't be able to go to the dance club!"


When Huang Xing was choosing a club, Shen Xiyan and Chen Yan happened to be doing the same thing.Shen Xiyan herself has received dance and body training, and the requirements of the dance club are equivalent to basic skills for her. In order to have a convenient place for training, she directly signed up for the dance club.Then he said to Chen Yan: "You should also report this, and then we will go together."

"Me?" Chen Yan shook her head, "I can't meet the requirements, and I'm going to do splits! You better go, and I'll find something else. You can borrow my notebook."

"Okay... you can use it." Shen Xiyan gave the laptop to Chen Yan, then sat at the desk with the textbook and read it.

The page on the notebook was still on the registration page of the dance club. Chen Yan found that there was a "registered" button on the page, so she clicked it curiously.

A form popped up on the page, showing the list of people who have signed up for the dance club.

Chen Yan saw the name "Lu Xing" at a glance, and couldn't help being stunned, did Huang Xing sign up for the dance club?Really?Could it be that he made a false report?
Now that you can sign up, you can apply for five clubs, and after the selection of all the clubs is over, you can finally decide which one you can enter.So, Chen Yan began to look at one club after another. After searching for more than an hour, she finally found that only the dance club had Huang Xing's name.

Chen Yan bit her lip, put down her laptop, supported the bed, and slowly spread her legs apart. When she reached the limit, she turned her head and asked, "Xi Yan, let's see how far I am from reaching the ground? "

Shen Xiyan looked back and said, "It's nearly twenty centimeters. Why are you splitting forks?"

"I want to go to the dance club again, you can help me press down again to see if I have a show!" Chen Yan gritted her teeth and rubbed down.

Shen Xiyan helped her press down again, she was in so much pain that she was about to shed tears, but she was still about fifteen centimeters from the ground.

"There are still two weeks left for the assessment of the dance club. If you do a surprise practice, there seems to be hope." Shen Xiyan said.

"Really?" Chen Yan rubbed her legs, a little unbelievable, "Do you know how to practice? Help me?"

"Okay!" Shen Xiyan smiled, "I'll help you practice before going to bed today... By the way, did you get the program for the welcome party? The student union urged me to report it, but Huang Xing hasn't decided yet, just wait With your information!"

"My senior brother explained that he will give it to me tomorrow!" After Chen Yan finished speaking, she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, that's terrible!"

Shen Xiyan was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yan grabbed her hair, "Today at the basketball court, I gave Huang Xing the glasses, but I didn't seem to return them to him!"

"Then you can pay him back now..." Shen Xiyan said casually.

"But...but..." Chen Yan spread her hands, "I don't know where the glasses are now!"

"Don't worry..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, "I think you may have returned it to him."

"Did I pay it back? Why don't I remember?"

"It must be returned, otherwise he would have asked you for it with his stingy manner!" Shen Xiyan said, "Forget about the broken glasses, you should focus on the show, so that Huang Xing won't gossip again !"

"Oh...okay..." Chen Yan carefully recalled the glasses, but really couldn't remember anything.

(End of this chapter)

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