Chapter 49

At noon the next day, Shen Xiyan finally got the program list of the welcome party. She was too lazy to read it on the phone, so she asked Huang Xing to go downstairs to get it from the girls.

At this moment, the girl downstairs still has many couples who have just had lunch together and are still reluctant to leave. For those who are passionately in love, they can't wait to be entangled 24 hours a day, and feel uncomfortable after being apart for an hour.

There were quite a few boys like Huang Xing who came downstairs to the girls alone. They all stared at the door, waiting for the princess in their hearts to appear soon.

Huang Xing suddenly noticed the small blackboard at the entrance of the building, there were a few words written there: I found a pair of ownerless glasses, please come and pick up the owner as soon as possible, phone xxxxxx.Only then did Huang Xing remember that his glasses were still with Chen Yan.In fact, it was a plain mirror for decoration. It didn't matter to Huang Xing whether he wore it or not, but now that he remembered it, he called Chen Yan's cell phone, "Chen Yan, are my glasses still with you?" There?"

"Huh? Glasses? I... I think I gave it to you?"

Huang Chen was taken aback, thought for a while, and saw that Shen Xiyan had already arrived, so he gave up the idea of ​​asking the truth. That kind of street stall can buy six for five yuan, so it's not worth wasting phone bills for this.And maybe Chen Yan accidentally dropped it somewhere, maybe the glasses mentioned on the blackboard are her own!

"That may be because I remembered it wrong, I hung up..." Huang Xing hung up the phone, waved his hand at Shen Xiyan, and said with a smile, "Hi! Beauty, you are so beautiful!"

What he said came from the bottom of his heart. Shen Xiyan was wearing a long white dress today, with flawless facial features, beautiful long black hair, white and tender skin, and an exquisite figure.

Shen Xiyan gave him a hard look, "Be more honest! If you talk nonsense, be careful, I'll be rude to you."

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, he really wanted to know how this charming big girl could be rude to him.

"Here you are!" Shen Xiyan handed Huang Xing a printed A4 paper and said, "This is the program list, please read it quickly and tell me what program you want to perform after finishing it!"

"There are quite a few shows here..." Huang Xing glanced at them and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask about the glasses first. I lost my glasses, and someone here just happened to find them."

"Glasses?" Shen Xiyan looked at the blackboard next to her, with a strange expression on her face, "Are you sure you lost your glasses?"

"That's right!" Huang Xing smiled, and was about to knock on the window of the reception room in the girls' building. The phone number on the small blackboard was the school's internal phone number, so it was more convenient to use the reception room phone.

"Wait a minute!" Shen Xiyan said suddenly.


"Let me call for you..." Shen Xiyan said with a smile, "This is the girl's phone number. If you call from a boy, they might not believe it, thinking you are just trying to strike up a conversation."

"..." Huang Xing scratched his hair, "You really think a lot!"

"Cut! Do me a favor and you're still so verbose..." Shen Xiyan gave Huang Chen a blank look, then went to the window sill of the reception room, dialed the number on the blackboard, "Hi, hello, you wrote it on the blackboard Let's get the glasses... Mmm, the owner is here, right at the downstairs door!"

Shen Xiyan hung up the phone, and said to Huang Chen with a smile: "Okay, I'll be down in a while. You should think about what show you want to perform..."

"I'll talk about it later, how can this thing think so fast!"

"Aren't you full of confidence? Are you going to back down now?"

"I call it cautious!"

"'re just scared!"

Huang Xing and Shen Xiyan bickered endlessly, which really attracted a lot of attention.Shen Xiyan was standing next to the girls, it was definitely the most delicate flower among the many flowers, even those boys who already had girlfriends couldn't help but glance at Shen Xiyan's side, of course, they concentrated on Huang Xing The eyes on the body are not so friendly.

At this time, a beautiful girl with a melon-shaped face came out of the building and looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

"Who called the number on the blackboard just now?" the girl asked loudly.

Huang Xing turned his head to look, and couldn't help laughing. It was a coincidence that this girl was the senior sister from the orientation office of the Department of Economics on the day of the report.

Xu Wanying was dressed quite plainly, a white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, but she had snow-white skin, dark eyebrows and almond eyes, and petal-like red lips that were very attractive, and she was also a great beauty.Standing there, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Hearing Xu Wanying's voice, Shen Xiyan waved to her and said with a smile, "Here, here!"

When Xu Wanying came over, Shen Xiyan pointed to Huang Chen and said, "This classmate asked me to call just now, and he said he lost something."

"Hi! Hello, senior sister, what a coincidence!" Huang Chen smiled and waved to Xu Wanying.

Xu Wanying was stunned for a moment, and recognized the boy in front of him as the flirtatious junior from the day of the report, her complexion immediately turned ugly, and she asked, "Did you lose something?"

Huang Chen nodded, "I lost my glasses, show me what you found."

"You lost your glasses?" Xu Wanying frowned.

"That's right!" Lu Xing was faintly puzzled, he just lost his glasses, how could she be so close to a formidable enemy.

Xu Wanying looked at Huang Xing with contempt, "hummed", leaving behind a roll of eyes and the word "transformation", turned around and left, with a burst of fragrance, leaving Huang Chen full of doubts.

There seems to be something wrong!
Huang Xing looked at Shen Xiyan, who was snickering beside him, and immediately realized that there must be some conspiracy involved, so he asked with a vigilant face, "Xiyan, what's going on? Why did she scold me?"

Shen Xiyan shrugged, "How would I know? Maybe... She picked up women's glasses, so she thinks you are an impostor?"

"Then as for swearing?" Huang Xing looked disbelieving, "You must know, tell me what's going on!"

Shen Xiyan suppressed a smile and put on a serious face, "It's just a pair of glasses, why are you so tangled up? Tell me quickly what you want to perform! I'm going to be on the show this afternoon!"

Huang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "There are so many programs, I have to think about it, I'll take it back and watch."

"No! This program list must be kept secret! You can't take it away!"

"Then... what should I do?" Huang Chen looked puzzled, "There are so many people coming and going in such a mess here, how do you ask me to look at it calmly? How do you think about it?"

"Why are you so troublesome!" Shen Xiyan frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, "Then go to the classroom, and tell me when you think about it!"

"You can't talk casually in the classroom..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Why don't we go to the coffee shop near the back door, the environment there is good, and my thinking is more sensitive!"

 Who knows why Xu Wanying scolded Huang Xing for being an idiot?Is it just because of the unpleasantness at the time of reporting?

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(End of this chapter)

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