Chapter 496 Weird
"So that's what happened..." Shen Xiyan nodded, thinking that Chen Yan and the others should feel at ease now.

"I say boss, I'm very loyal, I won't betray you to change boss, you don't have to be so suspicious!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"Fuck you! Don't talk nonsense!" Shen Xiyan kicked Huang Chen vigorously, "By the way, I've heard you mention Yawen's TV series several times, is it over now?"

"The filming is over, it's time to play."

"When will it air? I'll go and see!" Shen Xiyan said.

Huang Xing thought for a while, "The right to broadcast the first broadcast has been sold to a TV station in Maple Leaf Country. If you want to watch the original version in China, it will take at least one and a half months."

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan wondered, "Why did the premiere show go abroad?"

"It just so happens that the TV station controlled by MBC has a schedule, and Shiriya's asking price is quite high, so I let them broadcast it first. Anyway, Yawen and the others are not well-known in China, and they can't sell for a high price. It can always be improved several times.”

Shen Xiyan nodded suddenly, "So it's because of Xue Liya who left, you're pretty good at stitching things together!"

"Put in the stitches?" Huang Xing suddenly thought a little crookedly, bro, that's not a needle, that's a peerless sword!
Seeing Huang Chen's strange expression, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but wondered: "What's wrong?"

Huang Chen smiled, "It's nothing...Xue Liya is very optimistic about this TV series, and my 'partner' and I can earn a lot this time. Adding in the price of Xiao Qiangwei's online broadcast, the income will be even greater Taller."

"Then congratulations on getting rich!" Shen Xiyan said with a smile.

"Same happiness, same happiness..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't change boss no matter how much money I have, there is no place for a beautiful boss like you to find a second one!"

"Cut..." Shen Xiyan gave Huang Chen a blank look, but didn't notice that the smile on his face was a little abnormal when he said "Tongxi", and asked again, "Then what you said just now, I will talk to Chen Yan and the others." Said? This is not a commercial secret, is it?"

"Let's talk, you're just asking for them!" Huang Xing curled his lips, "I'm really not worth it for you. I've always been used as a gunman, several times, right?"

"It's not because of you!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "When you and other women are unclear, can you avoid Chen Yan and the others? They always don't pay attention when they know they like you!"

"Look at what you said..." Huang Xing smiled wryly, "Do I need to avoid it on purpose? You said that there seems to be something wrong with Chen Yan and the others! In fact, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can just do it for me." I'll just find a reason to fool you, there's no need to ask me."

"Then what if I made a mistake?"

"Just tell me when you're done talking..." Huang Xing smiled, "I have a good memory, and I don't know how to wear clothes."

"Hmm..." Shen Xiyan nodded, but felt something was wrong in her heart, why did it seem like she and Huang Xing were colluding to deceive others?

Although she felt weird in her heart, Shen Xiyan still told Chen Yan what Huang Xing had said.

Chen Yan's eyes were full of little stars immediately, "Lu Xing is awesome! He's starting to have his own business now! Xi Yan... a boy like this is really... so rare! I must chase him!"

"Hmm..." Shen Xiyan nodded noncommittally, and secretly sighed. You only see Huang Xing's goodness, but you don't know how complicated this person is.

At this time, the first half was over, and the foreign language department was beaten [-] to [-]. Although the players had realized that this game was not easy, they didn't expect this result, and they were all a little frustrated.

Huang Xing clapped his hands and said with a smile: "That's right, we actually scored two goals. Even if we didn't score a single goal in the second half, we have completed the task."

Meng Jiaojiao wiped off her sweat, and said with a wry smile: "Lu Xing, don't comfort us, I didn't expect that there is such a big gap between us and our profession!"

Huang Chen smiled and said: "It's not due to the battle, don't be sad, just enjoy the game, if you're tired, just raise your hand to signal, I'll come on the bench."

Speaking of this, Huang Xing noticed that Li Jingjing's knee had some problems. It was a fall after a physical confrontation. It was nothing at the time, but now it looked a little red and swollen. He called Li Jingjing to his side, stretched out his hand to touch it, and confirmed that there was nothing serious. Said: "Don't go in the second half, and someone else will replace you."

Li Jingjing hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Well, there's really nothing to play in this game."


After the start of the second half, Huang Xing replaced a few people one after another, so that the substitute players who had no chance to play would go on the field to experience it.

After sending Chen Yan up, Lu Xing looked at Shen Xiyan and asked, "Are you interested in going up?"

Shen Xiyan shook her head, "My level is not as good as Yanzi, I don't want to be ashamed!"

Huang Xing smiled, "At least a dozen binoculars are looking at our bench, just hoping that you can play, don't let everyone down!"

Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look, "Don't be so boring, can you? If you can't say it, you won't make it! By the way, Yanzi and the others haven't played much as substitutes. Against such a strong opponent, there won't be any problems, right?"

"It should be fine. This is the penultimate game. If it doesn't happen, there is really no chance." Huang Xing said.

After the big change, the substitutes were a little excited, eager to perform, and they ran very actively. They even caught the School of Business Administration by surprise, and the foreign language department scored two goals in a row.Although the scores of the foreign language department were still far behind, the boys cheering for the beauties in the audience shouted more and more vigorously.

Huang Xing was also a little surprised, standing on the sidelines and shouting: "Girls, you did a good job! Come on! Be careful!"

Encouraged by Huang Chen, the beauties on the field were even more excited, especially Chen Yan. The goal she scored just now was due to an offensive rebound she grabbed, which allowed her teammates to shoot successfully. Seeing Huang Chen's The approving gaze made Chen Yan feel very good, and even showed [-]% energy.

At this time, Meng Jiaojiao missed a shot, and Chen Yan immediately rushed to the basket, intending to repeat the same trick and grab the rebound.

But the opponent has suffered a loss once, how can Chen Yan succeed for the second time?A sports student had already ran over quickly, jumped two or three meters away from the basketball, and reached out to reach the basketball.

Seeing that Chen Yan was about to take off, Huang Xing quickly shouted: "Chen Yan! Stop! Don't grab it!"

But Chen Yan was so focused on getting the ball that she didn't hear Huang Xing's shout at all. As soon as Huang Chen finished speaking, she had already started to jump, and couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

In the air, Chen Yan slammed into the tall and big gym student on the other side...

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(End of this chapter)

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