Chapter 497
The gym student was nearly 1.8 meters tall and weighed at least half of Chen Yan's. Chen Yan felt as if he had hit a wall, lost his balance, and fell backwards with a scream.

The audience, especially the male audience, couldn't bear to watch it. The girls' basketball games in the school were not too fierce, and it was rare for them to fall down. However, when Chen Yan fell in the air, in the basketball field of the sports meeting This is the first time.

If Chen Yan was placed in another department, she would be a flower-level student. Seeing that she was about to fall heavily to the ground, many boys wished they could turn into supermen and rush up to hug her.

Superman doesn't exist, but Huang Xing does.

Chen Yan fell on her back, her body completely lost her balance, she subconsciously supported her back with her hands, her mind went blank, she didn't know, if she fell to the ground, with the current impact force, either her wrist would be broken, or her fracture of the tailbone.

Huang Xing had already realized this. The moment Chen Yan lost his balance, he jumped out from the coach's bench.In front of so many people at the scene, Huang Xing couldn't act too shocking. Originally, with his speed, it would be no problem to catch Chen Yan in the air, but he deliberately slowed down a little. When he arrived, Chen Yan was already fast It fell to the ground.

Huang Xing directly bent his knees, leaned back, blocked Chen Yan and the floor, and hugged Chen Yan in his arms.

The moment he hugged him, the corners of Huang Xing's mouth couldn't help but twitch, because the softness and elasticity of his hands showed that his hands were placed very well.Huang Xing secretly smacked his lips, this little girl is quite interesting.

Chen Yan thought that she would fall heavily on the ground, but she didn't expect to land on a place that was not very hard. She lay on Huang Xing's body, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

The audience was completely silent. Just when everyone thought that the beauty was going to be unlucky, a guy rushed out and caught the beauty. This is a 100% hero to save the beauty!It is still a hero who saves the beauty in public!
"This dude is awesome! Who is he?"

"I don't know, it seems to have rushed over from the coach's bench!"

"Hey... I think that beauty must be very moved! I should also rush over!"

"It's so far away, it's useless for you to rush over!"


Amidst the discussion, it was unknown who applauded first, and then the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Chen Yan finally came back to her senses, and finally realized that someone had pawned her flesh, but she didn't know who it was?Meng Jiaojiao was the closest to me just now, could it be her?

"Swallow, get up quickly! Don't press on Huang Chen!" Meng Jiaojiao walked up to Chen Yan and stretched out her hand to pull her.

Huang Chen?

Chen Yan was stunned again, turned her head and found that it was Huang Xing who was being pressed by herself, she couldn't help but feel a sudden shock, her eyes were red, it turned out that it was Huang Xing who was her butt, and he was so kind to her, Does he...does he... like me?
Touched, excited, and somewhat unexplainably uncomfortable, Chen Yan couldn't even speak.

Meng Jiaojiao's eyes flickered with envy and jealousy, she couldn't help thinking, if it was her just now, would Huang Xing rush forward?How about I drop one too?
Huang Xing helped Chen Yan up, and stood up by himself. Before Chen Yan could speak, he said with a straight face, "I've said so many times to pay attention to safety, why are you still so careless? You were told to stop just now." Why don’t you listen when you come down? Get out of the game! Stop fighting!”

Huang Xing's voice was so loud that the people around him and even the audience in the first row or two could hear it.After finishing speaking, Huang Xing turned around and left the arena, signaled the referee to change, and replaced Chen Yan.

This scene made everyone's brain circuits a little bit overwhelmed.After the hero saves the beauty, shouldn't the two of you have a fight with each other?Even if it's inconvenient to be in front of so many people, why not whisper something affectionately?
such as:

The girl said, "Thank you."

The boy said, "You're fine!"

The girl said, "It was too dangerous just now!"

The boy said: "What is the danger for you?"


But why is it like this now?This buddy scolded the beautiful woman as soon as he came up, isn't this nima a spoiler?
Chen Yan was originally full of romance, but unexpectedly, Huang Xing scolded her, tears of grievance immediately flowed down.

Meng Jiaojiao doesn't know whether she should be envious of Chen Yan, or she should be thankful that she was not the one who fell. Although Chen Yan became the heroine who saved the beauty, this plot is not romantic at all!Chen Yan grabbed the ball so hard, but made Huang Xing unhappy. I really don't know if she lost or gained!

Seeing that Chen Yan was crying, Meng Jiaojiao hurriedly comforted her: "Swallow, Huang Xing also meant well. He is afraid that we will get hurt, so go down quickly."

"Hmm..." Chen Yan nodded aggrievedly, left the venue with her head down, sat on the bench, and continued to sob.

When Huang Xing rushed over to catch Chen Yan just now, Shen Xiyan also stood up and walked to the edge of the field. Later, seeing that Huang Xing and Chen Yan were fine, she continued to stand there.After Huang Xing came back from the field, he didn't go back to the coach's bench, and stood next to Shen Xiyan.

Looking at Chen Yan who was wiping tears on the bench, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but glared at Huang Chen, and said in a low voice, "Why are you scolding Yanzi like that?"

"What do you think?" Huang Xing said in a low voice, "What did I say before the competition? They are not opponents of professional athletes at all, and they are so careless. You don't know how dangerous Chen Yan's move was just now, if I didn't block it , she has to go to the hospital to get a plaster cast now. If she is unlucky and hurts her tailbone, her life will be troublesome in the future!"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, then smiled wryly, "It's your fault too, who told you to encourage them just now! Swallow just wanted to show off!"

"Did I yell the word 'Be careful' very loudly? And I reminded them more than once!" Huang Xing said, "Actually, scolding her is for others to hear. If I don't scold her, believe it or not. That girl Jiaojiao will also learn to throw once?"

Shen Xiyan was speechless for a moment, she remembered that when the dance rehearsal for the welcome party, those girls deliberately pretended to fall one by one in order to talk to Huang Xing.What Huang Xing said was right, Meng Jiaojiao could really do that kind of thing, and Cheng Caixin, who was also on the court, could do it too.Thinking of this, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but twitched her lips, "I didn't expect you to know them quite well...but you made Yanzi cry, shouldn't you coax her?"

"I can't coax you right now..." Lu Xing said, "If Meng Jiaojiao and the others see Chen Yan break into tears and laugh, you just wait and see them fall! Do you think I care or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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