The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 498 Don't Think Too Beautiful

Chapter 498 Don't Think Too Beautiful
Shen Xiyan couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, "Who made you foolish? So many people like you, have you been punished?"

"What kind of retribution is this..." Huang Xing smiled, "Besides, won't your conscience hurt when you say this? What does it have to do with whether they like me or not? Have I ever provoked them?"

"Then you hang on to them like this?" Shen Xiyan rolled her eyes, "Why don't you choose someone to be your girlfriend, then they will all be at ease."

Huang Xing looked Shen Xiyan up and down, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's you, you will be my girlfriend."

"Why are you talking nonsense again!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "I asked you to choose one of them!"

"Use your clever head to think about it... If I pick one of them, will others give up?" Huang Xing shrugged and said, "By then, there may be a relationship between them." From the current harmony, it has turned into mutual calculation. Wouldn't I be the chief culprit for destroying their friendship? Then you will have another excuse to scold me!"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "What you said makes sense... Anyway, it's all your fault!"

"So, only you are suitable!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"Why am I suitable?"

"You stand out from the crowd, do you understand?" Huang Xing said with a smile, "If you stand up, they will definitely not be able to think about it anymore! For the common interests of all of us, you just follow me!"

"Cut!" Shen Xiyan rolled his eyes at him, "I found that you are quite beautiful."

Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? The word 'beautiful' doesn't describe me, does it? But it's still a compliment."

Shen Xiyan smiled slightly and said: "Since you admit that you are beautiful, then don't think too much about it!"

"Uh..." Lu Xing was speechless for a moment, couldn't help scratching his hair, and looked at Shen Xiyan with a strange expression, why did this little girl's mouth seem to be getting stronger and stronger!What a lack of discipline!

After hurting Huang Chen, Shen Xiyan was in a good mood, and gave Huang Chen a proud look, then turned around and returned to the bench, handed Chen Yan a tissue, and said, "Swallow, don't cry, just wipe it off."

Chen Yan took the tissue and wiped away her tears, the circles of her eyes were still red.

"Don't be sad..." Shen Xiyan comforted, "You fell very dangerously just now, you might break your bones, and Huang Xing is also in a hurry."

Chen Yan nodded, "I know...Actually, I also know that I am wrong, but I am still a little wronged...I wanted to thank him, but before I could speak, he scolded me."

"Alas..." Shen Xiyan sighed, "Look, I'll say he's not as good as you think."

Chen Yan shook her head, "No...he cares so much about our safety, which shows that he is really good! He is so desperate to save me, I am very grateful to him! Xi Yan, please say something nice for me, let him Don't be mad at me, okay?"

"..." Shen Xiyan shook her head, "You nympho is really hopeless! When the game is over, you can tell yourself!"

"I..." Chen Yan whispered, "I'm a little scared, he was so fierce just now."

"Then you still say he is good?"

"He's really nice! He's doing it for my own good..."

Shen Xiyan rubbed her forehead, "Anyway, you have to say it yourself! It's you who chased him, not me! If you don't have the guts, then pull him down!"

"..." Chen Yan was silent for a while, then sighed, and stopped talking.


The competition finally came to an end. The Department of Foreign Languages ​​scored a total of 28 points, and the School of Business Administration scored [-] points, winning by a big score.Next, the foreign language department will compete for the third and fourth places, and the opponent will be one between the accounting department and the information engineering department.

Although the loss was expected, everyone felt a little uncomfortable and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

Huang Chen smiled, and said: "Your spirits are too high, do you still want to win half of their professional team? Especially Yanzi, who actually had a physical confrontation with their professional athletes, do you think you can transform into an Ultraman?" ?”

Several girls laughed.Although being criticized by name, Chen Yan's mood improved a lot. What is the most fearful thing when liking someone?The fear is not that the other party is cruel to you, or even hates you. The most terrible thing is that the other party ignores you and ignores you.

What Chen Yan is most worried about now is that Huang Xing ignores her because she is disobedient. Seeing that Huang Xing is still making fun of herself, she immediately feels that the whole world is bright.

She said a little embarrassedly: "Lu Xing, I'm sorry, I rushed up when my brain got hot. I will pay attention to it in the future."

Huang Xing nodded, "That's good. Fortunately, you're not too heavy and you're in good shape. Keep maintaining it."

"Oh..." Chen Yan nodded, secretly happy, she has always paid attention to her weight, and now Huang Xing has noticed this, and praised her for her good figure...Suddenly, Chen Yan's heart moved, recalling that she had just fallen When he got down, Huang Xing hugged himself, and his hands seemed to be on his chest!Still hold it tight!

Thinking of this, Chen Yan's face immediately turned red. Did the so-called good figure mean the one?Oh, what a shame!Does Huang Xing like my size?Do you want to wear low-cut clothes in front of him next time?

While thinking wildly, Chen Yan didn't hear what Huang Chen said later, and she was still dizzy until Huang Chen announced the dissolution.

Shen Xiyan tugged at her, "Swallow, what are you thinking? Disbanded!"

"Uh...ah?" Chen Yan was taken aback, and looked around, "Disbanded? Where's Lu Xing?"

"Over there..." Shen Xiyan raised her finger and pointed to Huang Xing who was looking at his phone while walking.

"Oh...then go!" Chen Yan said while pulling Shen Xiyan to chase in Huang Chen's direction.

"Why do you want to talk to him and drag me?" Shen Xiyan said depressedly, "Do you want me to be a light bulb?"

"Oh no!" Chen Yan said with a smile, "You are by my side, I am more courageous! I want to thank him!"

"It's so troublesome to say thank you, I won't go, you can go by yourself! If you delay any longer, Huang Xing might be taken over by Jiaojiao and the others. Look, they seem to be waiting for Huang Chen over there!"

"Ah?" Chen Yan was taken aback, and sure enough, she saw Meng Jiaojiao and Li Jingjing waiting in front of them, as if they were really waiting for Lu Chen. She quickly walked a few steps, chased after Lu Xing, and said, "Lu Chen, Lu Chen Thank you so much for today, doesn’t it hurt?”

"You're not heavy, you're fine..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be so thin-skinned, and you cried just a few words away!"

Chen Yan lowered her head in embarrassment, and said affectionately: "It was too sudden at the time, and I didn't realize it. I knew you were doing it for me. Next time I play, I won't be so impulsive... By the way, tonight ...Let me treat you to dinner..."

(End of this chapter)

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