The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 534 I'll Protect You

Chapter 534 I'll Protect You

When Shen Xiyan arrived, Huang Xing was sending emails to He Yinger and others.He poured a cup of hot tea for Shen Xiyan and said, "I'm sorry, wait a minute, it's about the TV series invested by my 'partner' and I'll accompany you after I've dealt with it!"

"It's okay, you can do your work first!" Shen Xiyan casually picked up a magazine on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa to read it.She didn't find it strange when she heard Huang Xing talk about the TV series.

Just now, Xue Liya sent an email to Huang Xing, listing MBC's broadcast arrangement and follow-up promotion plan for "The Fierce Tea", and it is currently catching up with a Chinese culture promotion event on Maple Leaf Country. This "Bad Tea" will become one of the highlights of the Chinese cultural products introduced by Maple Leaf Country.

In the past, most of China's TV dramas or movies shown internationally were from China's villages, or China from a few decades ago, and there was always a bit of the bitterness of the old society.There is almost nothing that reflects modern China.

The reason why those things can win awards abroad is also to cater to the superiority of foreigners that "China should be so backward".Some people in the Huaxia film and television industry are well aware of this, but in order to gain fame, sometimes they deliberately film some decadent and backward things to cater to the tastes of foreigners, so that they can get the "XX Award" and thus become famous in Huaxia. The film and television industry has gained a place.

But the TV series "Bad Tea" is completely different. Taking tea as the key evidence, it not only shows China's long-standing tea culture, but also because the background is a modern Chinese city, it can show that China is currently a country that has entered the world's advanced ranks. true face.In fact, as a foreigner, this kind of TV series that can truly reflect the reality of China is more attractive.

Another feature of "The Fierce Tea" is that it has never been broadcast in China. It is conceivable that when "The Fierce Tea" appears in the large-scale Chinese cultural exchange event in Maple Leaf Country, it will bring great benefits to the Chinese film and television circles. shocked.

This cultural festival will open next month, and "The Fierce Tea" is the highlight, so the crew must send people there.Xue Liya hinted in the letter that she hoped that Huang Xing could go there in person.

Huang Xing knew what Xue Liya was thinking. The cultural festival was one aspect, but on the other hand, of course, he wanted to meet him.But Huang Xing didn't want to show his face, he just wanted to be the master behind the scenes, so he could only disappoint Xue Liya.

Three people can go to participate in this cultural festival. Huang Xing has already made up his mind. He Yinger and Zhou Yawen must go. Gao Jiahao has expressed his determination to follow Huang Chen. He can also show his face. Men, it is more convenient to encounter things.As for safety, it can be completely handed over to Xue Liya. In Maple Leaf Country, MBC Group still has considerable strength.

A few minutes later, Huang Xing finished sending the email, put away his phone, and said with a smile: "Xiyan, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to ask me out. I'm really flattered!"

"Fuck you!" Shen Xiyan gave him a blank look, "Who asked you out? I have something to do with you."

Huang Chen smiled, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Hirayama Jiro and the others didn't come to trouble you, did they?"

"No, that kid might not be awake yet." Huang Xing said with a smile, "You just asked this when you came here? Is it all right to text and say no?"

"I can't explain clearly in the text message!" Shen Xiyan paused, and said seriously, "You have treated Hirayama Jiro so badly, he will definitely not let it go, I am worried that he will send someone to retaliate against you, the location of this hotel is so remote, It's night again, if something happens, I'm afraid it's too late to call the police."

Lu Chen nodded seriously, "You're right, but what can you do? Don't tell me that you are a hidden heroine, and you came here to protect me?"

"It's not me...but..." Shen Xiyan lowered her voice and said, "My dad arranged a powerful bodyguard for me. With him around, I don't have to worry about those people, but that person is only responsible for protecting me, so ..."

"So you came to my place, so that if someone from the Pingshan family comes, that master can't just stand by, right?" Huang Xing asked.

Shen Xiyan nodded, "Yes... that... this girl is just worried about your safety, don't think about what you have, after all, you are my asset manager, and I am your boss. I want to treat you responsible for their safety.”

Holding back a smile, Huang Chen intentionally showed a pitiful expression, hugged Shen Xiyan's arm and said, "Boss, you are so kind, I decided to do my best for you!"

"Fuck you! It's less disgusting!" Shen Xiyan opened Huang Xing's hand and asked, "It's been almost two months, right? What's the situation with that money now? Are you still trading gold futures?"

Huang Chen secretly smiled in his heart, this little girl is really kind, but it's really weird to think about letting my brother's "secret bodyguard" identity protect him... He doesn't want to tell Shen Xiyan the true identity of the "secret bodyguard", I had no choice but to let Shen Xiyan's kindness overflow, but now the time to give Shen Xiyan a monthly report is approaching, and it is appropriate to talk to her about asset management.

Huang Xing came out without a computer, so he pulled a piece of paper from the sticky note, took out a pen, and said, "Let me tell you briefly, your current assets should be this amount."

As he spoke, he wrote down a number with a pen.

Shen Xiyan looked at the long string of numbers with a dull expression, "Are you kidding me? Why are there so many?"

Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders, "There's no way, it's just that much, more than 400 million, but it's actually not too much."

"But didn't you say it was more than 200 million before?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"I'm talking about the time, not the current..." Huang Xing smiled, "The money is all in the gold market, and I'll cash it out when the market opens on Monday, and then... the money will be all yours! "

Shen Xiyan still couldn't believe it, with this speed of making money, did Huang Xing go to rob a bank?She said in disbelief: "Two months, 20 has become 400 million, twenty times! How did you do it?"

Huang Xing smiled, and said: "It's just good luck... I caught up with the stock market one time, and then I caught up with the gold one... Next month, it should double, and then I can't say for sure, but by then, You are a little rich woman with more than 800 million!"

Shen Xiyan was not short of money, but it was all given to her by Shen Kuohai, and the more than 800 million yuan next month was her own, which definitely exceeded her best expectations.Not to mention more than 800 million, even the current more than 400 million, she never thought of it.

"Lu Xing, tell me how you did it." Shen Xiyan said, "Otherwise I won't feel at ease..."

 Friends, isn’t the single-row drilling of pesticides very powerful?
(End of this chapter)

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