The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 535 Set a small goal for you

Chapter 535 Set a small goal for you

Huang Chen couldn't help laughing, "The dignified young miss of the Shen family, why do you look like a silly girl who has never seen money?"

"Fuck you!" Shen Xiyan punched him, "Anyway, this is too much money! Tell me how to do it."

Being stared at by Shen Xiyan's expectant eyes, Huang Xing was also a little proud, and said: "It's just good luck, that's it..."

Huang Xing briefly talked about the operations in the stock market and the gold market. Shen Xiyan also knew a little about these things, but she could understand them. Soon, she grasped the key points and asked: "There are so many stocks, how do you understand them?" How do you know which one will go up? Gold is the same, the price is fluctuating every moment, why do you firmly believe that it will go up by [-]%?"

"Well... It's actually very simple to say, as long as you can see the flow direction of the main funds and follow them, you can make a fortune... As for how to look at it, if you want to make this clear, with your IQ, you must at least Six months."

"What do you mean?" Shen Xiyan asked dissatisfied, "You are mocking me?"

"Please, I'm praising you!" Huang Xing said with a smile, "An ordinary person might not understand even after sixteen months."

"Huh!" Shen Xiyan pondered for a moment, then asked, "Then can I withdraw some money? I want to donate it to the orphanage."

Huang Chen shook his head, "No way!"

"Why? Didn't the contract say that I can withdraw cash?"

"That's what the contract says, but I personally suggest that you don't do it." Huang Xing said, "I know you're kind, but don't just focus on the little money, okay?"

"Then where should I look? I just want to use my money to do something good."

"Don't be so unambitious! You are my boss, so your ambition is higher..." Huang Chen said with a smile, "When you have enough money in the future, if you want to do charity, just set up a charity fund! Then you want to donate to the orphanage Donate as much as you want!"

Shen Xiyan's eyes lit up, "That's right... How much does it cost to set up a charity fund?"

Setting up a charity fund in Huaxia does not require astronomical amounts of money, but the procedures are more troublesome. After thinking about it, Huang Xing said with a smile: "In terms of money, you can set up a private one. In fact, what you have now is enough, but This little money is used for charity, and there is nothing to spend... Let me set a small goal for you, and when you reach this amount, you can do it yourself. "

Looking at an index finger extended by Huang Xing, Shen Xiyan asked, "1000 million?"

Huang Xing shook his head, "What kind of small goal is that? I'm talking about [-] million!"

"Ah?" Shen Xiyan asked in surprise, "That's too much, right? When will I get [-] million?"

"It'll be fine in a few years..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, besides, after setting up a charity fund, will you just be a name-drop shopkeeper?"

"Of course not!" Shen Xiyan said, "I want to personally do charity activities to help more people, at least I can help orphans across the country!"

Huang Xing smiled, "Then you have to learn how to manage funds, how to operate charitable activities, how to publicize, how to organize, etc... I'm afraid you will have to find a formal foundation and study hard in it for a while. Time. All these preparations take time, and you've only just started college, so why worry?"

Shen Xiyan thought for a while, "That's true! My dad said that I can only do the career I want to do after graduating from college... Hee hee, I will use my own money to do charity by then, and he will definitely be surprised of!"

Huang Xing smiled, "I guess it's difficult... Your dad must know how much money is in your account."

"..." Shen Xiyan thought for a while, and smiled, "I don't put that money in my account anymore! Anyway, I want to manage it for you, so let me put it there! When I really want to use it, you can use it again." Give it to me! Haha, when my dad sees that I suddenly have so much money, his expression must be very exciting!"

Shen Xiyan smiled very happily, her smile was beautiful, like a blooming red peony, Huang Xing was a little distracted, staring at Shen Xiyan's pretty face, secretly smacking her lips, how could I see such a beautiful girl in this world? !
In fact, Huang Xing has seen a lot of beauties, but there has never been a woman like Shen Xiyan. Except for the word "beauty", using any other words to describe it is too one-sided.Huang Xing couldn't help sighing, this little girl is simply the embodiment of beauty!Although it is really nasty to say so, there is really no other more appropriate way to say it...

Shen Xiyan blushed a little when Huang Xing looked at her, "What are you doing? What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, you are so beautiful, I was distracted just now."

Huang Xing's frankness was even a bit shameless, Shen Xiyan couldn't help but stepped on his foot again, now that there was no one else, what she stepped on was fair and honest, and it was very heavy, "Why do you always speak improperly!"

Huang Xing sighed for a long time, "I knew that telling the truth is always annoying! But I'm honest by nature, so I can't help it!"

"Hmph!" Shen Xiyan glared at him, "Stop putting gold on your face! By the way, it's okay now, go catch the doll! Give me some advice, you promised me just now!"

"Okay..." Huang Xing smiled and stood up, "Who made you my boss, let's go."

The two of them had just reached the door, and were about to open it, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Chen Yan's voice came from outside, "Lu Xing..."


After leaving the Beer Culture Festival, Chen Yan and the others went back to the room to take a look at Shen Xiyan.At that time, Shen Xiyan pretended to be a little tired and rested on the bed. She told the story according to Huang Chen's teaching.

What Lu Xing asked Shen Xiyan to say was slightly different from what Lu Xing himself said. The version Shen Xiyan said was that Jiro Hirayama made some small moves towards her. She was very dissatisfied and wanted to go back to her seat, but Jiro Hirayama was still entangled. I couldn't see it anymore, said a few words, and then started fighting.

Everyone was naturally surprised when they heard this, and asked what was going on.Shen Xiyan continued to follow what Huang Chen taught, saying that she asked Huang Chen to say that in order to save some face for Yi Tian Hiromitsu and the others.

After everyone heard about it, they condemned Hirayama Jiro's hypocrisy. Shen Xiyan also took the opportunity to express that she was more enthusiastic about Hirayama Jiro, mainly because they were from the East Japan Kingdom after all, and they were guests from afar, so she said a few more words That's all.

Hearing what Shen Xiyan said, everyone had less doubts in their hearts.Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Shen Xiyan, the girls began to divide into several groups and went to play around the hotel.After finally coming here, everyone wants to play more today before resting.Anyway, I won't go back until tomorrow afternoon, so I have plenty of time to sleep in.

(End of this chapter)

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