The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 561 Sprinkle a handful of dog food

Chapter 561 Sprinkle a handful of dog food

Huang Xing pinched Cheng Yaqiu's face, smiled, "Can't bear me?"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "Well... I really miss you."

"The traffic is so convenient these days. It takes only three hours to get to Kyoto by plane. It's not easy to meet up?" Xing Xun laughed, "And there are holidays for further studies... You should first consider what you have for your current career. Not interested."

Cheng Yaqiu thought for a while, then nodded, "I'm interested, I like the education industry."

"Then go..." Huang Xing smiled and said, "The greatest happiness in life is to be able to do what you like! After going to Kyoto, if you want to have sex with me, just take a plane and come back, Qianli Sending gentleness, isn't that more emotional?"

"Oh!" Cheng Yaqiu blushed, "It's not like you only think about that..."

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "Just understand the spirit."

"Then...then I agree." Cheng Yaqiu said.

"Pull the car on the side of the road and call Meng Yunxiang back."

"Hmm..." Cheng Yaqiu carefully parked the car on the side of the road, called Meng Yunxiang, and told him that he was willing to fight for the spot.Meng Yunxiang said that he will do his best there. Since Cheng Yaqiu has the honor of being an outstanding young teacher and will publish articles in international journals soon, all the conditions meet the requirements. As long as there are no accidents, other teachers in the school cannot compete. her.

After making a phone call, I found a cigarette shop nearby and bought two good cigarettes as a thank you gift to Meng Yunxiang. Then Cheng Yaqiu continued to be her beautiful driver, and Huang Xing continued to sit in the passenger seat, looking at the phone while feeling the silk. ~Beautiful socks~The texture of the legs.


In the evening, after Shen Kang dealt with the company's affairs, he drove his brand new Buick LaCrosse to the Red Star Community.He really didn't believe that Cheng Yaqiu could find a boyfriend who satisfied Li Yuan, so today he wanted to ask about this matter clearly, and express his feelings for Cheng Yaqiu in the name of apologizing.

In fact, the so-called feelings have turned into jealousy, unwillingness and possessiveness.Up to now, Shen Kang even has the urge to drug Cheng Yaqiu and rape her.After being with Cheng Yaqiu for such a long time, the two of them have never even slept in bed, so Shen Kang feels at a loss no matter what he thinks.

Driving to Hongxing Community, Shen Kang knew that the road inside Hongxing Community was relatively narrow, and was about to park his car at the gate of the community, when he suddenly saw a large BMW driving into the gate of the community.

BMW Seven Series?There is such a good car in this neighborhood?Shen Kang couldn't help but mutter to himself, if that car can go in, so should my car.

So, Shen Kang started the car again, followed the BMW Seven Series, and also entered the gate of the Red Star Community.

Seeing the BMW in front of him moving forward clumsily, Shen Kang couldn't help feeling a little regretful, the driver must be a female driver!The craftsmanship is too watery!Obviously there is still a lot of space on both sides, but I dare not give more oil, it is as slow as a snail, alas... If I knew it, I would stop outside!
Shen Kang was anxious, and wanted to find a fork in the road to pass the BMW car in front, but that car seemed to be going to the building where Cheng Yaqiu lived, so Shen Kang had to be patient and slow down behind him. Move slowly.

Seeing the BMW car crookedly driving into the parking space downstairs of Cheng Yaqiu, Shen Kang smiled mockingly. With this kind of technology, why drive a BMW?Or BMW Seven Series!What a waste... Fuck!
The door of the BMW driver's cab opened, and a beautiful woman came out from inside, who is it not Cheng Yaqiu?
Shen Kang's eyes widened, Cheng Yaqiu?How could it be Cheng Yaqiu?When did she drive the BMW Seven Series?

At this moment, the co-pilot's door opened, and Huang Xing, who made Shen Kang hate him so much, came out.

Shen Kang frowned, this car...could it be this guy Lu or something?No... How could this renter have such a nice car?This car must be rented!It must be rented!

Shen Kang thought that Huang Xing and Cheng Yaqiu didn't pay attention to him, but in fact, Huang Xing had recognized him since he followed behind.

After getting out of the car, Huang Xing put his arms around Cheng Yaqiu's waist, and said with a smile, "I've been driving all the way, are your feet tired? I'll carry you up."

"Ah?" Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, "I'm so tired, don't I need it?"

Huang Xing smiled slightly, "Did you see that Buick behind us? Shen Kang is looking at us, let's sprinkle him with dog food..."

"Shen Kang?" Cheng Yaqiu frowned slightly, and was about to look over to the Buick, but suddenly she lightened up and was hugged by Huang Xingheng.

"Don't turn your head away, let's spread dog food." Huang Xing then kissed Cheng Yaqiu on the cheek, and strode into the unit door.

This dog food was so beautiful, Shen Kang was so angry that he almost exploded. If he had a submachine gun in his hand, he couldn't help but give Huang Xing a shot.

Shen Kang calmed down for a moment, parked the car, and got out of the car. He planned to go upstairs to have a good chat with Cheng Yaqiu. Damn it!

Yes, Shen Kang had already guessed that the so-called "boyfriend" that Cheng Yaqiu brought home to Li Yuan and the others was this kid surnamed Lu!No wonder Li Yuan was satisfied, it turned out that they rented a BMW and pretended to be their own!

As soon as he entered the unit door, Shen Kang stopped again.The previous confrontations with this kid surnamed Lu did not please him. That guy is simply a reckless guy who would strike at the slightest disagreement. He went up rashly. ?
Thinking of this, Shen Kang went back to the car, pondered for a while, and secretly regretted that he had made too few friends of the same religion and class. If he knew a few gangsters at this moment, he would call him over and deal with that kid severely. alright.

Suddenly, Shen Kang's eyes lit up, and he secretly scolded himself for being stupid. Although he didn't know him, someone did!Niu Qingyou, the boss of the company that renovated the private hospital of MLGB, looks like a social person. They are engaged in decoration, and they must know a lot of people!And during the renovation of the hospital, Shenkang met Niu Qingyou, which was equivalent to half a friend.

And one more thing, Niu Qingyou knows that MLGB Group will have a lot of big projects in Haidong in the future, which is a piece of fat. As the president of MLGB in China, Shen Kang, who will eat this piece of meat is all a matter of his words.So Shen Kang felt that if he asked Niu Qingyou to do something, he would definitely not refuse.

Thinking of this, Shenkang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the boss of the decoration company, "Hi! Boss Niu, I'm Shenkang! Hello, what are you up to?"

(The three chapters are posted together, friends, remember to vote, Lao Lang is very grateful.)
 I didn't know until the pesticide was on the diamond. It turns out that diamonds are like pits, and there are still people who beat up people who don't choose what they want. Now the old wolf has been pitted into platinum again. It's too unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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