The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 562 The Unlucky Name

Chapter 562 The Unlucky Name
"Ouch! Mr. Shen, hello, hello! Do you have anything to do with me right now? Is there something wrong with the decoration of the hospital? I'll send someone there right away!" said Niu Qingyou on the other end of the phone.

"That's not true, don't be nervous!" Shen Kang laughed and said, "The quality of the hospital's decoration is very good, and the materials used are also environmentally friendly and healthy. Our people are very satisfied! I will prepare a little beer tonight. Please have a chat, that is to say, thank you for your excellent construction quality!"

"Tonight...I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, I can't do it today. I'm going to accompany a client! How about tomorrow night? My client has a lot of background, I dare not neglect..."

"Alright, then tomorrow night, don't make any other arrangements!"

"Okay! Later, you send me the address and time, and I will definitely go there on time."

Before Shen Kang had time to say "yes", he hung up the phone over there. Shen Kang couldn't help but frowned, and cursed secretly: Uneducated and rude, you really don't have manners!


Niu Qingyou looks like a rough man, with a bald head, a face full of flesh, and a round beer belly with a waistline that is about the same as the length of his trousers. Walking on the street, he looks like the kind of person who is not easy to mess with.

But at this time, his expression was very respectful, and he even said flatteringly to a man at the head of the wine table: "Brother Yi, I'm really sorry, a customer's phone call, I'll turn off the phone right away!"

Sitting in the top seat is Liu Dongyi, the manager of Xingdu KTV. Because of his solid skills and reliable work, and because of the underground parking space, he has a relationship with Huang Xing. He is very satisfied.Mr. Xiao has already decided to hand over the Red Rose Company to Xiao Qiangwei in the future, and is currently making relevant personnel arrangements step by step.Liu Dongyi is Xiao Qiangwei's subordinate. With this gust of wind, he has only been in charge of a KTV in Star City before, and now he is in charge of all the entertainment venues under the Red Rose Company.

Although the entertainment place of Red Rose Company is relatively clean, it is also a business that makes money very quickly. These days, not only the rich, but also those empty white-collar workers and even students will go to places like KTV and bars to find excitement.So Liu Dongyi has been greatly promoted this time, which is equivalent to going from a section chief to a department manager suddenly.

Niu Qingyou is a distant relative of Liu Dongyi. When he first arrived in Haidong, thanks to Liu Dongyi’s care, he was able to gain a firm foothold in the decoration industry. When he learned that Liu Dongyi had been promoted, Niu Qingyou was the host today and gave Liu Dongyi a sway. wine to celebrate.

Seeing that Niu Qingyou really wanted to turn off the phone, Liu Dongyi waved his hand and said with a smile: "I know you are busy, it's okay, don't be so polite with me."

Niu Qingyou smiled "hehe" and said, "Honestly, I was really annoyed to deal with that client just now. That person looks polite, but I always feel that that guy has a bad belly, like a poisonous snake. If it weren't for them That project makes money, I really don't want to talk to him...he wants to invite me tomorrow night, and I don't know what it is."

"Oh?" Liu Dongyi smiled, "Who is it?"

"You know the MLGB Group, right?"

Liu Dongyi was taken aback, "What kind of unlucky name is this?"

"I'm new too! But it seems that the abbreviation is these four letters..." Niu Qingyou said, "It is said that it is a world-class large group, engaged in medicine! They built several private hospitals in Haidong, and I contracted the decoration work .That client is the president of China Region of MLGB Group."

"Hehe..." Liu Dongyi laughed, "A senior white-collar worker should be a gold-collar worker."

Niu Qingyou curled his lips, "I'm not working for foreign devils... That guy's name is Shen Kang, and it's ridiculous to eat kickbacks, but fortunately, MLGB Group is rich and powerful, and it's enough for Shen Kang, so my quotation is three times the market price." Take it all down..."

After complaining about Shen Kang's black heart for a while, Niu Qingyou poured another glass of wine for Liu Dongyi, and said with a smile, "Brother Yi, when can you take me to meet the third master?"

"What do you want to see the third master for?" Liu Dongyi asked.

"The third master is a Buddha on Haidong Road. I have been in Haidong for so long, and I have never paid my respects to the third master!" Niu Qingyou said with a smile, "And I am a relative of Brother Yi, so I should visit the third master." right?"

Liu Dongyi smiled and said: "I'll look at the arrangements for this matter. In fact, I'm just an errand runner in Red Rose. I haven't seen the third master a few times... This matter depends on fate. I will give it to you." Think about it! At least, when the third master celebrates his birthday, I will find a way to give you a chance!"

"Okay! Thank you Brother Yi!" Niu Qingyou poured another glass of wine for Liu Dongyi with an excited face, "I'll toast you again!"


The next day was Monday. In the afternoon, Huang Xing went to the classroom for an unprecedented time. As usual, as soon as he entered the classroom, Chen Yan's voice came immediately.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen! Here, here!"

Seeing Huang Chen come to the classroom, Chen Yan's face blushed with joy, she couldn't help tugging at Shen Xiyan beside her, and said with a low laugh: "Haha, hard work pays off, Huang Chen finally came to class today."

Shen Xiyan is a little speechless, Chen Yan is really obsessed now, occupying a seat for Huang Chen every day, looking forward to Lu Chen's coming to class every day, Shen Xiyan is really worried that something will happen to Chen Yan's spirit after a long time.The emotion of lovesickness can also make you sick.

Since she is quite familiar with Huang Xing and knows what Huang Xing thinks about these nymphomaniacs, Shen Xiyan usually persuades Chen Yan to not be so persistent when she has the opportunity, at least not to take up a seat every time she goes to class and wait. Lu Chen, come on?Unfortunately, Chen Yan never listened to her.

Huang Xing came today, but he came to class for a reason.It was Shen Xiyan who sent a message to Huang Chen, asking him to come to the classroom in the afternoon, because the matter of going to Nantian Yutang has been finalized, and Shen Xiyan has a class meeting to discuss the arrangements.

Huang Xing is already an exception in the foreign language department, like the big class on Monday afternoon, almost no one dares to skip class, but Huang Xing often doesn't come, and the teacher turns a blind eye to this.Among them, not only the reason why Huang Xing studied well, but also the reason why Meng Yunxiang had greeted the teachers of various subjects.

It is conceivable that if Shen Xiyan didn't send that message, [-]% of Huang Chen would not come to class.

But seeing Chen Yan's excitement, Shen Xiyan couldn't tell the real reason, that would be a slap in the face.She had no choice but to smile along with Chen Yan, and said: "It's really unprecedented... But you have occupied so many times and you haven't seen him come a few times, I think you should stop occupying seats in the future."

"A thousand times, it's worth it for him to come once!" Chen Yao laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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