Chapter 597

"Yes, this suggestion is very good."

Shen Kuohai nodded, and said to Huang Xing: "The decoration should be based on the principle of convenience. In fact, I think the rooms of Xiyan and Xiaoyao on the second floor are quite good. Xiao Lu, you might as well decorate according to that template."

Huang Xing is also a little weird in his heart, isn't Shen Kuohai's management too broad?Even the decoration style?The second floor is the boudoir of Shen Xiyan and Shen Xiaoyao, and I, an old man, also make the room look like that?Wouldn't it be a joke if someone came in the future?

However, Shen Kuohai's words reminded Huang Xing, it seems that it is indeed possible to decorate a room according to the style of Shen Xiaoyao's room, if in the future, if you meet a cute girl with a girl's heart, bring it home, and when you see that room , the chances of staying overnight are absolutely great.

Besides Shen Xiaoyao's room, Shen Xiyan's room is probably well-decorated, and Shen Xiaoniu's aesthetics are pretty good, so you can really refer to it. Anyway, there are many rooms in the villa, so install two or three more feminine rooms. It's also convenient to stay with girls...

Because of the huge discount given by the Sun's family, Huang Xing suddenly had enough money for decoration, and he really could do as much as he wanted.

Huang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Uncle Shen, the decoration upstairs is not bad. I want to see the layout of Xiyan's room and give me a reference for the decoration."

These words are exactly what Shen Kuohai wanted. From his point of view, Shen Xiyan will be the hostess of Huang Xing's house in the future. Of course, decoration should be done according to Shen Xiyan's favorite style.So, Shen Kuohai nodded without hesitation, and said, "Okay! Xiyan, take Huang Chen to your room to have a look."

Shen Xiyan was a little depressed, why should she casually let Huang Xing see her boudoir?She frowned and said, "Why are you looking at my room? Just go to Xiaoyao's!"

"Xiaoyao already knows what's going on in Xiaoyao's place, and the decoration of your two rooms is different!" Shen Kuohai said.

Huang Xing smiled secretly, he was actually having a bad taste, and he just wanted to go to Shen Xiyan's room to have a look in a legitimate way.Shen Xiyan's room happened to be on the side of Sun's house, and Huang Xing planned to make a field trip to see if there was a chance to peek at Shen Xiyan in exchange for a small strawberry in the future.

Seeing the reluctance on Shen Xiyan's face, Huang Xing said deliberately: "Or forget it, maybe it's too hasty, Xiyan doesn't have time to clean up the house."

The implicit meaning of these words is that Shen Xiyan's room is in a mess and cannot be seen by others.

If you are a bit dull, you may not be able to hear it, but Shen Xiyan is a smart girl, she immediately understood Huang Xing's sinister intentions, she glared, "What do you mean?"

Huang Xing smiled, "It's nothing, why don't you wait until next time, you prepare for me to watch."

"You..." Shen Xiyan glanced at Shen Kuohai's face, secretly depressed, obviously Shen Kuohai also believed Huang Xing's hint, her boudoir is very messy!She stomped her feet a little annoyed, and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you to see it! What are you looking at my room for? Do you want to decorate your room like mine?"

"It's not impossible!" Huang Xing said, "Your room must be decorated very well. If I follow the cat's picture, I can save redesign."

"Xiao Lu is right..." Shen Kuohai smiled, "Xiyan's room was specially designed by the designer at that time, you can completely decorate it according to the decoration, and in the future you... cough cough."

Shen Kuohai was excited for a while, and almost uttered words such as "you will get married in the future", but fortunately, he was still alert, braked in time, pretended to cough a few times, and continued, "I can call that designer again. Xiaolu designs it."

"Thank you, Uncle Shen..." Lu Xing smiled, and then followed the depressed Shen Xiyan upstairs.

Shen Xiyan gritted her teeth while walking and asked, "You decorate your own, why are you looking at my room?"

"Let's learn..." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Is there something shameful in your place? Have you put away all the little strawberries? Are there any other little cherries and little apples?"

"Are you annoyed? You've changed your mind!" If it wasn't for the fear that Shen Kuohai would see it, Shen Xiyan would definitely do it again now.

Upstairs, Shen Xiyan opened the door and said angrily: "Look, hurry up!"

"Thank you!" Huang Xing walked in with a smile. In fact, he didn't go too far, the main thing was to look at Shen Xiyan's bed, the relative position of the cabinet and the window.After only a few glances, Huang Xing sighed secretly. The privacy of this room is quite good. He couldn't see anything in the Sun family's villa.

Seeing that Huang Xing just came out after a few glances, Shen Xiyan's face looked better, and finally felt that Huang Xing didn't want to spy on some privacy, but really came to see the decoration.She asked angrily, "Do you understand?"

"'s pretty good, I decided to install one like this."

"Same as me?"

"Yes! Same!"

Shen Xiyan frowned, "Are you sick? Why learn from me?"

"Isn't it okay to live with you in the future?" Huang Chen said with a smile, "Neighbors, you have to move around often. In case one day you play at my place and don't want to come back, there is a similar room so that you won't get used to it."

"You are dreaming!" Shen Xiyan said without hesitation, "Who is walking with you? Hmph!"

"A distant relative is worse than a close neighbor!" Huang Xing smiled, "I'll build you a dance practice room later, and you can go there to play when you have time."

These words moved Shen Xiyan's heart. Now her house really lacks a dedicated room where she can practice dance and yoga. Usually she practices in her bedroom, and she always feels that she can't do it well.If Huang Xing decorates a room, she can really practice in the future.

However, thinking that Huang Xing's words were often unreliable, Shen Xiyan was also a little unbelievable, so she "cut", "Are you so kind?"

Huang Xing shrugged his shoulders, "You'll know later..."


After leaving Shen's house, Huang Xing returned directly to the Red Star community, started to perfect the script of the second part of "The Fierce Tea" in the first half of the night, and practiced in the second half of the night.

The TV series "Bad Tea" can be said to have achieved great success in the Maple Leaf Country. Many people in the Maple Leaf Country discovered for the first time that the Chinese TV series are so good, even better than the TV series they usually watch. .

Due to Western countries like Maple Leaf Country, the publicity towards Huaxia is usually negative. Many people in Maple Leaf Country still think that China is a very backward country.

But through the TV series "Bad Tea", they were surprised to find that Huaxia was completely different from what they had imagined!
(End of this chapter)

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