The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 598 Calm down, don't be ashamed

Chapter 598 Calm down, don't be ashamed

The people of Maple Leaf Country were surprised to find that the cities in Huaxia are also full of high-rise buildings. There are more cars on the streets of China than in Maple Leaf Country. Most of the Chinese people are well-dressed and eat exquisite food. No cash, no bank card, all things can be done with a mobile phone.

What surprised the people of Maple Leaf Country the most was that it was nothing more than being able to buy air tickets and train tickets, but Chinese people even went to a seemingly simple vegetable market to buy a bundle of shallots, and they could pay by scanning the code with their mobile phones.Isn't Huaxia very backward?Why does it look like an alien planet in a sci-fi movie, and everything can be done with a simple swipe?

Seeing that "The Fierce Tea" came to an end, the comments on the TV station's website immediately exploded.They asked the TV stations of the MBC Group to continue broadcasting similar Chinese TV dramas.And Xue Liya also often sent messages to Huang Xing, asking about the arrangement of the second part of "The Fierce Tea".Xue Liya has already promised Huang Xing that as long as the second part of "The Fierce Tea" comes out, the price of the TV rights for the MBC Group will be at least three times the original one episode.

In Huang Xing's plan, the second part of "The Fierce Tea" is not a small investment TV series, and he does not intend to invest alone, but to introduce high-quality investors.Rose Media has already been approved by Huang Xing, and will become one of the investors in the second part of "The Fierce Tea". Another investor, Huang Xing has temporarily selected MBC Group.

For TV dramas with big investment, the quality of the script is even more important, that kind of movie with a big investment and bad plot is absolutely unbearable for Huang Chen, so the script of the second part of "The Fierce Tea" has become a more important project for Huang Chen now work.

However, compared with the first part, he will not do all the scripts for the second part by himself, he will write a summary, and leave the rest to He Yinger to complete, and let her write the second part of the script. , fully matured, and truly reached the level that Huang Xing wanted.

In Huang Xing's plan, the first part of "The Fierce Tea" just completed the take-off process, and the success of the second part is the symbol of his career success in Haidong. The second part of "Bad Tea" is not just a matter of making money, he also has to cultivate qualified talents and build a team with combat effectiveness.And Huang Xing's short-term goal is to become a world-class tycoon in the film and television media circle.


The next day was Tuesday, at around nine o'clock in the morning, Huang Xing's cell phone rang, and it was He Yinger calling.

Just after pressing the answer button, He Yinger's voice rang out, "Brother Chen...the money has arrived! It has arrived!"

Hearing the joy in her voice, Huang Xing smiled and said, "Calm down, don't embarrass me! It's only [-] million."

"...Brother Chen, my good brother! I never thought I could sell it for so much money!"

"Get used to it slowly, follow me, money will be a number from now on!" Huang Xing smiled and said, "According to the contract, type out my share, I just happen to be useful."

"Okay! Then... when will you tell the others?"

Huang Xing thought for a while, and said: "I guess when you and Yawen Lao Gao come back from Maple Leaf Country, this news will be made public, and then others should know about it. Have you booked your tickets to go there? When it's done, tell Xue Liya, she will arrange other things."

"It's booked! But when I think about participating in the exhibition, I'm really a little nervous. I never thought I would have this kind of opportunity."

"There will be more opportunities like this in the future." Huang Xing said with a smile, "In the past few days, go to the Cultural and Creative Park to see if there is any office for rent. Your studio can't be kept at home all the time, you need a special office location gone."

"Okay! I'll be there in a while!"

"You can contact Xiao Qiangwei and ask her to introduce the situation inside. She should help you."

"Yeah, good brother Chen!"

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"No, goodbye, Brother Chen!"


Not 10 minutes after hanging up the phone, Huang Xing received a text message from the bank, and He Yinger had already sent the money.

According to the contract signed during the previous investment, the 3000 million obtained from the sale of this kind of network exclusive rights, after excluding the various taxes that need to be paid, Huang Xing can get [-] million from it.

Looking at the number on the bank card, Huang Chen smacked his lips, and said with a smile: "3000 million of them should be distributed to Little Miss Shen, let's tell her together at the end of the month, what kind of expression will she have? Tsk must be very interesting... ..."

Huang Xing didn't notice it at all now, the number of times he thought about Shen Xiyan seemed to be gradually increasing.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, Huang Xing was relatively busy, because he needed to go through various procedures for house sales with Sun Jing.Buying and selling houses is a major event, the procedures are very complicated, and the order cannot be mistaken. Most people really can't handle it, so there is a profession of house buying and selling intermediaries.

However, Sun Jing seems to be very familiar with the official procedures, and Huang Xing found that when Sun Jing went to any place to go through the formalities, it was extremely smooth, and some things were said to take two or three days to complete. Here, it was done right then.Some of the various certificates that need to be issued were prepared by Sun Jing, while others were prepared by relevant organizations in advance and waited for Sun Jing to take them directly.Even the clerks at the window became serious when they saw the materials Sun Jing handed over, and their work speed was obviously accelerated.

Generally, when dealing with second-hand house sales, even if you buy a house with full payment, it will take half a month to complete the transfer procedures at the smoothest. As a result, when it came to Huang Xing, the contract was just signed at Sun's house on Monday night. At noon on Thursday, both parties had completed the transfer procedures. After it's done, Huang Xing has become the owner of that villa.

Huang Xing couldn't bear it anymore, and began to speculate about the background of the Sun family again. What is their background?

After coming out of the Housing Management Bureau, Sun Jing handed Huang Xing a business card, and said with a smile: "Xiao Lu, if you have time to go to Kyoto in the future, remember to find me!"

Although Sun Jing's business card is very delicate, the content is very simple, only her name and phone number, plus an email address.There are usually two situations for giving this kind of business card to others. One is that the owner of the business card has a special identity and everyone knows him without writing anything.Another situation means that the contact information on the business card is the relatively private contact information of the owner of the business card, and this business card will only be given to people with good personal relationships.

Obviously, this is the second situation for Sun Jing, because Huang Xing saved Mrs. Sun, so she regards Huang Xing as "one of her own".

(End of this chapter)

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