Chapter 63 Paper Cutter
Although he is full of reluctance, Zhao Min can only do what Section Chief Liu said. Huaxia's police force is indeed always insufficient, and the lovely people like to beat demons and demon spirits for everything. Zhao Min has already dealt with it this month. Going out twice and getting lost and arguing with the husband and wife that they are going to kill the police.

Collective prostitution is considered a serious case, and Zhao Min doesn't want to waste time on such a vulgar case as a love triangle. Even though he still has some doubts about Huang Xing, it won't be clear in a while, so he followed Section Chief Liu's request, Give Shen Kang a brief legal education, and then let the three leave.

Shen Kang was still relentless, threatening to go to the embassy to protest. For this kind of person who has a North American passport and doesn't know his last name, the police officers don't look good on him.

Huang Xing was about to leave, but Zhao Min stopped him and said, "Citizens must obey the law! You can't harm Shen Kang for no reason, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, you will be punished by the law..." Huang Xing shrugged, with a look of indifference, "Beautiful policeman, what else do you need? If not, I want to ask a personal question."

Zhao Min frowned and said, "What's the problem?"

"Your phone number... I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free." Huang Xing said with a smile.

Zhao Min's face turned cold, "No comment! Let's go!"

At this time, the siren blared outside, and several police Ivecos parked in the yard of the police station. More than [-] people got off the cars one after another, including men and women, and men in all kinds of clothes. The women are all wearing cool sleeveless black one-piece skirts, with low necklines, dazzling grooves, white arms and legs exposed, and their professional attributes can be seen at a glance.

They were all in handcuffs, with their heads bowed, and they walked inside one after another in accordance with the requirements of several policemen.

Zhao Min quickly pulled Huang Xing aside, "Don't get in the way, we'll leave later!"

Huang Xing sighed heavily on purpose, "I thought you wanted to give me your phone number."

Zhao Min glanced at him and ignored him.

At this time, those men and women walked into the gate of the police station one after another in a long line, and special personnel would question them to identify those who were organizers and which were for sale.As for those who were bought together, they will call their relatives to pick them up.

When the last man in line walked in, Section Chief Liu who was standing near the door suddenly frowned, pointed at him and said, "Wait a minute, raise your head!"

The man's body shook, he didn't raise his head, but lowered his head even deeper.

"Section Chief, this is for sale! And the spectrum is so big, he claims to sue us for brutal law enforcement!" A police officer next to Section Chief Liu whispered, "He claims to be an executive of a listed company..."

Section Chief Liu waved his hand and continued to stare at the man, "You raise your head up!"

The man continued to lower his head, his body began to tremble slightly.


Everyone realized that something was wrong. Chief Liu had obviously discovered something, and some clever police officers had already started preparing police weapons.The scene fell into a suffocating silence.

The outside door suddenly opened, Cheng Yaqiu walked in, she went out the door before Lu Chen, waited for a long time but didn't see Lu Chen coming out, so she pushed the door and went in to call him.

The police officers outside didn't know what was going on inside, but the police officers inside were all focused on the man, and no one stopped Cheng Yaqiu.

After entering the door, Cheng Yaqiu saw Huang Xing at a glance, and waved: "What are you still doing inside? Let's go!"

Huang Xing secretly said "Oops", that suspicious man is near the door, and Cheng Yaqiu's position is too close to him.Not only Huang Xing, Section Chief Liu, Zhao Min and other police officers also realized that the situation was not good, but before everyone could warn, the suspicious man suddenly stepped back, hugged Cheng Yaqiu with his right hand, and immediately caught Cheng Yaqiu At the same time, with his left hand, he took out a detonator with a diameter of five centimeters and a length of about one foot. The head of the detonator was slightly thicker, and there was a red button on it.This is a modified explosive, based on the detonator used to detonate explosives in mines, and a pressure-fired detonating device is added.

The handcuffs that were supposed to hold him had been opened at some point, and were hanging on his right wrist.The man yelled frantically: "Do you know? This is a detonator! Tell her... Mom to back off! Otherwise, we will die together!"

Cheng Yaqiu's neck was strangled, she couldn't speak, she was too scared to move, she could only look at the policemen in the room as if asking for help.

All the police officers present looked ugly, Section Chief Liu cursed inwardly, which bastard was so negligent, why didn't he even find something like a detonator?

"Calm down!" Chief Liu pointed at the man and shouted, "You're just looking at the man, it's not a serious crime, if you do it like this, it's going to be a big deal!"

"Hahaha!" The man yelled frantically, "Do you believe this? Prepare a car for me! Hurry up! Otherwise, I'll take this girl with me!"

As he spoke, he raised his left hand high, put his thumb on the red button, and looked at everyone proudly.

"Calm down!" Chief Liu said, "Isn't it just a car? There are plenty of them here, you let them go first!"

"Fart!" The man became even more frantic, "You think I'm stupid, don't you? Hurry up and get the car ready, or I'll strangle this girl to death!"

He tightened his arms while talking, Cheng Yaqiu's face turned purple from being strangled, she tried hard to break the man's arm, but it was of no avail.If it was delayed for a while, with this man's madness, he might really strangle Cheng Yaqiu to death.

Now the closest to the man is Section Chief Liu, followed by Zhao Min and Huang Xing. Zhao Min's eyes flickered with hesitation. If she was closer, she would be sure to subdue the man before he pressed the button, but at this distance, She is less than three points sure.

When Zhao Min was thinking about how to shorten the distance quietly, suddenly a figure flashed in front of him.Huang Xing beside her has already rushed out.

"Do not……"

Just as Zhao Min uttered half a word, Huang Xing had already arrived at the man's side.With a wave of his right hand, the paper knife in his hand pierced the man's neck like a hot knife cutting butter without stopping.

The sharp blade precisely pierced the gap in the man's cervical spine, instantly cutting off his central nervous system. Even if he wanted to press the button now, his hands would not listen to the control of his brain.The paralyzed man was about to fall down as soon as his hands were loose, Huang Xing raised his hand to catch the detonator, put his other arm around Cheng Yaqiu's waist, and jumped to the side.


A complete "don't" was finally spat out from Zhao Min's mouth, but at this time the man had already fallen to the ground.

Huang Xing held the detonator in one hand, and patted the back of Cheng Yaqiu who was coughing profusely with the other.Cheng Yaqiu was really frightened, coughing and crying, and Huang Xing kept comforting her in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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