The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 64 Lemon Lipstick, I Like It

Chapter 64 Lemon Lipstick, I Like It
"Give me the detonator!"

Zhao Min didn't care about other things, rushed to Huang Xing, and reached out to snatch the detonator.

With a flick of his wrist, Huang Xing avoided Zhao Min's grasp, "Be careful! Are you trying to explode?"

Zhao Min was taken aback for a moment. Her grab just now was not simple, but she did not expect that Huang Xing would easily dodge her. She gave Huang Xing a meaningful look, and said seriously: "This is a dangerous item, and it should be handed over to us. !"

"Here..." Lu Xing smiled, handed the detonator to Zhao Min, and then said to Cheng Yaqiu, "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

"I..." Before Cheng Yaqiu could finish speaking, her body suddenly softened and she fell into Huang Xing's arms.

Huang Xing quickly supported Cheng Yaqiu to sit on the seat next to her, checked it out, and breathed a sigh of relief, she must have been too nervous just now, simply put, she was scared.

He pinched Cheng Yaqiu's crowd, then patted her face, "Yaqiu, Yaqiu..."

With a sound of "wow", Cheng Yaqiu woke up, saw Huang Xing clearly in front of her, her eyes were red, and she hugged him and cried.

"It's okay, it's okay." Huang Chen patted her on the back lightly, and said with a smile, "Brother Chen is here, don't be afraid of anything! Be good, little girl, don't cry..."

Cheng Yaqiu wiped away tears, "'re talking nonsense again...I'm your teacher!"

"Be good, teacher... don't cry, don't be afraid! Smile..." Huang Xing continued to interrupt.

Cheng Yaqiu finally let out a chuckle, "I was scared to death just now! I thought I was going to die... What happened to that man?"

Seeing that Cheng Yaqiu was about to turn his head, Huang Xing quickly covered her eyes and turned her face back. The man was dead to the point of death, with a ferocious expression, if Cheng Yaqiu saw it, he would definitely be terrified again.

"There's nothing to see, can I go?" Huang Xing helped her stand up, "You have a broken neck, go to the hospital to bandage it."

There was a bloody cut on Cheng Yaqiu's snow-white neck, which was scratched by the handcuffs on the man's wrist. Cheng Yaqiu felt a little pain at this moment, nodded, and followed Huang Xing out.

At this time, the detonator had been handed over to special personnel, and Section Chief Liu arranged for people to interrogate the people who had just been arrested.Zhao Min stayed to examine the mysterious man's wound. The result of the examination made her terrified. The paper knife penetrated all the way to the root, and the angle was very tricky, just piercing along the gap between the cervical spine.This is the first time Zhao Min has seen such a precise technique.Moreover, Huang Xing's speed just now surprised her very much. Is that the speed that humans can have?
Seeing that Huang Xing was about to go out, she quickly stood up and shouted: "Huang Xing! Stop, you can't go!"

Huang Xing sighed, and turned around, "I've already given you the detonator, what else do you want?"

Zhao Min said with a sullen face, "You killed someone just now!"

"Ah!" Cheng Yaqiu finally saw the man's death, screamed out in fright, and hugged Huang Xing tightly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Huang Xing said helplessly, "He can't hurt you anymore!"

"He...he died?" Cheng Yaqiu asked stammeringly.

Huang Xing shrugged, "He's going to do his best with the detonator, he deserves it if he dies!"

Zhao Min walked up to Huang Xing and said, "You can't leave for the time being, you need to leave a statement! Everyone has seen what happened just now, so don't have any psychological burden. And this person... After our investigation just now, it is The country's A-level wanted criminal has been at large for three years."

"Well... it's almost the same..." Huang Xing looked at Cheng Yaqiu's neck, and said, "Go to the hospital first, get some medicine, so as not to get infected, by the way, let them send you there! You are here The police station is injured, they have an unshirkable responsibility!"

"Xiao Zhang, take Miss Cheng to the hospital to treat the wound!" Without waiting for Huang Xing to say more, Zhao Min took the initiative to ask a colleague to take charge.

"Then..." Cheng Yaqiu hesitated a little, "Lu Xing, what about you?"

Huang Xing said with a smile: "I'll stay and record a statement, don't worry, go quickly, I'll call you as soon as I get out!"

"Okay..." Cheng Yaqiu immediately followed a young policeman to the hospital.

Afterwards, Zhao Min said "Follow me" to Huang Xing, and walked towards the back.

Following Zhao Min came to the inquiry room again. As soon as he entered the room, Zhao Min locked the door behind him casually, his face sank, and he asked, "Who did you learn your kung fu from?"

Huang Xing sat down on the chair that should have been a police officer, and said with a smile: "This is private, no comment!"

Zhao Min asked with a cold face, "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Haidong?"

Huang Chen shrugged, and said with a smile, "I heard that there is a very beautiful girl named Zhao Min in the Haidong Police Station, so I traveled across the ocean to find her! Today I finally met her, and I really didn't make my trip in vain! Zhao Min Min, I don't know if I should say something or not..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Min said with frost on his face, "Don't tell me, right? I'll know once I try it!"

Before she finished speaking, she rushed towards Huang Xing, made a false move with her right hand, and kicked towards Huang Xing with a sweeping kick.

Huang Xing's eyes narrowed, Zhao Min's kung fu was much better than that Wan Jiangliu's. This kick, without ten years of Tan Kung Fu, would definitely not be able to kick it.

"Good leg!" Huang Xing smiled slightly, stretched out his left hand, and held it on Zhao Min's ankle impartially, as if Zhao Min sent it to the door.

After holding the ankle, Huang Xing squeezed it lightly, and said with a smile: "As expected of a beauty, the ankle is so thin!"

"Bastard!" Zhao Min turned cold, twisted her slender waist, and the other leg lifted off the ground like lightning, kicking Huang Xing directly in the head.

"Let's take off! Beauty!" With a flick of his left wrist, Huang Xing patted her little leg.

Zhao Min only felt a huge force coming up her legs, and her body immediately flew up sideways uncontrollably.

Huang Xing jumped up, Ling Kong caught Zhao Min, hugged him in his arms, and said with a smile: "Not bad, standard weight, and a good figure!"

"Shameless!" Zhao Min stared, and waved towards Huang Xing.

"Don't be so excited!" Huang Xing freed up a hand, easily grabbed her wrist, twisted and pressed, and pressed her arm in front of him, and even pinned her other hand up.

Zhao Min only felt as if she was chained by iron chains. She twisted her body vigorously and said angrily, "Let go! Let me go!"

"Let go of you, you're going to do it again! You'd better calm down like this!" Huang Xing held her tightly with his hand.

While Zhao Min was struggling, suddenly a strange feeling came from her chest, Huang Xing deliberately pressed her hand on the sensitive place, and she twisted her body vigorously, just in time to stimulate herself.Zhao Min bit her lip, and stared at Huang Chen fiercely, "Who the hell are you?"

Huang Xing put his head in front of Zhao Min, less than ten centimeters away from her face, and said with a smile: "Beauty, you are so beautiful, let me kiss you, and I will tell you after I kiss you!"

Zhao Min rolled his eyes, " have to keep your word."

She breathed a sigh of relief, raised her chin slightly, closed her eyes, and raised her petal-like red lips slightly, as if she was ready to be picked by you.

"It's quite the way!" Huang Xing was not polite, bowed his head and kissed her.

At this time, a sudden change occurred, Zhao Min suddenly opened his eyes, retracted his chin, and smashed his forehead towards Huang Xing's temple.

"I knew you were cheating!" Huang Xing smiled lightly, tilted his head, not only avoided the fatal blow, but also rubbed his mouth against Zhao Min's lips.

He laughed, raised his hand and threw Zhao Min out, "It tastes good! Lemon lip balm, I like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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